MISCELLANEOUS, Rev. L. A. Banks, now crea­ • ” .—«—- ting a sensation in Boston, was D. day, will be given a christening Iron and Tin Roofing, of the works at the mouth of the party ami a ball in a month or Columbia, ami the canal and so, which will eclipse anything Galvanized iron Cornices and window cape. locks at the Cascades of the Col­ In fact we do anything that comes in of the kind ever seen at Wash­ umbia liver ; and it is recom­ our line, with neatness and dis ington. Dr. and Mrs. Howard patch and, mended that a “liberal annual of this city, are cousins to Mrs. appropriation“ be made therefor, Whitney. Never Tell You it Can’t be Done and that the work of construct­ Third St.. Upposite ' - • • • I i' Bring on your designsand we will cut your We are pleased to see some of ing a railway around the Dalles YAMHILL CO. BANK. patterns, and do yonr work, and our cotemporaries take sides don’t you forget it. ami the Celilo falls of the Col­ D on ’ t F orget the P lace , with the Reporter in asking the umbia river, and of blasting South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ —Where you will— open the contracted waterway, assembly to pass a bill granting ville, Oregon. A, H. & O. O. HODSON. a bounty for killing seals and so as to secure navigable water, 1 SEVENTH ANNUAL should be entered upon without i sea lions ofi' the mouth of the the delay by the United States gov-' Columbia river and in eminent, “ami your committee stream. A bounty of $2.5o for therefore recommend* that ii be each seal and $5 for each sea done without further prvlimi-j lion, will do about as sensible S/'ii nary survey or report, and that! and requisite a deed as any tN THE - proposition that has yet come an appropriation of $500,000 be | made at the present session of before it. Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above Following the admirable arti- congress for such purpose.” 'This h 11 THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents may I m * regarded as till impor­ jcle by Capt. Green on our tie­ for the nwvilie Woolen MiH. tant. A favorable report from a fenceless coasts, which appeared Carry ing a full line of all goods made b. committee means passage of the in the January Scribner’s, the these celebrated mills bill, unless it is killed by delay. February number of the same SAMUEL GOFF, Tin* passage of this bill insures magazine, will contain a paper a free river, and the means of I by Lieut. J. R. Solev, on our na­ Late of Independence, having purchased the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, THAM* .1X0 TRI I ks February 22d, 23d and 24th, cheap transportation of t he com­ val policy, in which he gives a Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, offers his 1887. I clear and forcible statement of services in that line to the public, and will merce of eastejn Oregon. Guarantee Satisfaction the present condition ami needs LIST OF PRIZES. A Boston la