Ttie D«My ttéportdr. MISCELLANEOUS, the price for 1888 to $1.00 per MISCELLANEOUS. year. D. C. IREI.AND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Senators Hare, Siglin and First National Bank, Subscription Kate.. Gray have oar thanks for docu­ —OF m ’MINNVXLLE, OREGON.— By Carrier per week.......................... 10 cent« ments. I Payable on .Saturday.) ------ OFFICERS :------ Single Copy....................................... ? “ J acob W ortman ..................... President Representatives Lafollett luid By Mail M) oeuta per Month (In Advance.) W. D. F enton .................Vice-president Headquarters for Little and assistant secretary J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier Kates for Advertising will please accept Transacts a General Banking business. Will imide aatiafiictory to all applicnnta. Hodgkins Interest allowed on time deposits. thanks for numerous special fa­ Collections made on favomble terms. Sight Exchange and Teh graphic Tran stets McMinnvdie, Or - Feb. 8, 18s7 vors. on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in. Whoever else is discommoded, THE RFPORTER 8Y STEAM. there is one class that thorough­ This is bad weather for budding, ly enjoy tin* snow, and that is JOHN WORTMAN the children : their bright laugh ­ Represents the following sterling compan­ hut so soon as men can work to ies: London