4 The Daily Reporter, ’All pulsed in ;i moment, and I had hardly recovered tuy first surprise wheu Z£thKwas.£>qie. I * little while, v v v ”” ' v s -s D. c. eeuiMt as sfrange ás if 1 had smld/'Afy bt. ttme the heroine of a fair» tale: then '•gidtlAjaxifit'ki .*>• •jcnowiLself. V^le. - .Feb. VtÂnSÎ ■ •. *» • r i vVt/fl: cart>a!e! fit-*'I r ice.’jipt .sad-coliHtSI gowit-. Tf soon !- Might rh*-back t<\,l he, realities of life, ami to the fact tliki 'I wa.S now two !i mired miles away fro u my mother ami iwm-aLondon. I had not been three weeks resident in the I.e Poer family, before 1 discov­ ered that if out <♦' the domestic myste­ ries into which 1 became gradually in- AN OLD GOVERNESS’S TALE—! itialSfll fihuld create any fu’i y tuie. it would oetis.n y l>e that of •Cinderella;’’ but tny poor Cinderella had all the FOUNDED ON FACT. troubles of her prototype without any of the graces either of nrnd or person. *✓ 'ltLsagfeat mistake to suppose that 4 every victim of tyranny must of neces­ nv Mias mui ock . sity be an an get. On most minds op­ has e\ac^(y the opposite effect. Ignorant as 1 was, I did dimly, un- pression It dulls the int/es. stupefies the in- derstand, colored deeply . and si­ .stinctive.sqii.v* of right, ami makes the lent. In the unpleasant pausé Which most awful iitiroc amon f the natural ensued, I noticed that Mrs. Le Poer affections. — L I ua* often ........ forced to doubt had let her.knitting fall, and sat («king whether Mr. te I'oer ir was very far on her husband With a blank, horpvfia wrbhg when tie'called Z Zillah bv his i'a- look, until he called her to order by an vorite name of the “ ugly little devil 17” Impressive “A little more wine, my There was .something sometlung qui quite demoni^d dear!” Her head sank with an alarmed ij;.tier,biaCk 1Y» hav lx* vi Air 'Atr Ad at times. fttswexaei She «Sixx* was !«• eyas ejes la-( — nture. go find her lord .and master con- gesture, of ttib Languor of her native _ ‘dressing me: “Of eourse this dime?' Neitfier tinged ’ a<4
  • o far as ZiJIalrs Kraised. eard the common civility, “Tli.mlf imall capacity allows. I belfeve/’ and yoti, ” .Until 1 came into the house! he smiled sarcastically, “her modiciita. since, when 1 uttered it, she seemed of intellect is not greater than general­ scarcely to believe her ears. When »she she ly “belongs to ber mother’s race. ;Sbe joined uk iij the ^jljQobroom Ifotmqthe wbuld iftake art excellent ^‘aÆ'And that giiTwAsverv ignorafit. Her yodngeef is all.” before her even in the “Poor thing!” I thought, not inclined cousin was rar knowledge; and, as in all to «Jestpise her ev.en after this painful commonest of dtfatjtened intellect, it cost her information; how crtuld L when—now cases incalculable trouble td learn the siiu- that fairiv nonplussed me! What made Eiest things. I took infinite pains with me giri an ooject ot interest to Mr. er, aye, and felt in her a strong inter­ Sutherland? and why did he mention her as Miss Zillah Le Poer when she est-ten times stronger than in the oth­ could legally have no right to the name? er two; yet for we^ks she seeme.l I »Should, in my straightforward way, I scarcely to,have advanced at all. How­ have asked the question, but Mr. Le- ever, it must be taken into account Poer’s manner showed that he wished that she was rarely suffered to rema:n no more .conversation. He hinted with mevhalf the schdol-hours without something about my fatigue, and the l>eitt^ summoned to some menial duty advisability of retiring; nay, even light­ or otnbr, and the one maid-servant be­ ed mv candle for me. and dismissed his stowed on me many black !>»oks, as be­ ing the cause why she herself had some wire ana myseit wiufaii an and gracious, that I thought I had times to do a morning's household work scarcely ever seen such a perfect gen­ alone. Often 1 puzzled myself in seeing how tleman! Mrs. Ije Poer preceded me up-stairs strangely incompatible was Zillah’s po­ to my room, hade me good-night, asked, sition with Mr ¿Sutherland's expressed timidly, but kindly, if al! was to my desire concerning her. Sometimes 1 liking and if I would take anything thought I would write and explain all more—seemed half-inclined to say I to him; but I did not like. Nor did 1 something else, and then, hearing her tell my mother half the denagreiM D hrlsbnnd’s voice, instantaneously dis and odd things belonging to this fami­ appeared. such reticence I ly—considering that I was at last alone. I sat thinking even toward her nearest kindrod is over this strange evening—so strange every governess’s duty. In all domes­ that it kepi mv thoughts rom ini medi­ tic circles there must be a little Eleus- ately flying where 1 had supposed they inia, the secrets of which chance ob­ Were sure to fly During my cogita­ servers should strictly keep. More than once I determined to take tions there camé a knock at the door, and on my answering it, a voice snoke advantage of the very polite and socia­ without, in a duli. «itlçn tone. and an ble terms which Mr. l^e l’oer and my­ accent slightly foreign ami broken— self were on, to speak to him on the “‘rléasè do you Want to ba culled to­ in adopting his brother's unfortunate morrow. and will you have any hot child might not suffer by being testified water?” in a more complete and gracious form. I opened the door at once to Zillah. But he was so little at home- and no “Is it you, dear? Come in and say wonder; for the miserably dull, seclud­ good-night to me.” ed and nainfully-economical way in The girl entered with the air and which they lived could have little manner of a servant except for a cer- efiarms for a man of fashion and talent, tain desperate sullenness. I took her or at least the remains of such, which hand, and thanked her for coming to he evidently was. And so agreeable see after tny comforts. She looked as he could be! His conversation at thoroughly astonished; but as I went meals—the only time I ever saw him— on talking, began to watch me with was a ¡’»ositive relief from the «lull more interest. Once she aven smiled, blank, broken' ortly by ths girls’ squab­ which threw a soft expression over her bles and their m >ther’s faint remons­ mouth. I cantiot tell what reason I trances and complaints. But whenev­ had- whether from a mere impulse of er. bydirit of groat courage. I contrived kindness, with which my own state of to brihg Zillah's name on tire tapis, he desolation had something to, do, or Sways no adroitly crept out of the sub «•t,‘ without pointedly changing it, whether I compelled myself front a •ense of duty to tgke all means of mak- , that afterward I i^sed to woymlpr how 1 Ing a.gpod first lmprrssmu on tfie gix|’« feelings but tyjién I l>ade Zillah go<*l- nignt I leaned forward, and just < The Witt acherfie f tried was one touched her brown cheek with mine— which, in many family jars and family French fashion i for I could not really i bitternesses MDOM which - -- my calling has ?la< placed ed me. me, I have nave found to answer an* we; kiss anybody .except for love. ingly maxim that —.« Well, .... f , It is my ........... — I never saw a creatiire so utterly amal.j. ----------- . -J«, e - amazed! She might never have re­ ‘‘a wrong is seldom a one-sided wrong; ceived that token of affection since her and when you cannot amend one party birth.' She muttered a few unintelligi­ the next best thing is to try the other. Likewise'. I alwavs always had adoctrine a doctrine that ble words—I fancy they weré in f(in- Likewise*. those instinct , — —, who have the r= — dostanee — flung herself before ' me, it is only Eastern fashion, and my poor hand was and the sins of servitude who will re­ kissed passionately, weepingly. ai,the J main hopelessly oppressed. I deter­ beloved ladies' hands are in novels and mined to try tf there was anything in romances. Ah! my* hand was never Zillah’s mind or disposition that could *-• iTtlrdned. saastO-rendar hetworthv kiased save bv thisnoor child! THE HALF-CASTE. or a*ifigni^|M>sition*tiiaii,nt«lt s*** uaa pienisnment or my watUrorw,' and * nr, “if I much as her reserve permitted, 1 lured had thought indeed you should have her into conversation on every indiffer­ asked me before. lx»t me see, you have ent subject. All I wanted wax to get been hero six months, and our stipulat­ at the girl’s heart. ed sum was------- ” One day I was lecturing her in a qui­ 1 thougnt be hesitated on account of et way on the subject concerning which the delicacy some gentleman feel in sire was the first young woman that business-dealings with a lady; indeed I m»ede4 lecturing—care over her person­ supposed it was from th^it cause he had al appearance. She certainly was the never spoken td me on money matters. most slovenly girl I ever saw. Poor However, 1 felt no such delicacy, but thine! she t a many excuse*- for answered plainly: "Mv salary, Mr. though the wl Te familv dressed shab- Sutherland said, was to lie one hundred bily. and, wor^. i—tawdrily, _____ , her clothes ,__ guineas a year.” were the meanest of all. Still, nothing “Ekhctly so; and payable yearly, I but positive rags <;an excuse a woman believe? for neglecting womuuly neatness. I lessly. ” Mr. 1/» Poer added care­ often urged despairingly upou poor Zil­ I had not remembered that; but lah that the coarsest frock was no apol­ of Now, douree'hi knew.- 11CMVVert, F looked ogy for untidy bait; that the most un­ pleasant work did not exclude the pos­ sibility oT making face and hands clean ness, I confessed the fact that I wanted after it was waa ove over. the money for habiliments. "Look at*Tò :ours, my dear,” said I “Oh, is that a!l? Then pray, my ex­ once, taking ths reluctant fingers and cellent yourtg lady, go with (’liroliiai to spreading them out oh mihe. Then I If —u- at ohce. Order anytfiW^' you saw wu«*t T ùav»>«>•» ’".diced in the like pf my trail esja-ople. » Bid them jut tnnaoo race, now denote was tne —j desnite her al! to my acrounl: we can settle after­ •bane of her hinds, avan n ;Utí .... servants ’___ ..I’wurx. Lto .out ner so; ror ward. No excuses: indeed you must." ....... there wm little in a creatiite so ¿Lushed ih„_ ___ He boweliae ¡m l Matilda. are like my mother1«, who was very To l>e Continued. handsome, and a Tarsee.” "Do you remetn'bef'her?" "A little, not much; and chiefly her hands which were covered with ringB. SEVENTH ANNUAL One, a great diamond, was worth, sne tojd me. ever so many hundred rupees. It WHS lost once and my mother cried. 1 saw it a good while after on my fath­ er's finger wheii he wivs dying," contin­ ued she carelessly; ufld afterward add­ 'd mysteriously, ‘T think he stole it." "IÌush, child! hush! It is wrong to su ik s of a dead father,” cried I, ai . •b - >•y m der 1 mind was so hill of her that I' was glad year of age. Following la a list of prize» offered: For the to get her visible self out of the way. She went, lazily ami stupidly as ever. prettiest baby, gold necklace; lighteat and Only at the doòr she punned. “You heaviest baby under one year of age, eaoh a ring; outline work by a child under won’t tell what I've been saying, Miss gold year«, first prize, ear rings, second Pryor?— You’ll not mention my mother fourteen ntize, wrap book: Kensington embroidery, lierore them? I did oncé; and they first prize, napkin ring, second prize, box laughed and made game of her, writing paper; kensington painting, first ‘uncle and all. They did- -they---- ” She prize, inanioure set. aeoond prize, braoket; literally foaming at the mouth ornvuii work, first prize, paper holder, seccnd prize, pitcher; boy's work, first prize, paper ‘‘Come in again; do. my poor child,” holder, seoond prize, inkstand. said I, gently appi okchltttf. , RUl she Parade or Firemen Tuesday af­ shut the door hurriedly, ana ran down­ ternoon. stairs to the kitchen, where she slept with her dire enemy, yet sole compan­ Doors will be open at 7 o’clock, ion. the servant-maid. p. m. dally, dolly, during the Hix monttis after coming to the Le- Fair. i’ners’ I began heartily to wish for some —All are invited to Attend— of my salary; not that I had any'doubt of it—Mr. Batlierhsnd had said It was Admission 25 Cents safe and sure»—bui .1 wanted some re- By Order of C ommitteb .