The Daily Reporter, n. e. M k Y.AN» I’l-Hl.h-HEKK. Mi i pl inn HHIr*. l *• the school since New Year, and I ' ■ i so has the clerk ami many oth ers. JOB ft WORTMAft 1 think we shall soon get news Keprepenls ie following sterling compan- from the outside world, for we ies: London___________ ; Liverpool _ A ______ Globe, , _____ North British A , Mercantile. Commercial Union AND learn a telegraph line will soon Fire Association, German American. Fir»- A ~ «4 man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo be completed from Amity to General Rrl erenandise. Nevada. State Inveatpnent. Wheat insurance a specialty. Bridwell, on the N. G. R. R. —-o--------- I guess Mayor Brown is going *» Sole Agent for the Celebrated • A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON to take a boarder. I heard a lady say he was taking more Dealers In tr grub to his house than any one man could eat. Well, we are HARDWARE, ; sure his house is too nice to hold Assortment of these Popular Goods TINWARE & only a bachelor. E. S. L. 4 r ^JIsi'KLLA^UOUb High license is taking the .place -of prohibition rapidly. Clarence Turner has had more Our wish that whiskey may be taxed up to 5(1 cents a drink may than his $5.00 worth of sleigh­ yet be fulfilled. The Pennsyl­ riding. His satisfaction is satu» vania legislature is considering rated. a bill fixing the license tax in A knot of old timers “met by cities of the first class at $600; of chance” yesterday in this city the second, third ami fourth and some of the old scenes of olass, $500; townships and bor- McMinnville early days were re­ ouglis, of twenty thousand in- counted. It was a pretty tough habitants, $400. There are place, back in the fifties. strong probabilities that it will Now is the time to subscribe. pass. Senator Watts, has framed a bill which is to take the place Remember that there is a home of and supply the defects of the nursery at Lafayette, when you want trees. Address E. R. Poppleton. Ready law. The provisions of the bill are about the same as Chas. Greening has established a wood in this city, and sells oak those of the Ready bill, except IB-inch yard cut at $4.00 per cord ; fir four that $500 is the price to be paid feet, $2.25, and other qualities in like fora license instead of $300 ; and proportion. the consent of a majority of the Bring on your job work We are voters of any precinct has to be now prepared to do job work in the latest and most approved style of the obtained before the county court art. can issue a license to sell liquor. The Weekly Reporter, a faithful Incorporated towns are not in­ and complete compendium of the cluded in (he provisions of the week’s news, is furnished for 12| cents a month. act, which is all the objection we find to the bill. * I ‘ IN ALL THE LATES2 NOVELTIES, NEW AMD DESIRA­ Agiiculfural Imp ements, Pumps. BLE COLOR­ Pipes, Etc. INGS, 9 Alli of which will be sold as JUST RECEIVED. Please Call and Examine. W hat we G uarantee | We Make a Specially of all FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR Kinds of Job Work Par­ MANUFACTURE. ticularly To be made from the very best ma- Iron and Tin Roofing, terial, by skillful workmen, with the latest and most approved machinery, Galvanized iron Cornices and window cape. In faot we do auythiug that comes in and to be the cheapest goods in the our line, with neatness and dis market when service is considered. patch and, Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather, or in a shower, without fear of being rained Bring on your designs and we will oat yoar patterns, and do your work, and by curling or shrinking. don’t you forget it. The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ ishing is done in such a manner, that ville, Oregon A. H. A O. O HODSON. the goods can be washed if desired without the least injury to fabric. Our goods are wool dyed, and colors as fast as the purest dyes and greatest care and skill can make them. Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ •F------ tre used to increase the weight or fin­ Representative Hermann got ish ; as is the case with a large class of his bristles up about post office i goods in the market, but which disap­ AT THE discriminations against Oregon J Third St., Opposite pears after a few days’ service, ami spoke somewhat hotly about I As manufacturers we have taken YAMHILL CO. BANK. great pains to supply an article in it. He may rest assured that D on ’ t F orget the P lack , every way reliable, and unsurpassed democrats as well as republicans MoMinnville, Oregon. by similar goods, either foreign or do­ —Where you will— will stand to his back whim such mestic, and would respectfully ask an demagogism as “economy” ini examination of the various styles and this matter is made use of to de­ shades to be found on sale by mer­ fraud Oregon people of reason­ Will be sold at Public Auction to the chants who are agents for the goods. higbe«it bidder, a tine large Kitchen Kang« All goods of our manufacture should able mail facilities. He insisted a I moat new, auitable for a large family, a hotel or reetaurwnt. bear the name and trade mark of that every American community B roadhead W orsted M ills , Beds and Bedding. is entitled to reasonable mail Jamestown. N. Y. Never Tell You it Can't be Done. YAM HILL CO., St. Charles Hotel, Saturday, February 12th. facilities, regardless of expense, CAKPE'1'H. Kitohen and Dining Room .nd if hi. for additiou.l service was not. granted, he B”*nt*on I TERJIS OF SALE: should feel compelled to place the department on trial before Ail m I m under $10. Osh. All aale« over $10, eight months credit, with approved congress and demand an investi­ note«. Thia is a positive and peremptory Mile. gation. f . mult nek . | ALWAYS EIND D C. IRELAftD A CO., LATESTSTYLES. rias Job Printers, Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agent« for the —_ ... _ Nc Winn villc, Oregon. Brownsville Woolen Will, Carrying a full line of all goods made by these oelebrsted mill»