NEW TO-DAY ful things; but we take it this laws. Continuous lines became will satisfy the enquiry, and we most agreeable to the demands D. C? IKtl.AM» * CO. PVBUHHEBs. hope, serve to direct atteirtiori of trade, and are the result of to the needs of our school. commercial convenience and Subscription Hate*. Dealers In By Carrier per week.......................... 10 oents Should any of these items men­ economy. A law’ of congress • (Payable on Satarday.) tioned be incorrect, our columns hostile to the natural lawr of Single Copy........... ............. 2 “ By Mail 10 cents per Month (In Advance.) are open to admit correction. trade w’ill derange such natural HARDWARE, laws and disintegrate the long We wish to say again that in tor Adi erti.iiiK TINWARE & Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. this matter we have not the re­ lines into local ones again. The motest intention of making any bill just passed congress can be •; 1 - v ■ s. Jan. 31. 1887 McMinnville, <>r. personal reflections or unjust rendered nugatory by a bill of criticisms. We are aware that lading for each separate short Agricultural Implements, Pumps, Our Public School Again. Pipes, Etc. the directors of public schools line. The jurisdiction of con­ :i i ’ r ♦ • • i All! of which will be sold as Our readers will doubtless re­ simply direct; behind them are gress depends upon conditions member that on January 22(1, the taxpayers. and traffic contracts wholly with­ LOW CASS. 2 I' . i , .■ < j * • • ’ I we made some notes about exer­ The directors are supposed to in the control of the railroads. As the times will allow, cises at the public school; am do nothing more than to put They can devise a system of con­ put in the following also: into effect the wishes of the tax­ tracts Which will take freight tfe Make a NpTciAlf j of all •ilnrf.’orjh.VWork Par- With the work of both pupils payers. but’of the operation of this bill ticularly • l! ♦ ., . .■ . p , and teachers, in the McMinn­ and leave it a dead letter! With our flourishing city; ville public schools, parents and .... ------------ — . iron awtf Tirf Rodflhg; taxpayers in general must be our fine class of students, and The remarks of the Register pleased, but with the work of our efficient teachers, certainly concerning Dr. Howard were Gal^anikXdiiOnCorntbes and“wind pttbliflC’ OrdiL left a ‘ call. , Inspect. tpy stock' aid I We might suggest other need- Transporlalion'witt obey its own at the stable will be promptly attended te|at wftl guarantee phees to suit vou. Th* Reporter. a . rt. & o! o! hód S on I** a CLOTHIttfi • 11 YAMHELL GO., ALWAYS find » ♦ m CW!k