The Daily Reporter» Senator Ingalls wishes to see Episcopal Mission. Canada annexed to the United A meeting of the St. James D. C. IRELAND JI CO. PUBLISHERS, , States, and so do we; and a lot vestry was held at the office of ------ si——f of good folk across the line. His I)r. John son Monday evening McMinnville, Or. - - Eeb. 1, 1887 talk may *• be considered bv * some < at which it was decided to hold California Comb Honey at C. as revolutionary, but it is good, a mission beginning Feb. 13th, sound, sensible talk, neverthe- Grissen’s. concluding on the 20th, the Rev. j Broom drill roll call promptly less. A. L. Parker, of Eugene city, The legislative party which at 7 o’clock Friday evening. Rev. Geo. A. Foot of Trinity ch., And still it snows. The day stranded on the Yaquina route, Portland, Kev. John Sellwood, has been a real taste of winter. are o k , again. They probably of East Portland, and Key. John Another choice lot of fresh got to Salem to-day, sadder, if Rosenberg of St. Stephens made Cream Candy at C. Uris- not wiser men, than they were Chapel, Portland, will be invited last Friday, This incident did sen’s. to assist in these services. The Rev. J. Q. A. Henry will not prevent the senate from rector of St. James, desires to preach at the Baptist church ■ working, but the house had no make the mission services the quorum yesterday on account of this evening. commencement of the church N. S. Booth has, a very sick the delay. work which will be carried on “ In a nut shell.” That is the, horse, and Jack Helyerd has during the Lenten season, A impression we formed after just lost a pair. choir of voices is now in The charter committee dele­ reading the letter from Senator training, will consist of gated by the council to visit J. II. Mitchell to B. S. Hunting­ fourteen and boys, with ton, secretary of The Dalles Salem, left to-day. Prof. Carl young as leader. Articles for the Art Exhibi­ board of trade, on the sulyeet of Board of Trade. tion at the firemens fair may be inter-state commerce. It is not left at E. B. Fellows’ furniture susceptible of an epitome, and Permanent organization of we shall publish it in full, in the store. the board of trade was perfected George Wood was at Helena Reporter, that people may see at an adjourned meeting held at on the 27th surrounded by four' for themselves just what is being the council chamber Monday feet of snow, but drifting toward done. evening, by the adoption of a A meeting of the state board Boston, O. K. constitution and by-laws, order Two deaths of infant children of the McMinnville college was of business, etc. Permanent of­ are reported from Newberg. A held in this city yesterday and ficers will be chosen at the next daughter of E. Hutchins on the to-dav, called for a special pur- meeting Monday evening, Feb­ 27th, and a son of Win. 1). Fos­ pose, There are present as such ruary 7th. The board will meet ter on the ‘21st. ! members, Rev. J. Q. A. Henry, regularly on the first Monday A sand storm blockaded over­ of Portland; Rev. M. G. Rugg, in each month. Quarterly dues land travel east from Portland Salem; Kev. Mr. Brownson, Al­ will be 50 cents per quarter for last Saturday and Sunday, but , bany; Kev. S. P. Davis, Oregon each active member. with the aid of a chinook wind ' 1 city; Dea. J., The Dalles; Open Temperence Meeting. the track is again unobstructed.! I Rufus Thompson, Albany. The marshal at Salem has got Geo. W. Burt is a high trump Rev. T. II. Henderson will ! a jail full of tramps. Recently in business. If he has anything adress the open temperance i he walked in among them while to sell he lets the public know it, I society on next Monday even­ the gang were huddled together and keeps the coin at home by | ing at (1 range hall 7 o’clock , trying to keep warm, with a open competition with travelers; sharp, 'Subject, “the reason “ good morning ” in his jovial and strangers. why every voter should vote for way asked, “ cun any of you gen ­ You have perhaps heard of! the prohibitory amendments.” tlemen play the fiddle? ’ “ Yes, ” the “thread of a story.” Hod­ Any person is respectfully in­ son’s have them in stock. And answered a melancholy-looking • vited to rep ly at the same meet­ the article never permits any­ | vag. “ I am pretty good at it.” ing, why they should not vote thing to get lost to which it is 1 “Then fiddle away with this saw I for the prohibitory amendment. ! upon this sawbuck until you By order of t he committee. attached. An Emory Harmony Book have finished about two cords of; Letter List. was lost to-day on the road be­ this wood. And the rest of you] tween the Cozine bridge and can waltz around here and carry a Remaining icmai ii 111 £» uncalled a « ii«.m it,’ forprpVHtoffice Grange store. Finder will bej , it in.” And yet the Statesman iat McMinnville, Oreg , Feb. I8K7 lward suitably rewarded on leaving the says he is a kind hearted man. R w Aliwood i Burnett Later in the day a member ofiCha* A Bronaugh same at Rogers & Todd’s city OriieTlusCabanski 2 Ci Biggs the Salvation Army called at Martin Cabanska DJI er drug store. John Enery office and lodged R " Elwood In consequence of the ab­ the Statesman Robot Hudson ... . . .. . . Mrs Rose Golly sence of Hon. W. D. Fenton, a complaint against the marshal. B F Kanfield II M Lines temporary president, A. J. Ap- The complaint avers that one of, Jehoida Millard J E M- Laughlin 2 Miss Leonia Minor Win Mace 2 person was called to the chair at the good female Salvationists MrB M M'Donald Sam Neilson the board of trade meeting Mon­ asked Mr. Ross if they could not M D Robertson Mr Simona L D Swick Geo Small day evening. Geo. W. Jones, distribute a number of “war J A Snowden Wilfred Unger secretary, was present. The crys” among the prisoners. The Persona calling for the same will room was filled with attendants marshal answered “certainly; go please say advertised. right ahead. Any means of in­ J. F. W ihecarver , P. M. from among the representative flicting punishment upon the class of people, and the board poor devils is desirable, and will Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music in McMinnville and at McMinnville starts off with a bound in the l»e duly appreciated by the city college. Residence corner of Second ' authorities.” and C Streets. direction of positive success. MISCELLANEOUS, First National Bank, —OF M’ m INNVILLE, OREGON.— ------ OFFICERS :------ J acob W ortman ............. . .Pusideut W. 1). P enton .............. Vice-president J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier Transacts h General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Sight Exehauge and Telegraphic Transfers on New York. San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from w a. m. to 4 p. in. FIRE INSURANCE. .1011« WORTH A A Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: London a Liverpool A Globe, North British A Mercantile, Commercial Union Fire Association, German American, Fire­ man's Fund. Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Nevada, State Investment. Wheat inanrance a specialty. SEVENTH ANNUAL FIREMAN'S FAIR —OF THE— McMmlls Fire Bcpartnifint, —AT— Garrison Opera House, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 22d. 23d and 24th, 1887. LIST OF PRIZES. There will be prizes given on the following limned exhibits: 1st and 2d prize for best and 2d beat ex­ hibit of Kensington painting. lai and 2d prize, for beat and 2d beat ex­ hibit of Kensington embroidery. lot and 2d prize, for best and 2d beat ex­ hibit of outline work by a child under 14 year« of nge. I at and 2d beat, for beat and 2d beat ex­ hibit of work of anv kind by a boy under 14 years of age. lHt and 2d prize, for boat and 2d beat ex­ hibit of crayon work. There will alao be a prize given for the heavieat, lightest and prettiest baby under 1 year of age. Parade of Firemen Tuesday af­ ternoon. Doors wIII be open at 7 o’clock, p. in. dally, during the Fair. —All are invited to Attend— Admission 25 Cents. C ommittee . By Order of AT THE St. Charles Hotel, MoMinnville, Oregon. Monday, February 7th. Will be sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder, a tine large Kitchen Range almost new, suitable for a large family, a hotel or restaurant. Beds and Bedding. CARPETS. Kitchen and Dining Koooa Furniture, Lampe, Tables and Chairs, and a thousand other things too numerous to mention. TERM8 OF SALE; All sales under f 10, Cash. All «alee over 110, eight months credit, with approved notee. Thia is a positive and peremptory sale. F. MULTNKB.