The Daily Reporter. It is reported the narrow State Temperance Alliance Call. gauge will tap McMinnville. rhe sixteenth annual session D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. An elegant assortment of call­ of the Oregon State Temperance ing cards just received per Fri­ Alliance will convene in Salem, McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 29, 1887 day’s freight. Come and see Oregon, on Wednesduv, Febru- A large lot of Dennison’s them. ary 16th, 1SS7, at 2 o'clock p. m. Smallpox has got a foothold shipping tags just received. Each organized county alliance Alice Oates is dead, and the in the tenament districts, and is entitled to twice as many dele­ fears are entertained that it will gates as there are members of stage loses an illustrious star. Coffee is high, but ('. (irissen become epidemic. the legislative assembly from “This is a hard winter on still offers bargains in green and that eountv. Also each church, fences," remarks an agricultural roasted coffee. Sunday school and temperance The Dundee hotel is well kept contemporary. We have no­ society is entitled to one dele- by Mrs. Robertson. Meals, 50 ticed it has been exceptionally gate. Much depends upon this severe on senators’ “fences.” cents. session of the alliance, The P. N. Nystrom will lecture at Mr. Shiply says that logs temperance forces of our state enough are on hand to start the the Christian church, Sunday are on the eve of a great victory, mill by the middle of next week. Jan. 30th, at 11 a.m. and at 7 p. or terrible defeat. The part The Prohibition Star under m. Subject in the morning: each temperance and religious its new management shows de­ “What has Religion done for body takes in supporting and cided improvement. Success to Man.” Subject for evening: making the state alliance a suc­ “Causes and Effects of the laws cess, will have much to do in it. Don’t pav $25 for Chambers’ of Nature and Revelation.” determining which it shall be. Chief Engineer Henderson re­ Then let there be a strong dele­ Enclycopedia when you can get the same kind of Geo. W. Burt quests us to state that on Feb­ gation from all parts of the state ruary first a tiremen’s election at this session of the alliance. for $15. Mi ss Cleveland says people will be held to elect a chief en­ Greatly reduced rates of fare partake of the nature of the food gineer, one assistant, a secretary will be granted to all delegates they eat. What piles of veal the and treasurer. Immediately af­ in attendance by the different terwards the various companies lines of travel within the state. dudes must consume. Miss Hembree has an oil will elect local officers. On the G. M. M iller , same evening a supper will be painting on exhibition at Rog­ H. S. S trange , President. tendered the department. ers