DAILY EVENING REPORTER. ——■■■■ VOL. II. M c M innville . O regon , hesday , F ebruary NO. 32 The Daily Reporter, Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. ---------- o--------- D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. ». €’. IRELAND & Co., PIB1.INIIF.KK. T he D ailt R kpobtkb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 •ents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W ehit K rpobtbb . Fine Book and Job Prinltr*. We beg leave to annuunoe to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads. Statements. Business Cardß. Ladies Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs* Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- vinoed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. DOCTURN LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH. Offioe over Braly’s Bank. Ketf iniivlllr, £.---------------------- ■ - ... G. W. GOUCHER. Oregon. E. E GOUCHER. Coucher & Coucher. PHYSICIANS ANI) HUROEON8 M c M inn ville .... O regon . Office and residence, corner of Third and D. streets, next to the postoffice. JAS. M’CAIN. H. nOBLKY. McCain & Hurley, ATTO H N E Y N- A T-L A AV AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid to abstracts of till« and settlement of estates in probate Office—Jail buiding. up stairs. Mrs. M. Sliadden Fashionable Dressmaker riFi 'he Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop n roads and high­ ed herself to be a skillful vocal­ ways—C. Palmer, E. Wright and ist, and was warmly welcomed.’' O.O. Hodson. Ou immigration A Salem cotemporary referring —J. E. Magers, D. C. Ireland to her appearance at the capital and Win. Galloway. says: “ She has a fine, express­ COMMUNIAL’ATIONH. ive dear, cut face, lovely eyes, The communications from and hair like golden jasamine, a Hon. J. W. Walts, relative to lithe, graceful figure, and a matters pending in the assembly, charming presence. Dressed in were referred to the committee exquisite taste, her appearance on legislation with instructions “Half Caste,” which was so cheerfully accepted by our week­ made an ensemble that was ex­ i to report at 1 p. m. to-day. tremely attractive. Her greatest RESOLUTIONS. ly patrons’recently, will now be The following preamble and published in the Daily, Save charm is the perfect naturalness of her manner, and a certain resolutions, presented by ('has. your copies. facility for immediately ingrati­ ' Grissen, were unanimously Custer Post G. A. R will ating herself with an audience, i adopted: meet at Grange hall, McMinn- which is very much in her favor. Wni So?n< persons may ville, at 1 p. in. next Saturday , 1 not fully and clearly understand Box sheet open now at .It »gers A’ Feb. 12th. A full attendance i - the purpose and object of the Todd’s. desired. T. II. Henderson, Post, board of trade organization in commander. McMinnville has perhaps the I this city, therefore, be it Resolved, That a cordial invi­ of u>\ V I | A boy can walk four miles to V mm. t> - * (" i- f Engineer o tation be extended to any person go skating, and drag some other fire department on the coast,but ’ (nol only merchants and manu­ boy’s sister on his sled all the ho is a solid worker. Should a| facturer.) to join tho McMinn­ way, but when his mother wants fire breakout in the city it would ! ville board of trade, and thereby him to bring a bob of crackers find the department ready to become a co-worker in the indus­ from the grocery, he tells her cope with it. There should be trial and commercial develop­ ment of Yamhill county. that his kidneys are so weak at least 500 feet of new hose ad­ Resolved, That a copy of these that he don’t dare to do it. ded to equipments. resolutions be given the West Side, Telephone and Yamhill Mr. Wright of the committee Writing taught at the Mc­ Reporter for publication. Minnville Business college per informs us that the ladies coffee month, S3. Twelve lessons $2, brigade will give a prize for the Observation*. with time till March 12th to best conundrum at the firemens Advertiamenta, etc., intended for complete the same. This offer fair. Each person will be con­ publication in The Weekly Reporter is open for this week only. For fined to one conundrum, and the must be handed in Tuesday morning. We cannot in future deviate from thia further particulars call at the name must accompany each. rule. M ìm Belle Johnson, teacher of music college between the hour of five Hand them in to Mrs. A. J. Ap­ in McMinnville and at McMinnvillo and six p. m. Opera house person, on or before the 19th. college. Residence corner of Second They need not be original. building. and C Streets.