VOL. IL The NO. 24 Reporter. M c M innville . O regon , S aturday , J anuary 29. 1887. PRICE TWO CENTS. to discus the interupted supper. The mother having indicated Kntered in the Poatoffioe at McMinnville for WBTTTBW FOB THE REPORTER BY MBS. C. M. the presence of the babes to her Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ KIRKWOOD. cousin who had a wholesome ond Class Matter. .... o-.... , ing with a proud, loving glance, dread of their cries, being an old D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. the spot where stood the crib bachelor, it had the desire«! ef­ Headquarters for that held their treasures, when fect in causing him to lower his D. C. IRELAND A Co., STÄPCE AW FANGT they were disturbed by the tones during the entire evening, PlBl.ISHEHS. tramping of horses feet accom­ which nothing else could have panied by voices. Rising and done. T hs D ail « K bpobtbb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered After some slight conversation looking out of the window, they in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail. 40 saw a company of men leading Joe asked Harry if he was going cents per month in advance. Kates for ad­ vertising same as for T hs W beklt K epobteb . horses with packs on their backs, to the mines, assuring him that an unsual sight in their isolated the whole world was moving in Pristi*?. home. As they drove up and that direction’ that he himself AND-------- We beg leave to announoe to the public stopped in front of the house, had come east to induce his that we have just added a large stock of new Cenerai Merchandise. the two gazing out the while, friends and relatives to return novelties to our business, and make a special­ --------- o ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, the wife recognizing in one who with him to the gold fields in Sole Agent for the Celebrated Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling had dismounted and was ap­ California. Why, cousin Joe, I Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of proaching them, a favorite have scarcely heard them men­ work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ cousin, cried: “Why, Harry, it tioned in this out of ..the way vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. is cousin Joe.” Meeting him in place. Is it realy true? Have DOCTORS the door with out stretched hand, they gold in California? Have Assortment of these Popular Goods she gave him a cordial welcome, you seen any of it yourself? LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, ZJV ALL THE LATES1 introducing him to Harry, whom Was it talked of before you Offioe over Braly’s Bank. NOVELTIES, NEW he had never met, Joe having came east ? Tell us all about AJ\D DESIRA­ .«le.Hiiiiiville, ... Oregon. much been for some years in Califor­ it. We have hear«! BLE COLOR ­ G. W. GOUCHEB. E. E. GOUCHEB. nia, then considered almost out through the papers, but the sto­ INGS, of the world. They hade him ries seemed incredible, and wre Coucher &, Coucher. JUST RECEIVE». enter. He at once informed have passed them by, as a myth PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. or the wild imaginations of a M c M innville ... - O regon . Please Call and Examine. them, without further ceremony, i that he had come some distance disordered brain.” “Imagina­ Office and residence, corner of Third and out of his way in order to make! tions ! They are gospel truths. W hat we G uarantee D. streets, next to the postoffioe FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR them a visit before returning to I I tell you man, there are tons of jas . m ’ cain . h . hub ley . MANUFACTURE. his home on the “Pacific coast,”, finest gobi digged from a single McCain & Hurley, acre. I have seen men go out To be made from the very best ma-1 having induced his fellow trav­ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW in the river bar, and pick up AND NOTARIES PVBLIO, terial, by skillful workmen, with the elers to journey thither in com­ with the points of their butcher latest and most approved machinery, pany with himself, promising Lafayette, Oregon, knives hundreds of dollars, in Especial attention paid to abstracts of title and to be the cheapest goods in the them the hospitality of his kins­ less than half an hour. Harry! and settlement of estates in probate. market when service is considered. The half has not been told. It Offioe -Jail buiding, up stairs. Are so thoroughly finished that they woman, who gave them, one and varies from finest dust to heavy be worn in damp weather, or in a all, a cordial welcome, assuring Mrs. M. Sliadden. can nuggets that will weigh several shower, without fear of being ruined them she and her husband would pounds, pure undulterated gold. by curling or shrinking. be highly pleased if they could The finest in the world. I tell Fashionable Dressmakers The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ extend their visit several days. you what Harry, you must quit fST The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ishing is done in such a manner, that ! It having been their intention this one horse farming business, ting employed. the goods can be washed if desired . to resume their journey on the ami go with me to California. Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay’s store without the least injury to fabric. McMinnville. Or. Doni look so white, cousin mine, Our goods are wool dyed, and colors I morrow, the travelers, however you can go too. There is room as fast as the purest dyes and greatest with many thanks, declined their enough for all—this to Helen, care and skill can make them. ■ ■■■()-------- kind invitation, prefering the who had turned gastly pale, at Good® show just what they are and Late of New Orleans, La., freedom of the camp. Pitching tin* thought of a possible separa­ will be until worn out, as there is no Pile» and Fistula a Spe­ their tents under the shade trees| tion, noting the expression in weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ ciality. Consultation her husbands face that spoke, tre used to increase the weight or fin- | near the house, they proceeded fYec. .\o Cure plainer than words, the conclu­ ish ; as is the case with a large class of! to make themselves at home. ,Wo Pay. sion at which was arriving, in goods in the market, but which disap­ Being told there was abundance t-«*~ Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M D., the rapid mental calculation, pears after a few days’ service. McMinnville, Oregon. of small game and fish, they running through his brain, As manufacturers we have taken readily consented to abide the while listening to those magic great pains to supply an article in words, that cast their spell over every way reliable, and unsurpassed time and pleasure of their friend half the world during the reign by similar goods, either foreign or do­ and fellow traveler, who insisted of that universal epidemic, call­ Hair Cutting, shaving and xham poolng Parlor. mestic, and would respectfully ask an that by so doing they would ed the gold fever, that stired examination of the various styles and gain time as their horses were 15c SHAVING 15c. shades the earth from center to circum­ to be found on sale by mer­ already worn with travel and ference, flooding as with a C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. chants who are agents for the goods. needed rest. Finding abundance mighty deluge, the gold reigns (Sncoessor to A. C. Wyndham.) All goods of our manufacture should of grass in Harry’s pasture, on the far away Pacific, with a Ladies and children’s work a specialty. bear the name and trade mark of heterogenous mass of human be­ I have just added to my parlor the when all was arranged, they re ­ B roadhead W orsted M ills , ings of every name and nation. largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this •itv. Try them. Jamestown, N. Y. entered the house and proceeded To bo Oontinood. MISCELLANEOUS. l j.m, DRY GOODS Broadhead * * * * Dress Goods DR. I. C. TAYLOR. A Tale of Forty-Nine.