The. Daily Reportar» Skating is fine on the Saxe Mr. Kloucheksavs V he will take lake. frosted apples, and so here is a n. C. IRELAND A CO. CCBl.ISHERS. Board of trade meeting Mon­ chance for farmers to save them­ day evening. selves. Bring them in before McMinnville, Or. - - Feb. 5, 1887 R. B. Hibbs will carry the they thaw out. and get your ~ ......... money. Don’t forget the auction sale goods, not samples. The icicles in fragile form and at the St. Charles hotel Monday. ■ Jones Howell’s new banjo is glittering in the sun’s rays hung The broom drill will be one! the boss music box. The McMinnville charter bill pendant from eaves and awning of the finest features of the fair. all over the city yesterday after­ Holy Communion at St. .James has passed the senate. W. H. Bingham has fixed up noon. An icicle is a plant that (Episcopal) church to-morrow at ! a line eosey office next to his lives in winter, dies in spring, 11 a. nt. service. and grows with its roots upward. Zephyrs at Mrs. Stuarts, five j store. ounces for 25 cents. Opposite! Astorians are having the jol- Ob«>crviitioiia. liest times they ever knew coast­ the Grange store. Bring on your job work. We are Valentines in great variety, ing these days, and sleighing. now to do job work in the F. Multner is now well fixed latest prepared and some of the handsomest de­ and most approved style of the in his new hotel, at the depot, art. signs, at Rogers Todds. Mrs. J. Hoskins of Newberg,! the Central, and invites the pub­ The Weekly Reporter, a faithful and complete compendium of the is quite ill. Her brother, A. H. I lic to give him a call. week’s news, is furnished for 12| cents Mr. Appersou, just from Sa­ a month.■ •» ■ Hodson, has been called to visit ■ Advertiements, etc., intended for lem, assures us there is no doubt her. publication in The Weekly Reporter The young folks of this city whatever but that house bill No. must be handed in Tuesday morning. We cannot in future deviate from this are having splendid times, in 18 will pass the senate. rule. spite of cold weather and chil- i The view of the hills, from the M iss Belle Johnson, teacher of music observatory at Cooks Hotel, is in McMinnville and at McMinnville blains. college. Residence corner of Second Grissen and Fellows are filling rarely beautiful, clothed as they and C Streets. up their ice houses with large are in their winter robes. Rev. J. Bowersox dedicated pure crystal blocks five inches ]>!<•!>I inli a ilio the Evangelical church at New ­ thick. LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES A complete surprise party burg, on Sunday. The build­ ing cost $1,000 and is a neat was given to Miss Mary .John­ son last (‘veiling. About 20 structure. February is rather late for a young people were present. freeze up and a blockade, but if A bean guesser is wanted at Miss Chinook does not come] R. B. Hibbs’tailor shop. Three, buzzing along soon, that will bej LOGAN BROS. Z HENDERSON. first prizes are a $50 suit, $25 what’s the matter. ----- PROPRIETORS — coat and vest, and $10 pair of) C. Symons will be glad to dis­ Fin<*<’ai*ring'«‘H, Hack* and pants. pose of his furniture in lots to Saddle II or Judge Harding made a couple suit purchasers. Call at his And everything in the Livery hire, in gold shape happy on the 1st, at the resi­ house on Monday and take a 11 ICcaMonnble Kate*. dence of Geo. Gilson, when he look at what he has got for sale. united Ada Jones and N. M. W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. This is the first of a new song Chapin in the holy bands of wed­ dedicated to the boneboilers of New Firm, New Goods, New Prices lock. Lafayette: . At the New Store of Mrs. Antrim, living near! Coon has a bushy tail, ’Pos’uin’s tail am bar’, Wheatland, was stricken with ■ Rabbit has no tail at all But a little bunch of liar. paralysis yesterday. Her child­ ren, in attendance at the college i The first $5.00 expended for were summoned home last night goods at R. B. Hibbs’ tailor' in consequence. shop secures one guess at the: C. I’, church, services at the bean jar; and for every dollar usual hours Sunday next. Sub­ over five an additional guess, ject for forenoon: “Why there is till the 1000 guesses are made more joy in Heaven over one up. A telegram should go quicker sinner that repents than over Ninety and nine just persons' from here to New York in cold that need no Repentance.” Sub-j weather, because by contraction ject for evening: “Some names' the wire is just 120 miles shorter. of Christ, or what's in a name.” The price does not contract. The T. H. H e NDERHON, Pastor. ; mercury never gets low enough There is nothing to be found i to affect it. Baxter i Martin Suocessors to U. HUSSEY, Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon A new, neat and dean at wk. Every articl«: A No. I. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware. Cutlery, (fused Goods, To­ bacco. Pij TRICKS Of Logan Bros dr. Henderson, offers his services in that line to the public, and will l.iiarnlitre WAtiNlnction l'o all who favor him with their patronage, lie will keep a wagon specially adapted to th« delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. Family Grocery Store». Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, (Successor to L. ROOT.) Dealer in All Fresh Qooda, Groceries. Hour, Bacon, and Slaawaro and Crockery. I^"Goods delivered to i tircbaM ra in the Mty A. A. K KN YON MAVKoBIl HA I. CITY MARKET. KENYON & RAY, Proprietor«.