IN MEMORI AM Zephyrs at Mrs. Stuarts, five ounces for 25 cents, Opposite North Yamhill, Or., Feb. 2d, 1887. First National Bank, H all of F raternity L odge , N o . 56, the (¡range store. D. C. ¿REL^ND A CO. PUBLISHERS. 1. O. (). F. ---- OF ’MINN VILI.E, OREGON.— Ten feet of snow is reported W hereas , It has pleased Almighty McMinnville, Or. Feb. 4, 1887 on the mountains, by the mail God to remove from our brother J. A. ------ OFFICER* :------- Ball and his estimable wife, their on­ J acob W ortman ........................ President carrier to Tillamook. Don’t forget the auction sale ly daughter, and W. D. F enkin ............... Vice-president J ohn W ortman ........... ................Cashier W hereas , In the death of their Valentines in great variety, at the St. Charles hotel Monday. dearly beloved child they have lost TraiiMCta a General Banking biuineM. House bill, No. IS, was read I and . some of the handsomest de- that which no power on earfl» can re­ InL'reat allowed on time leposiu. place, thereby blasting their future (k>lle< tioliA made on la'ortble terms. first time in the senate on Thurs­ signs, at Rogers dr Todds. Sight Exchange mid Telegraphic Transfers hopes. day. Tax-payers have responded Resolved, That the members of on New York, Sun Francisco and Portland.' Office hour»—from I* a. m. to 4 p, m.' Jones A Co. are^Wiipping a ! very liberally to the visits of Fraternity lodge, No. 56, I. (). O. F while submitting with resignation to tine lot of lumber rn McCoy to­ Sheriff Harris on his collecting the FIRE INSURANCE. will of the great master, we here JOH\ WOKTJLH day. by give expression to our regret, and I tour. Represents the following sterling compan­ deplore the great loss they have SUS* Little Miss Nellie Logan paid ies: London A Liverpool Globe. North G.L. Blackman of East Bloom- tai ned. British >1 Mercantile. Coiuiuercial Union the Reporter a very pleasant . field, New York, and W. L. Car­ Resolved, That we extend <>ur Fire Association, Gorman American, Fire­ heartfelt sympathies to the family man’s Fund. Hartford, Commercial, Anglo visit this afternoon. ter of Albany, Oregon, were the and friends of the .deceased in this Nevada, State ’nvestment. Wheat insurance a specialty. Yamhill countv will lose one r ¡guests of Geo. W. Burt, yester­ their hour of bereavment. Resolved, That a copy of these senator and one representative day. resolutions be presented to the family BISHOjP # by the new apportionment bill, i C. Symons has disposed of his of our worthy brother, that a copy I m ? The literary exercises in Miss furnishing the Yamhill County Re­ ------ Co>--- city property to G. E. Detmer- porter for publication, and that they Martin’s room were postponed ing, and has retired from busi- be spread upon the recerds of the one week, in consequence of in- j ness in McMinnville, He leaves lodge. A I)., J cleinent weather. H. F. B edwell , [ Committee. ¡for Vancouver, B. C., as soon as IF Capt. Lafallett’s bill to ajd. the! W. B. K een , \ he can dispose of his furniture^ --------- — . --------- Willamina and Netarts road .lGffNTs WANTED. had passed the second reading in I I C. C. • Tallman recently We want a thoroughly reliable man ... * . tan experience traveling to a at every poetoflice in Yamhill, Polk Third St., ppposite the house yesterday. and Washington counties. We w(ll funeral in this county where YAMHILL CO. BANK. Veda, the little daughter of make it an object for those willing to streams were swollen badly and i'Wir D on ’ t F orget the P lace , w*ork, who can show results. Write to Arthur and Clara Ball, whoser us for particulars. We want no dudes death occurred last Saturday, ; 1 bridges damaged, which was nor tricksters to apply. —Where you will— was buried at the Pike cemetery. thrilling in itself. We often ObftervHltoiiM. wondered how the pioneers of Dr. Galbreath was called to Weekly Reporter, a faithful Lafayette yesterday to attend j this valley managed to get from and The complete Compendium of the Almoiidi Fletebw’ who met with f',lttCe to Place. in. auch time8 as week’s news’, is furnished for 12.J cents the past month, for instance. a month. ▼ M a painful wound from the acci­ Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music ni I J 4 I 4 R. B. Hibbs, one of our best l:| dental discharge of a gun while in McMinnville and at McMinnville 1 b young men, has purchased the college. Residence corner of Second out hunting. Mr. Laughlin yesterday otter- .tailoring business of C. Symons, and C Streets. -*► • - IN THB house an d will open out soon with as ed a memorial in the I Valuable Business Papers. LATEST -■ STYLES. tine a stock of samples as has praying for payment by W. G. Steel, of Salem, is engaged G ihmìh of all kind, aud above general government of the Cay­ ever been shown in,McMinnville. in puliahing a certified copy Of the all Furniahing THE LOWE8T PRICEH. Alno use war claims and the pension- A. M. Taggart has been engaged tax roll of every county in Oregon, for tbe Bravi um ville Woolen JliM, ing of troops engaged in that to take charge of the manufac­ showing* name, 0 Be will keep a wagon Hp^ially adapted to the The retiring chief engineer of Benton, half past. By order of the Chief. Polk, Union, Wasco . 3.00 delivery of parcelH. trunka antcliefa. etc., for Jackson, Umatilla, and A very serious accident oc­ the McMinnville fire depart­ Clackamas, the accomodation of the public. Order« left Washington ............. .... 4.00 at tbe ata^l* will be promptly attended to at curred a few days since near ment recommends the depart­ Douglas, Lane and Yamhill 5.00 reasonable fatea. Linn . «.00 north Yamhill. It seems that, ment be supplied with 300 feet Marion .. 7.00 Multnomah Family Grocery Store. 15.00 as L. L. Stillwell was driving of good hose, making with what Orders left with any county clerk Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. home with Uncle Andy Wright, we have at present, 600 feet, in the state, or the assistant secretary Ira and Utah Orton, in the hack which would be very necessary of state, Salem, will receive prompt J. Harv. Henderson, attention. with him, his teaifi became in case of a fire occurring out of (Successor to L. ROOT.) Dealer In frightened and run and making range of any of the preftent cis- All JYoih Goode, Groceries. Flour, Baooa. and a sharp turn upset the hack, terns. Further that there be a Glaeewero and Crockery. Stillwell was buried in a mud couple of cisterns put in, one at (^"Gooda delivered to parcbnaers in t beettv hole about three feet. Uncle the intersection of Third and F A. a . kknton maxfobi * baf . Andy had his knee joint dislo-: streets and one at the intersec- CITY MARKET, cated; Ira Orton some of his tion of First and II streets. Our ribs hurt, and Utah Orton fall- apparatus at present consists of ing on his head was rendered one hand engine complete, one senseless for some time. Uncle hose cart, one hook and ladder KENYON A RAY, Proprietor.. (SnooBaaor lo W. F. Rangaaaer.) Andy was carried to the house truck, 300 feet of .hose in good of J. L. Castle, close by, and his condition, five ladders, thirty­ keep on hand at all timea the very BEOS., beat Will qaalUy ot faedh meets, that eab be ob­ knee put in place by Stillwell, six iron buckets, two axes, one v HENDERSON )( »■ • I t> V > *>»<’.» tained in the market, aufl respectfully eelioit All parties are improving but hook and rope, all in good work- Ample room to oare for horse«. Livery a Charebf the public patronage IW^Giveus a trial order and we will teama at aa reeaonable rate« at any where in have not fully recovered. ing order. Oregon. New «table Third St., MoMinnvUta. guarantee satisfaction The m i YAMJIILLCO., ALWAYS EINP • I 4- • • Ji 'i I Of' ’i ! t t'-'i . * f f | - City Stables % i