DAILY EVENING REPORTER. M c M innville . O regon , S aturday , F ebruary NO. 30 VOL. II. Th$ Daily Reporter. Entered in the Bostoffioe at MoMinnville for Transmission Throagh the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. ' o---------- E. L. E. WHITE. D. C. IRELAND. D. C. IRELAND A Co., PUBLISHERS. T he D aily R epobtbb is issued every day in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 cents par week. By mail. 40 cents per month in advanoe. Hates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly K epobteb . PriatiMg. We beg leave to announce to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. DOCTORS LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH. Offioe over Braly's Bank. McMinnville. . - O. W. QOUOHEB. • Oregon, B. E. OOUCHEB. Goucher & Goucher. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS M c M innville ... - O bbgon . Office and residence, comer of Third and D. streets, next to the postoffice h . hvbley . jab . m ’ oain . McCain & Hurley, ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW AMD MOT ARIES PUBLIC, Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid to abstracts of title and settlement of estates in probate Office—Jail buiding, up stairs. Mrs. M. Sluuklen. Fasia tenable Dressmaker« J^TThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. Third street, Next to IJishop ok of < igare ever in this •itv. Try them INTER COMMERCE * - *-# STATE -'X a . 5. iss7 PRICE TWO CENTS. of the senate, and who prepared the I or Wallula, than from St. Paul to bill, gave it his unqualified opinion I Portland, and vice versa. CONTINUED. that the question of competition as But let us inquire further. Take I now desire to point out wherein I between the two hauls; the one a points on tin* I in«* of the ORN east of thought the provision should have long and th«' other a short haul; Umatilla junction, the competing been amended in order to be effect­ would be a circumstance to be consid­ point at Umatilla, or on the line of ive us a long-and-short-haul provision, ered in determining whether the two the NPR east of that point. What, and in what respect 1 moved to amend hauls were “under substantially simi­ then, is the effect of these six words, as a suggestion to the conference com­ lar circumstances and conditions.” “under substantially similar circum­ mittee. The clause of the bill on this in this construction I in part concur­ stances and conditions” in this fourth subject of long and short hauls is con­ red, and with the still further view section? It is, it seems to me, to ren­ tained in the fourth section, and is as that it would be an absolutely con­ der the section absolutely inoperative follows : trolling circumstance, rendering the and of no account, in so far as afford­ Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful case entirely dissinnliar io that where ing protection to the people in eastern for any common carrier subject to the there was no competition ; and 1 in ­ Oregon and eastern Washington terri­ provisions of this act to charge or re­ ceive any greater compensation in sisted that, in my judgment, the tory is concerned who*«* |M»int of ship­ the aggregate for the transportation courts would so construe it in most ment is on eit her line east of Umatilla, of passengers or of like kind of proper­ cases that would arise, and that, for the reason that, as between Chicago ty, under substantially similar circum­ therefore, inasmuch as in almost or St. Paul and Portland, via. the NPR stances and conditions, for a shorter . • I than for a longer distance over the every instance that would arise there as well as between St. Paul and any same line, in the same direction, the would be competition in the one case all points on the line of the ORN w«ist shorter being included within the —that of the long haul—and no com­ of th«* junction at Umatilla, there is longer distance ; but this shall not be petition in the other or the short haul, not only competition, but the sharpest construed as authorizing any com­ it would only be in the rarest of cases kind of competition, on through mon carrier within the terms of thia act to charge and receive as great that the section would operate to pro­ freights over the line of the UP, OSL compensation for a shorter as for a hibit a greater charge for a short than and ORN ; whereas, between St. Paul longer distance : Provided, however, a long distance. Possibly it may be or Chicago, and any point on the ORN That upon application to the com­ said that a ton of freight transported in eastern Oregon east of Umatilla mission appointed under the provis­ ions of this act such common carrier from St. Paul over she NPR and ORN junction, or between St. Paul hr Chi­ may, in special cases, after investiga to Portland is transported “under cago, and any point on the NPR or tion by the commission, be authori­ substantially similiar circumstances I ORN east of Umatilla, there is abso­ zed to charge less for longer than for and conditions” to that of a Lon of lutely no conipetition ; and, therefore, snorter distances for the trasportation of passengers or property; and the like freight over the same line from tiie transportation on either of these commission may from time to time St. Paul to The Dalles, or Arlington, through lines from ChieAgo or St. prescribe the extent to which such or Umatilla, the latter being the point Paul to Portland is entirely and aliso- designated common carrier may be of junction of competing railroads, if lutely dissimilar to the transportation relieved from the operation of this we admit that the NPR combines of like kind of freight from either St. section of this act. with the ON R or controls or uses its Paul or Chicago over either line to 1 moved to amend this section by line from Wallula to Umatilla ; but any point east of t.ne junction at Uma­ striking from it the following six i yet there is, with these six words in tilla. And hence it seemed to me words: “Under substantially simi­ i the section, a very serious question quite clear that in such cases this lar circumstances and conditions.’’ with me whether this can be truly said section 4 would not, and could not The second section of the bill, pro­ to be so, inasmuch as it may very be held with these six words in it to hibiting unjust discriminations in the properly be said that as between St. prohibit a greater charge for any matter of charging one person more Paul and Portland there is cornpeti short haul from St. Paul or Chicago or less than another for a like and contemporaneous service, is as follows : tion ; first, by rail to San Francisco to any point on either line east of from St. Paul, and thence by the Umatilla junction than on th«* long S ec . 2. That if any common car­ steamers of the ORN to Portland ; haul through to Portland on either rier subject to the provisions of this act shall, directly or indiiectly, by and second, via the Canadian Pacific, line. Anil lienee I desired and vot«*d any special rate, rebate, drawback, or Puget sound, and so on. But still to aim nd by striking out these objec­ other device, charge, demand, collect, further, when the NPR shall have tionable, qualifying, and, as I believe, or receive from any person or persons completed its line across the Cascade practically wholly destructive words. a greater or less compensation for any service rendered, or to be rendered, mountains to Puget sound, which will But a moment's consideration will in the transportation of passengers or be at a very early day, whereby that show how useless und impotent is this property, subject to the provisions of company Will have a direct line be­ bill in its present shape to relievo this aet, than it charges, demands, tween St. Paul and Portland, Oregon, shippers in middle and southern Ore­ collects, or receives from any other person or persons for doing for him and Wallula or Pasco, in Washington gon at noncoinpeting points from Eu­ or them a like and contemporaneous territory, will, so far as the line from gen«* city to Ashland, inclusive, on the service in the transportation of a like St. Paul to Portland via the valley of line of the <><' R. When the Oregon mid I kind of traffic under substantially the Columbia is concerned, be non­ California lines an* connected w<* will I similiar circumstances and conditions, such common carrier shall be deemed competing points; whereas, between have n through line by rail between guilty of unjust discrimination, which St Paul and The Dalles, and Arling­ Portland and San Francisco. Through is hereby prohibited and declared to ton, and Umatilla, and Wallula, then* freights over this lin«* either way will be unlawful. is no such competing line. Bo that, necessarily t>e very low, from the fact I also moved to strike from this sec­ should the courts hold that these that such transportation is brought in tion the following six words: “Under facts, or rather this circumstance of direct competition with lines of steam­ substantially similar circumstances competition in the one case, and none ers and sailing vessels running be­ and conditions.” Unfortunately, a in the other, make transportation over tween these two ports, to say nothing grave difference of opinion existed in th«* two routes substantially dissim­ of the lines of st«*aniers to Yaquina the senate among leading lawyers as ilar, then in that event unquestionably and Coos bay. Suppose, therefore, ■ to the construction that should be there wouhl be nothing in this bill through freights on that line either given to these six words and the ef­ that would prevent the trans|»ortation way, that is, between San Francisco fect they would have in the case of company from charging more, or even and Portland, should be, say lour dol­ the fourth section, particularly upon three times as much, for transporting lars per ton ; it is now by sailing ves­ the subject of long and shert hauls. a ton of freight from St. Paul to The sels, I believe, about that ; and by Senator Cullom, the chairman of the , Dalles, or to Arlington, or Umatilla, Continued on 4tb page. conference committee upon the part