DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. » NO. 31 CITY I I DR. I. C. TAYLOR 1 PRICE TWO CENTS. Zephyrs at »|rs. Stuarts, five An Explanation. ounces for *2c penta. Opposite Seasonable Suggestion. E d . R eporter : Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnviile for the (»range st? An item in your paper of Feb. Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ The sleigh hells are ringing, This snow storm makes stock ond Class Matter. 3d, referring to the WCTU, call­ The poets are singing men lots of extra work, without ---------- O---------- Again of the beautiful enow ; ing in the books on “Broom any satisfactory returns. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. The wild winds are wailing, Drill" demands a brief explana­ Valentines irf |great variety, The signs are unfailing D. C. IRELAND &. Co., tion. That winter is here, doncherknow! and some of tRe handsomest de­ PIBLISHtH*. Neither the society, the presi­ signs. at Rogersqi Todds. Snowing fine all day. The Prof. C. B. Magers has resign­ dent nor any committee, was T hh D ailt R kpobteb is issued every day in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered wheat is now amply ^protected. ed the school at Bethel, and is consulted at all with reference to these books, and hence could in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 Board of tkide/meeting this now teaching at Ballston. eents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ evening. Be pieZint. Election The next meeting of the char­ not have granted or refused vertising same as for T he W bbxlx R bpobtbb . of officers and bisiness. ade club will be held at the resi­ their use to any one. We believe the WCTU would F. Multner. dence of Mrs. Washburn, Wed­ Beek A Job Priatiag. Read the ad not be unwilling to grant any arles was con- nesday, the 16th. We beg leave to announoe to the public His sale at St. that we have just added a large stock of new tinued to-day i| If you want youq piles cured reasonable request to assist in Saturday. novelties to our business, and make a special­ o . pay for it, any good work. Sample stove shelves, as sold and are willin ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, M. E. B atch well , Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling by C. 0. Burgess, may be seen call at the office of Dr. Johnson, Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs* Pro­ Pres. WCTU. at Dan Holman’s, in this city. on C street, in not working grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of Skating on the reservoir, for fun, or lory, but for work. Terms favorable. Cal! and be con­ A Pleasant Retort vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. Baker lake, and at St. Joe was money, Notetrtfrge for yonsul- E ditor PEPoiitk« : spoiled by the snow last night. tation. I. 0. Taylor, M D. DOCTOR*. The Carlton correspondent of I noticed an article in the Register We are pleased to hear that LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH. Miss Rosa Stannus is meeting the Register speaks of a shoe­ in reply to something that Dr. Howard with deserving success on the maker in good templars hall said in regard to Lafayette which sur­ Office over Braly's Bank. prised me, as I have known the Dr. “peging a way.” He tells of a McMinnville, - - . Oregon. east side. for many years. I took it upon my­ The weather was in a melting literary society which “discused” self to speak to him concerning it. O. W. OOVCHBB. E. E OOUOHBB. mood yesterday, but caught cold the question : that fire is more I asked him if he did not intend to an­ Goucher & Goucher. again last night. And we have “disasterous” than water, that swer it. He said, “No; when a man PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS a regular north easter all day. I both sides were “Abiev handled.” falsities and won’t admit it, he always M c M innville - - - - O beoon . The West Shore comes out gets angry.” The mail and express was at­ He further said, when I read the this month in magazine form, Offioe and residence. corner of Third and tended to by sled to-day, but article, it put me in mind of what the D. streets, next to the postoffioe Clarence says he don’t brag which is a most excellent im- shunk said to the man after luting JAS. M’OAIN. H. HUBMtY. about the sleighing. The ruts provement. It has a number of him fair. There said the shrink you fine engravings, and especially smell as bad as I do. “No, I’ll not are filling up however. McCain & Hurley, ATTOHYE YM.AT.L.4 W Now is the time for farmers one of the iron bridge at Port­ answer the man, I believe in retribu- AND NOTARIES PIHLK, to get cheap fencing, by purchas­ land as it is expected to be when tion. When one tries to pull another Lafayette, Oregon, finished. It has also that cele­ down, by showing his superiority, he Especial attention paid to abstracts of title ing a machine of C. (.). Burchess, will sooner or later fall to the same brated poem about the bridge and settlement of estates in probate McCoy. He is going to Wash ­ level. ” The Doctor is a reticicent Office Jail binding. up stairs. across the Wallamet, which was man, and that’s all I could get out of ington territory soon. A H ijbscribek . Mrs. M. Shaddeii Residents who wanted “a published in the Reporter re­ him in regard to it. cently. change of climate” last week, 'Phe “make up” of the Albany The deep sea fishing company Fashionable Dressmaker* have it without being obliged to Herald on the fisheries question, at Astoria have large demands fiTThe ' raylor System of Cutting and Fit­ spend a cent for traveling ex­ reminds us of and old preacher for their catch, Everybody is ting employed. penses. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store Our worthy little friend. Miss who once told some hoys of the hungry for fish, There is a big McMinnville. Or. Pearl Campbell gave a party to bible lesson he was to read in demand but no supply. From some of her friends on Saturday, the morning. The boys, finding Portland, the Dalles, Walla ■'■■■<>--------- it being her birth day anniver­ the place, glued together the Walla and this valley as well as Late of New Orleans, La., connecting pages. The next points as fur away as Denver, P ì I pn and Piallila a Spe­ sary. Remembrance is acknowl­ morning he read at the bottom i order the fish, which at the edged. cialità. ConNiiltation We trust that the assembly of one: “When Noah was 120 mouth of the Columbia are un­ É'rèe. io Cure \o l’ay. will not go home until they leg­ years old he took unto himself, equalled in flavor and variety, Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M O, islate to assure Oregon immunity a wife, who was then”—turning and from the demand it is be- McMinnville, Oregon. against the pleuro-pneu monia. the page—“140 cubits long, 40 lieved that the new vessel which Senator Cartwright’s bill may cubits wide, built of gopher wood was specially built for the busi­ be so amended as to reach the and covered with pitch inside ness will meet with great success. case. and out.” He was naturally Years ago this was one of .Ire­ Hair Cutting. Shavlnt and 'ham Beware of premature conclu­ puzzled at this. He read it land’s hobbies. pooinr Parlor. 15c SHAVING 15c. sions when you see a man sit again ; verified it and said : “My “Half Cast 'hieb was ko down hurridly on the sidewalk friends, this is the first time I C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor. at this time of the year, Don’t ever met this in the bible, but I cheerfully acceded by our week­ (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) conclude that he is drunk accept it as an evidence that we ly patrons recency, will now be Ladies and children's work a specialty. Daily. Save I have just added to my parlor the simply because he has taken a are fearfully and wonderfully published i largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this i made.” drop. your copies. •ity. Try them. The Daily Reporter. 4 M c M innville . O regon , M onday . F ebruary 7. 1887