POPULAR MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. ROUTES. .VI <• >1 i in» villo Oregonian R. R. Co. limited Line, LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. OTHO CHANT Portland and Willamstie Valley Railway. Im c c u *- a, . LOGAN BROS, I HENDERSON. Sheridan 11 i xed. Coburg and A irlie Mail. From Portland. Fine Carriage*, Slack* and *»anablo rates as any where in Oregon. Now al ible Third St., M Minnvillo. Manufacturer and Dealer In Accoinrnooations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Franeiaco of nil kinds. San Francisco Jnat received an extra hue lot < f Black w hit 'Fur iturt, ubd designs. Call and prici ny stook. ILtll.Y l’A' ft »♦« ft * Oregon and California, West side, trains connect at Corvallis. The steamship Yaquina city, which has been undergoing repairs, nnd the Santa Ma­ li« will each sail on the dates below named: T? OUTE "*♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦ FROM YAQUINA. Yaquina City.............. Thursday, Jan. 27 Sun.a Maria............. . Wednesday, Feb. 2 Ysqoinn City............................. Tuesday Feb. 8 1,1 Maria .... Monday Feb. I I Vaquina City .... Sunday Feb. 20 Santa Maria ....Saturday. Feb. 26 Yaquina City Friday, March 4 A. A. 1Í1 SVv'N CITY MA 1 THE KROM SAN EllANl’tBCO. KE.NYUN &. RAY, Proprietors. (Successor to W. F **xyoooxnv* * mk * x * x *. y » • <»> ’mnmmmiTii»: mining Bangatmcr.) Will keep on hand nt till times the very beet quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ tained iu the market, and respectfully aolioit a »hare of the public patronage gjff- Giveils n trial order and we will guarantee aatisf notion I Ate of Independence, having purchased the TBAHS TRICK* Of Log*» Bros A Henderson, offers hi» eervioe* in that line to the public, and will Ainarantee *ati*iaction To all who favor him with their patronage. Ho will keep a wagon apeoially adapted to the delivery of paro l», trunks satchels etc., for the accomodation of the public Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended tc al reasonable rstee-x Santa Maria Vaquina City Santa Maria.... Yaquina City Santa Maria.... Vaquina City .Friday Jan. 28 Thursday, Feb. 3 T Wednesday Feb 9 XjQ VVv£U Tuesday Feb. 15 Mon ay, Fi b. 21 Sunday Feb. 27 TO Daily Pnasenger Trains (Except Sundays,) 6:20 a. m. Leve» Yaquina .... Arrive Corv. Ilia ................ 10:38 a. in. 11:30 a. m. Arrive Albany 12:40 p. ni. Leave Albany 1:22 p ni. Arrive Corvallis.... .... _____ _____ .. 5:45 p. in. Arrive Vaquina The < ompanv reacrvea thè righi to ohangc sailing days. Parva, between Corvallia and I c» __ <>.it __ a zvu;» Ban Francisco, Rail and (labin. tu. »14; Kai) and Steerage, »9.88. For information informatici ai . T ìar T HOGUE, CHA Acting Gen. F. and Pam. Corvallis. 1’ DIHECI KOI Tfc! -, i ,•>*» ***> k * x **V nuur ijwii I OlllUtllllllil ---- o---- _ ..45. iEM TRAINS! 75 s X ar T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. X w *ILCS T lch <> - PKOimSF.Tr POINT* Tl» rouir It out the Fast mill fioatbeaat, FAST 1’5 RO! * HT BE CAREFUL AND DO NO'T MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------- And see that your ticket reads via Portland and St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS ___ Z To avoid ehangee and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Êxpress Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! *1------- TP QUICKEST TIME! ------- o------- GKNF.RAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, , No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A, D. CHARI.TON, G.s.ral Westers Passenger Agent.