The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 01, 1887, Image 2

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    they gain a foothold, flourish as keeps them off his trees by wash­ land, the state and city would
well as anywhere in the north­ ing them with a solution of con­ be always in position of equal
west and nothing more can be centrated lye. A can of lye will advantage with the points nam­
said in this direction. This bill make a great deal of solution, at ed.” And that is why we want
Mubfec-riptien Kale».
to see this assembly remove
By Carrier per week........................... lo cents for which we crave public inter­ least five gallons, and he thinks
(rayable on Saturday.)
est is house bill No. 152, intro­ the use of this has answered the every possible barrier to a full
Single Copy...................................... •> u
By Mail W cents per Month (In Advance.) duced by lion. Charles Lafollett. purpose. He recommends, as a free line.
The road will cost from $9,000 more efficient remedy or preven­ From this time on will be the
Kates lor Advertising
It will be necessary tion, to use coal tar to paint the working portion of the present
Will be made nMi»faotory to all applicants. to $10,009.
to put a substantial bridge across tree six or eight inches above legislature. When they get to- ■
McMinnville, Or.
the big Nestucca, costing from the ground and two below. This gether again, if such thing is
$<800 to $1,000. It is intended to he says, will certainly keep them possible, there will probably be
Willamina to Netarts.
construct the road so substan­ off ami not hurt the tree, though some lively proceedings during
As we stated yesterday, this tially that freight teams can it looks a little as if such use of the latter portion of the session.
is a matter worthy of considera­ pass ami repass every day in the coal tar was liable to shut up‘the
tion at the hands cf the assem­ year. The value of this work, pores and hurt the tree. He
bly, and we do nope the bill the fact that it will assist worthy says it will not. It is very easy
will puss, in his statement Mr. pioneers who have already done to wash thoroughly with lye A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
Munroe shows that the people of their share in making a path in water, and such washing is
Oregon are beginning to realize the wilderness, and that it will healthy for the tree. If that
Dealers In
that in the very nature of things open the way to homes for hun- does not keep them off, try coal
there ought to be ten people in ¡dreds of sturdy farmers, dairy- tar. The difficulty is, that in
Oregon where there are one, and men, lumbermen and fishermen, plum-wood the worm makes no
they further realize fully that thereby enriching the state and gum exude by. its work, and
the only way to bring about the enlarging its resources, suggests burying itself deep in the wood
desired result is to do as our the proposition that the state escapes notice; but they should
fathers did in the wilderness 'might, with propriety, appropri- be searched for and dug out, at Agricultural Implements, Pumps,
which they reclaimed and popu- jate a small sum to aid in an en- whatever cost of labor, and then
Pipes, Etc.
lated by the construction of I terprise of such large extent, wash repeatedly with lye water.
Alli of which will be sold as
roads through forests andjun-1 pushing th<* same to early com­ I f the use of lye water will pre­ LOW FOR CASH.
gles. I n no port ion of t he state pletion, so the road maybe of vent their coming it should be
As the times will allow,
are the expectant eyes of the | value this coming season. The applied once a month, beginning
multitude turned with greater I bill is before the assembly on in the first good spring weather We Huke a Specialty of all
interest than to that vast and its merits, ami is commended to ami continuing until winter
Kinds of Job Work Par­
practically unreclaimed territory the careful consideration of the rains set in. One dose of coal
which skirts the Pacific ocean, honorable members of both tar will do for the season.
Iron and Tin Roofing,
and has its eastern boundary in houses, who will find on exami­
Our “Turn Turn” Exactly.
Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps.
the western border of the Wil­ nation that it is, in every sense
In fact we do anything that conies in
lamette valley. The results of the word, worthy of intelli-
We can fully, and most posi­
our line, with neatness and dis­
patch and,
which followed the construction gent ami hearty support.
tively shall endorse any consist­
of the OPR are but faint hints
ent legislation favorable to the Never Tell You it Can’t be Done.
of the greater results which are
lease of ourORN. It is the only
on your designs and we will cut your
to follow in the near future. In
Geo. \\T. Mitchell, of Newberg, railroad route which can aid us Bring patterns,
and do your work, and
starting this road from Willa-i sends the Farmer a piece of a in the upbuilding of this state.
don't you forget it.
mina, Mr. Munroe shows that a young prune tree, that has been It is emphatically an Oregon
South east cor. 3d and C streets. McMinn­
vast waste of country would be killed by borers. In Oregon corporation. The N1‘R is not a ville. Oregon.
opened up to settlement and the borer attacks the peach roots friend to Oregon even, never
points to numerous local indue- under the ground, on which the has been, nor never will be. Its BISHOP & KAY
trios which would speedily fol- prune was grafted, ami girdles whole interest lays in the di­
low. T"
rhe proposed road will be the young trees often, but does rection of Puget sound. The
about forty miles in length. not touch the plum wood above lOPK, now the southern Pacific,
Along the immediate line of the or any tree that is four years is almost wholly identified with
----- OF----
road are excellent opportunities old, or bore in below the sap or San Francisco. As the Welcome
for at least 259 farms. There inner bark. With Mr. Mitchell says Sunday: “Oregon would
are now in that isolated region it has not got to the peach wood, have reaped immense advan­
Third St., Opposite
about thirty pioneers and the probably because it was too far tage during the late cut in over­
region north and south of the below the ground surface. It has land passenger rates, if the UPR
D on ’ t F orget the P lace ,
proposed road abounds in good bored into the wood, to the very had controlled the ORN. As it
claims. There is also a very heart. He seemed to have dug was, the latter company refused
—Whore you will—
tine and large tract of forest out the worms, but Mr. Dickin­ to submit to any reduction, de- I
growth which will be traversed son, to whom it was showed, cut mandingand receiving full rates,
by the new road. A portion of out a worm in the wood. After­ and as a consequence, the state
the track to be traversed con­ wards he split the stick and lost the immigration and the
sists of burned timber land simi­ found another worm in the very wealth attending it, which pour­
lar to that around Yaquina bay heart of it, coiled up for a winter ed into every Pacific state reach­
and ample testimony can be I snooze. It is, apparently the ed by the reduced rates. The
- in | thk -
produced to prove the assertion j regular peach borer, that is apt NPR are doing everything pos­
that the best forage grasses are to go into plum stock at times, sible to build up Tacoma, and LATEST_STYLES.
•• taking possession of the land /is the tree was set low the worm the SPR discriminates, and .UFT'3k-1&“^pOU1klto',A^d.^
•• and fitting it for a cattle range made its home in the plum or properly, in favor of San Fran­ for the
411 of unsurpassed value. Timothy prune wood just under the cisco. If the UPR should do Brownsville Woolen Hiill,
grass and white clover wherever ground. Mr. Dickinson says he^ the same for Oregon and Port- Carrying a full line of all goods made bv
The Daily Reporter»
— . ■■ N,„.
these oeiebrated mills