Sheridan Sheridan M ixed. Coburg an Airlie Mai M ixed. Coburg ai A irlie Ma: POPULAR ROUTES near city, passes by the lovely grounds, that were laid out in front of the lux­ urious dwelling, terminating in a Oregonian R. R. Co. limited [¡ne, beatiful park at the foot of the slight descent, protected on either side by a CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. stone wall, giving the place that air Portland and Willamette Valley Bailway. of elegant retirement so congenial to To Portland. the child of luxury; while seated in From Portland. the veranda that is overrun with Vir­ 4» . ginia creapers and fragrant honey U) S O' STATIONS. A £ suckles, looking out upon the lovely 1 grounds that glow with the varied Ö- LY pno Lv am LV AH lAr am Ar pm tint# of the many peteled flowers, that 4.« 10.1O Portland,PWV* 11.20 3.25 luirder the intricate walks, sits a Ft. Jefferson St. woman gazing, with a far away look . Elk Rock . 10.50 3.00 ♦ .24 4:45 11:10 in her delicate face, out over the land­ .29 4.51 11.15 Oswego 10.45 2.55 10.15 2.30 .. Tualitan.. .52 5.21 11.45 scape, as though recalling some long I .75 5.55 12.10 . 9.40 2.05 Winters... 9.21 1.4« hurried memories of . the past—her Summit .88 6.11 12.25 «.32 12.45 . Newberg .. 9.00 1.25 unhappy past. She lives over again 1.00 1.00 6.45 12.,56 pwv Dundee jun 8.45 1.15 in imagination the happy, long, ORy Dundee 8.35 12.40 1.00 «.55 1.15 long, ago, before her sun went down I 1.16 7.15 1.35 West Dayton 8.20 12.15 Lafayette 1.24 7.25 1.501 8.05 12.05 to rise no more. 1.3« 7.40 2.05 Dayton Guncton 7.45 11.45 Ah, Harry, my darling, must the I 1.40 7.45 2.10 McMinnville Cs 7.40 11.40 7.55 2.20 Armstrong. 7.30 11.30 shadow of your dear face haunt me I 1.48 Whites 1.54» 8.05 2..'«) 7.20 11.20 Briedwell. .. 7.00 11.00 forever. Perhaps, if I could have I 1.72 8.25 2.55 8.29 2.59 Harrison 6.54 10.50 kissed your marble brow, and laid 1.75 1.84 8.40 3.11 . Broadmeads. 6.43 10.33 your cold and lifeless form in the 1.8« 8.42 3.13 Sheridan Juni 'n 6.41 10.30 quiet grave I might have become re­ 1.96 8.5Ó Ballston 6.21 Sheridan. 6.00 conciled in time to Gods providence ; 2.14 9.15 but to think of you always as I last 1.ÍM 3.45 10.00 . Perrvdale.. 2.12 9.40 4.07 Smithfield .. heard from you, weltering in your 2.24 9.20 4.27 .Polk . 9.00 4.50 .... Dallas. own precious blood dying far from 2.37 8 40 5.10 .. Cochrane home, by the hand of the cruel assass­ 2.53 2.65 8.25 5.30 .. Monmouth, 5.49 8.00 Luckiamute. in, and doomed to a watery grave, is 2.80 2.91 6.02 7.45 . Simpson. more than I can bear. God help me, 8.08 . A IRLIE. .. 6.15 7..30 AR LV I don’t want to cloud the lives of my children, with my selfish grief. They ( 'HAS. N. S cott . Receiver ORC( Ld ) Line. try so hard—heaven bless them—to W illiam R eid President P&WVRCo. make me forget my pain ; but alas, my wound is incurable. The death r> ailroad. ron D r aciflc opular n oute angel alone can apply the healing llnly ver Icturesque ang es. touch. In her pre-occupation she had spoken this last aloud, uncon-1i Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment cions of the approach of a light foot To be Continued. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. OTHO WILLIAMS, YAILOl EKCHANT ----------- (O)----------- FINE TAILORING A SPECIALTY. -------- (o)-------- Good Fit Guaranteed Or No Sale -------- (O)-------- Tirili nu ville, ' Oregon. « PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing tor yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ fl ed as represented. Having Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. BrOWIie. M c M innville F urniture W. H. BINGHAM, Propr. 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. Family Grocery Store. Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, (Successor to L. ROOT.) Dealer in AU Fresh Goods. Groceries. Floor, Boooo. and Qlaaavaro and Crockery. l-er Good« delivered to vurchnser« lntlieoity City Stables Manufacturer and Dealer In Accommodations nnaurpiiHsed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisco FINE FURNITURE Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER THAl.WSi, (Exoept Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ quina at 7: 10 a. m. Oregon and California, West side, trains oonneot at Corvallis. The steamship Yaquina city, whioh has been undergoing repairs, and the Santa Ma­ ria will each sail on the dates lielow named: PHOM YAQUINA. Yaquina City Santa Maria. Yaquinn City Santa Maria Yaquina City Santa Maria I Yaquina City Thursday, Jan. 27 .Wednesday, Feb. 2 ............ Tuesday Feb. 8 Monday Feb 14 Sunday Feb. 20 ....Saturday. Feb. 26 Friday. March 4 of all kinds. Just received an extra hne lot of Black walnut Furniture, and designs. Call and price my stook. HENDERSON BROS., Ample room to cure for horaeu. Uivc’j tennis nt ns rensonnbln rate# ns any where ' Dragon. New al ible Third 3t., MuMinnvt! • A. A. KKNTON MANAOB» LAY. CITY MARKET, ... Ynqninn City Santa Marin............. Yaquina City .Friday Jan. 28 Thursday, Feb. 3 ... Wednesday Feb 9 Tuesday Feb. 15 Mon ny^ Feb. 21 Sunday Feb. 27 Undertakers Goods of a THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL N - route - OHTHEKHDACIFICnAILKOADI ... ..... B I J| QUICKEST! . ................. r .... ....... n.... SHORES!! £ BEST! 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIHTHE DINIYG CAR THU ;i)llll ( T EUO 1.13¡IWW/H l»F.I. IVM FASTEST TRAINS! , To CHICACO and all points EAST. I Ticket# sold to all PKOJIINEXT POINTS Throughout the East and Southeast. Lowest Hates IO (I'.AKT HOI Ik FASMAUERS! rè-BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT M'.KE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE Daily Passenger Trains (Exoept Sunday#,) Live# Yaquinn ... 6:20 a. m. Vri.-.'’ j : v l!is ............ IO:,'« a. ni. \rriv Albany 11:4)0 a. m. Leave Albany 12:40 p. m. Arrive Corvallis.......................... 1:22 p.m. Arrive Yaquinn .. 5:45 p. rn. 'Dio Company reserves the right to change sailing days. Farrs, between Corvallis and San Francisco. Kail and Cabin, $14; Bail and Steerage, $9.88. For information npplv to CH AS. C. HOGUE, To Acting Gen. F. and J'ass. Agent. Corvallis, Oregon ------- TO TAKE Till------- And see that your ticket rend# via Fortland and —ZZZZ St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS.; KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. (Suooeoeor to W. F. Hangaaner.) Will keep on hand at all time# the very beat quality of fresh meat#, that can be ob­ tained tn the market, and respectfully solicit ■ ah are of the public patronage M^Oiveus a trial order and we will guarantee Mtiafaction. > Brewster's Fatent Retn Holder. Tour IlnM are where you put them—not under horses' Not. One agent euld IS dos. la 5 days, one dealer sold * dos. In IS dsya Item plat worth |l.M> rasa. Write tor terme K. E. HKKWSTKR, Holly, Mich. avoid change# and mioim delays cccaeicncd by other route#. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cais arc mu on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- UP QUICKEST TIME! ------- o------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COVIPANY, No. 2 A. Washington St., Portland, Oregon. O. CHAHl.TOy, General Writer# Passenger Agent.