The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 03, 1887, Image 2

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of our state, will my signal like McMinnville is a thrifty enter-
voice be found on the side of i prising town, and if it ever be-
Wheatland Notes.
justice (at legal rates.) [Cheers.] I comes our county seat, will be
Mrs. T. T. Cooper has gone to
Look at our county and then a large business center. The
Subscript ion Kate*.
Walla Walla.
By Carrier per week........................... l‘> cents look
again, and again, and public will soon know whether
(PayaNe on Saturday.)
The public school spelling
Single Copy.......................................... 1
search the barnyards and wheat they are entitled to vote on that
school has been postponed.
By Mail W oents per Month (In Advance.»
fields and see if • you
can find one important issue or not. The
Miss Birdie Cooper has been
man who will say 1 am a liar. sooner it is settled the better for
Kale« for \d * erIi*ing
Our opinion is that Mc­ very sick with acute rheuma­
Will be made ant lain otory to all applicants. From infancy to manhood my all.
tism, but is getting better.
pilgrimage has been such that Minnville will get it, by a good
McMinnville, Or. - - Feb. 3, 1887
Thomas Kirkwood is keeping
but few would dare to follow it, majority, if ever voted upon.
a háchela^ hall near Webfoot
(only at current rates.) I am
Passed Unanimously.
Yamhill County Seat.
sawmill, but it is a good neigh­
like a lone rooster in a barnyard,
House bill No. 18, providing
the last of my race ; proudly and
J. A. Odell has returned from
for relocation of the county seat brightly my crest glimmers in
hill county was famous only as Portland, but left his wife and
in this county, passed the house the sunshine, while my feet has­
a nursery of fledgling Oregon
unanimously this morning, as tily scratch up the last worm. statesmen, its county seat was family there with one of his
children very sick with scarlet
will be seen by the following Are we to forsake the live issues located on land near the falls of fever. He will return to Port­
for a dead (town) past? Are we the Yamhill river, owned by
dispatch to the Reporter.
as a body 1,200 strong, to let Col. Joel Palmer. The little land soon again.
S alem , Feb. 8.—House bill
A. J. Cooper lost a fine Al-
Hon. Beat-it-if-you-can sit on us? town was called Lafayette, and
No. 18, to relocate the county Can we, shall we stand aside be­
bute colt last week. He feels
quite grieved over it, as it was a
seat of Yamhill county, passed cause some one else claims that
said, “A squab is always big­ favorite and had the marks of a
the house unanimously this by an act of courtesy he will do
gest when it is just hatched,”
as he d—m pleases? No! my So it was with Lafayette which flyer, but we hope he will have
better luck hereafter. This is
C has . L afollkttk . fellow voters. In thunder tones has grown none since 1870,
No ! Cry it in the open air, while McMinnville and Dayton his third thoroughbred colt to
cross the river at yearlings.
Relocation of 0. B Joyfull’s Hencoop. call it on the public streets and
have become towns of consider­ Wait till the clouds roll by.
Quite an interest has been hurl it into the halls of justice able importance. A move is School boys should, on their
awakened in our county on ac­ [immensecheering], that the day now on foot to relocate the coun­ way to and from school, be care­
count of Mr. Joyfull’s desire to shall never dawn, when by an ty seat, as it is off the main ful when passing mail boxes,
relocate his hen coop, and as act of courtesy, the prosperity of lines of travel, Dayton being on should face the box and turn
the matter assumed some promi­ a community is made the foot­ the river, and north Yamhill
half around and not throw.
nence, we sent a representative ball for designing speculators— and McMinnville both on the
There have been several acts of
to Beat-it-if-you-can town, with [Loud and prolonged cheering.] railroad ; and a bill to that effect vandalism between Amity and
instructions to interview the
Solid Sense in This.
has already passed the house. Wheatland, but it is not be­
honorable body there in session,
In our belief McMinnville will cause the roads are hilly, is it
and get facts. Our representa­ The Dayton Herald of the 4th be the place, if it be left to a Jim? ___________
W. P.
tive wires us that the question has its say upon the relocation plebiscite, as they call it in
of courtesy was raised and re­ of the county seat, from which France, for north Yamhill is too
ports the interview as follows :
remote from the center of the
it understood that we are not county.
E d .]
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
aiming to blow for any particu­
The sixth house convened on lar town in this respect; but
Just as Hon. Win. Reid asks,
Dealers In
the 4th moon,in Raise-hell's hall. give them all a chance. In the so have we time and again asked,
After preliminary skirmishing, first place, McMinnville wants concerning the matter of the
Hon. A. Skunk was placed in the county seat.
They don’t ORN lease: “It does seem to HARDWARE,
the chair temporarily, and Hon. deny the charge. Lafayette is me the legislature should not
Y. 0.11. llog-it-all acted as clerk. so afraid that the county seat hesitate to authorize by lease TINWARE &
After the routine of general busi­ will be removed from there that each and all of these corpora­ •
ness, the president rose and re­ they are almost shaking their tions to come to Oregon. To do Agricultural Imp ements, Pumps.
boots off with fear. North Yam- what? Compete with each other,
Pipes, Etc.
That various rumors were fly- i savs: “We have a pleasant lo­ and it is there where will be the
Alli of which will be sold as
ing about to the effect that any cation; place it here.” Wee lit­ great gain to the state. In do­
member of this honorable body tle Carlton says: “0, no; we are ing so does the state not still re­ LOW FOR CASH.
could do as he <1—m pleased, out nearer to the center of the coun­ tain the sovereign power to regu­
As the times will allow,
of courtesy, and the balance of ty; here is the best point.” late the fares and freights from
the honorable gentlemen would Away up at Amity, rumblings time to time should they here­
lend their support to it. [Cries are heard, and they think a after consolidate, which is scarce­ We Hake a Specialty of all
Kinds of Job Work Par­
of hear, hear.] The president good chance should be offered ly possible from their opposing
called (). Go-to-thunder to the them.
Dayton now has her interests. Why then bar them
chair, and stepped on the Hour. say. We want the county seat; from coming here separately and Iron and Tin Roofing,
Gentlemen of the hall, the oc­ yes sir ee; we’ll take it without independently? Is it because Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps.
casion is ripe, ami unless tin* refreshments, and pay charges. the legislature prefers to give
In fact we do anything that comes in
onr line, with neatness and dis­
fruit is plucked, it will rot. We have a good location, head to the one transcontinental road
patch and,
[Cheers.] It is my duty as a rep­ of navigation on the Yamhill already here the exclusive right
resentative of this honorable i river, railroad close by, and to prevent other railroads com­ Never Tell You it Can’t be Done.
peting with it?”
body, to unmask and expose cer­ many other advantages in our
Bring on your designs and we will cut your
tain transactions in which the favor. But McMinnville says:! The radiant rays of the setting
patterns, and do yonr work, and
don't you forget it.
people are concerned. As long “We’ll give 125,000 and the sun cast a glorious mellowness
as any jackass can wave his oi­ ground to build the court house o'er the county seat. Sort of tak­
South east oor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­
lier feet over the broad domains on,” and that almost settles it.1 ing a two-for-a-quarter cast.
ville, Oregon
Th© Daily Reporter,