POPULAR MISCELLANEOUS. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of .. /rxr. From Portland — u 0) at . G 0> 1 . Suooeaaor» to Al. HUSSEY, Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon, tai fa 3* a. I uk Freeh Fruit and Vegetables in Beaeon. » , . u s G’S 2 2 tur* « X M fil STATIONS. 3*2 Ar am Ar pm pm Lv ami $ .24 29 .52 .75 .88 1.00 1.00 4:45 4.51 5.21 5.55 6.11 6.32 6.45 1.00 1.16 1.24 1.36 1.40 1.48 1.56 1.72 1 .75 1.84 1.86 6.55 7.15 7.25 7.40 7.45 ,7.55 8.05 ,8.25 8.29 8.40 8.42 11:10 . Elk Rock . 11.15 Oswego 11.45 . Tualitgn.. 12.10 Winters... 12.25 Summit 12.45 . Newberg .. 12.55 rwv Dundee jun 10.50 10.45 10.15 9.40 9.21 9.00 8.45 1.15 1.35 1.50 2.0.5 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.55 2 59 3.11 3.13 1.96 8.55 2.14 ».15 LOGAN BROS. £ HENDERSON. ----- PROPRIETORS----- Fine Carriage«. Hack* and Waddle Horse«, ♦ And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape At Rea«onable Rate«. Iki- gg. L ■ ■ .. A----------- rlan.ahd n — Funnily/ Qrce®ry Stor*. Ballston Sheridan. AD Freeh Goode. Groceries. Hour, Baoau and Qlaarwarc end Qreokery. ,• I 'I YlcYlinn ville, Oregon. Nl’MINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. .. JS ?:8 9K 6.21 6.00 * Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing lor yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having Low Prices to Suit . - Tq • * ihl iJnryaftsryp i ^,w., Times, and where you won’t have to Pay f f 9C fl Ü» for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. BroWlie. t- M c M innville ailroad, opular oute. P acific icturesque R anges. F urniture tibí TC f, Propr. 20 Hours Less Time. r Manufacturer and Dealer In Aocommocations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisco. FINE FURNITURE . I 1 Í! Only Route via Yaquina Bay > '» in ti I f* «*.4 I 225 Miles Shortest i F actory W. H BINCHAM, Fast Time, Bur« Connection, New Equipment g4F*Good« delivered to purchasers intbeaitj City Stables. ,rr.’i • ----------(o)---------- " i '1 Good Fit Guaranteed Or No Sale C has . N. S cott , Receiver ORC( Ld ) Line. W illiam R eid , Preaident P&WVRCo. J. Harv. Henderson, f > v 3.00 2.55 2.30 2.05 1.46 1.25 1.15 10.00 9.40 9.20 9.00 8.40 8.25 8.00 7.45 7.30 if’ . ■FINE TAILORING A SPECIALTY. 8.35 12.40 8.20 12.15 8.05 12.05 11.45 11.40 7.30 11.30 7.20 11.20 7.00 11.00 6.54 10.50 6.43 10.33 6.41 10.30 3.45 . Perrydale. Sm i tli ft eld .. 4.07 4.27 Polk 4.50 .... Dallas. 5 10 .. Cochrane 5.30 .. Monmouth, 5.49 Luckiamute 6.02 . Simpson.. 6.15 .A irlie ........ AB LV 1.94 2.12 2.24 2.87 2.53 2.65 2.80 2.91 3.02 Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. (SuoceMor to L. ROOT.) Dealer in . oay Dundee We^t Dayton Lafavette Dayton Juncton McMinnville Cs Armstrong. Whites Briedwell. .. Harrison Broadmeads. Sheridan Junc’n TAILOR. ---------- (o)---------- f IVloIVXiii ii ville LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES WILLIAMS, MERCHANT To Portland. JLJ---- •Esf LV AM 4.00 10. io! Portland, PWV* 11.20 3.25 Ft. Jefljsrson St. lv A new, neat and clean stock. Every artiele A No. 1. Fruit Jar», Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco, Pjpes and Cigars. Give us a ealL Inspect my stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit vou. Sheridan M ixed. • »» CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. Portland and Willamette Valley Railway. B&zier & Mwiia • OTHO Oregonian R. R. Co. limited ijne, F. J. MARTIN. W. T. BAXTER. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. ROUTES San ITranolsoo. DAILY PANNENGKR TRAINS, of all kinds. Jnst received an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and designs. Call and price my etook. Undertakers Goods of a (Exoept Sundays.) Ijeave Corvallisat 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ quina at 7: 10 a. m. Oregon and California, West side, trains connect at Corvallis. HENDERSON BROS., Ample room to cure for horaea. Livery teams at as reaminable rate« as any where in Oregon. New stable Third St., McMinnville KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. (Huoc««wor to W. F. Banganner. I Will keep ou hand at all times the very beat auality of fresh meat«, that oan be ob­ tained in the market, and renpectfully solicit a «hare of the public patronage AVG ivcun a trial order and we will guar a u UM**3SMj((*)i(aK3|FreF °or THE COMPANY, { ’’ 1 No. 2 Washington • St., Portland, Oregon. ' A. a. CIUBWOM, «.aererwi.teni Mta'sgn