The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 04, 1887, Image 2

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The 0»ip,tsr.
.The Fisheries Trough.
United State-,, whether jvithin
or without three miles of the
shore ; second, upon the ordin­
ary rights of hospitality, ‘wood,
water, and shelter,’ regardless of
Read by the light of the com­
---- Q-- _
mittees recent report on foreign
^ubtrrlpllvn Kate*.
relations, and the speech of sena­
1<» cent«
By Carrier per week.......................
Dealers In
(Payable on Saturday.)
tor Ingalls t<> which allusion was
Single Copy ...........................................
Bv Mail Ml oenta jx-r Month (In Advance.) ma<le lust week in reference to
the fishery dispute, the great
Hute» for 4d » ert 1*1 ■>a
The rules were suspended and
Will I m runde xitufm.torv to nil applicants. speech of Senator Frye, deliver­
the bill providing for removal
ed in April, 188(5, seems to have
of remains of the late Gov. Gibbs
McMimn ill«*, < >:
.contained in brief the whole re­
to Oregon passed the senate.
Agricultural Imp ements, Pumps,
sults of the work. Two short
Concerning Claus Spreckles’
So Say We All of Un.
paragraphs near the conclusion
Pipes, Etc.
¡bout with King .Kalakua, the
The Oregoniun this morning afford very interesting and profit­
which will be sold as
Omaha Herald says it shows
Hays: The NPR is coming to able reading just at the present
that Claus has sand as well as
Oregon l»y way of Washington time. “Why, then,” asks the
sugar. That is what Kalakua
As the times will allow,
territory, the Si’ll is coming to senator, “should these men be
Oregon by way of California, ami selected for sacrifice, and their
The proposed assessment law ,We .Hake a Specialty of all
the Ill’ll that wants to come to rights be surrendered to the
Kinds of Job Work Par­
has been killed, and if no amend-
Oregon by a shorter ami more tender mercies of British diplo­
ment to the law' that will make
direct route than either, ought macy ? Of all our industries,
it better can be had, let us in­ Iron and Tin Roofing,
to do so. The argument that a this alone is left unprotected,
r -
sist upon future assessments ac­ 4
the ( I’ll and the men employed in it are
I • * •
Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps.
cording to law.
would take the regulation of the the most exposed, the hardest
In fact we do anything that comes in *
Stephen Statts,of Polk county,
our line, with neatness and dis
former out of the jurisdiction of worked, ami the poorest paid.
•” patch and,
says that Capt. Bennett, once
> 4 jo v < I
the state has been exploded. The duty which England seeks
of Salem, was the first man to
That objection is no longer urg­ to repeal is the lowest in the
Tell You it Can t be Done
recognize gold in the mill race, Never
t *•»
* fl r
ed. Then some trifling objec­ list of duties, less than any agri­
on the American fork of the Bring on your designs and we will cut yonr
tions are disposed of, after which cultural products, not one-half
patterns, and do your work, and
Sacramento river in California.
don’t jiou forget it.
the article continues: “Con­ so great its that on any manu-
John H. Reagan, who has been
vinced as it is that the most im­ fact lire ; tw<>.thirds lower than
Sooth east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­
elected to succeed Maxey as rep­ ville, Oregon.
A, H. & O. O. HODSON.
portant thing that could be done that on •suuar and rice; lowrer
resentative of Texas in the Uni­
for the .development of Oregon, than that on beef, or mutton, or
ted States senate, is one of the'
including the construction of pork. < Jutside of Englund no one
few survivors of Jeff. Davis’s cabi-^
branch lines throughout the seeks its repeal other than a few
net, in which he held the posi­
- • s,. 1
eastern part of the state would of our city importers of fish,
tion of postmaster general. He!
fi c - =f-,
he the consummation of Ibis who are practically nothing more
a native of Tennessee, but set­
lease, the Oregonian is earnest than agents of Canada. From
tled in Texas in 1839. He was
and urgent in expressing its de- the people of our country no
a member of the lower house of
sire that the legislature shall re­ such demand comes to us ; on
congress when the rebellion broke j
move the objection herein stat­ the contrary, the protest from
out; Gov. Ireland withdrew fromi
ed, and the country will then be the Atlantic, the Gulf, the Paci­
—OF THE---
the fight.
assured by tin* terms of the act fic coasts, ami from the great
itself that when any lease is lakes are pouring into congress.’
made under it there will be no “Now, sir, what do the fishermen
loss liability to the laws and to I ask? In this emergency, when New Firm, New Goods, New Prices
At the New Store of
the courts of the state than ex- England is demanding one more
| Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
isted before.”
sacrifice and the administration
February 22d, 23d and 24th,
seems to have been beguiled by
It isn’t every girl who will i
the allurements of the British
Successors to Al. HUSSEY,
tell on herself, but one did. She
Third street, MoMinnville. Oregon
minister and Sir Ambrose Shea,
came to the store ami returned
most earnest pray­
There will be prizes given on the following
a tine pair of bangs she had
uh med exhibits:
er is ‘to be let alone.’ Tossed ta tan
1st and 2d prize for best and 2d best ex­
bought the day previously, “Can
for a century by the winds A new, neat and clean stock. Every artich hibit of Kensington painting.
you not sell me some that will
1st and 2d prize, for best and 2d beBt ex­
A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored
and waves of English diplomacy,
hibit of Kensington embroidery,
not come off?” Come off?
Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­
1st and 2d prize, for best at d 2d best ex­
buH’eted by Canadian penal laws,
bacco. Pipes and Cigars.
hibit of outline work by a child under 14
Why, these will stay on with
of age.
stripped and dismantled in pro­ Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Seasoi . years
1st and 2d best, for last and 2d best ex­
very little care, said Briggs. “Oh,
Give us a cal). Inspect my stock, and I hibit of work of any kind by a boy under 14
vincial courts, it seem to them will guarantee prices to suit vou.
years of age.
they are horrid. They catch on
1st and 2<l prize, for best and 2d best ex­
hibit of crayon work.
collar buttons and pulled off.”
There will also be a prize given for the
to this tempestuous sea, ‘Peace,
Beverly fell on the chair ami
heaviest, lightest and prettiest baby under 1
be still,’ their cup of content LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES year of age.
screamed “What!” while the
Parade of Firemen Tiiv*daj af­
would be full. The resolution
young lady departed bangless
• 1 ■ __ A-»
now under consideration answers
and without her change.
Door* will l>e open al 7 o’clock,
this demand. But, Mr. Presi­
p. m? dally, during the
The new steamer eastern Ore­ dent., t he republic should demand
' Fair.
gon, titling in New York for the more than this of congress. It
—All nre Invited to Attend—
Yaquina trade, is one of the should insist, tirst, that .Great
Admission 25 Cents.
finest steamers ever turned out Britain must abstain from the LOGIN BROS.,« HENDERSON «
By Order of
by the late John Roach. She is assumption of ‘a territorial or
A < <>.,
flack« and w D C. IBELAUB
200 feet in length, 34 feet beam, any other jurisdiction over the
9 n
12 feet depth of hold. Her en­
Saddle. Horses,
vessels of the United States
And •▼•rfthing in the Livxry hire,
gines are compound direct act­
in good shape
ing. Her hull is divided into
open seas under the Hag of the »
At Reasonable Rate*.
four water-tight bulkheads.
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
¡wmias nre
Garrison Opera House,
Bazter i Martin
S ide .
Fine Job Printers,