The question before the people to work with a force of men, to MISCELLANEOUS, is: “Can you stay with it if set in a row of piling, some SEVENTH ANNUAL you catch on.” D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. twenty-five feet further in shore, St. Nicholas for February is a from which iron rods will be at­ McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 28, 1887 splendid number. This maga­ tached to the bulkhead, thus se­ zine, like wine, improves with curing it from further damage. ‘A H." age. Wednesday evening the beau­ Who signs his name in letters great Moss Rose is the name of an­ tiful snow descended and covered A. H. And raises a dirty mess in the state'.’ other high-toned club in Port­ the earth to a depth of two A. H. land. How’d boiled cabbage inches. During Thursday it Who'll some day surely meet a fate : was turned into a light rain, A. H. sound? FIREMAN'S FAIR By being lammed up severely straight The O. & C. east side train Indications for storm of some A. H. —OF THE— severity are good, that is if Against some roughly moulded stake : was delayed twelve hours at A. H. Oakland. Cause: engine jumped you’ll wait long enough. And left there tn the sun to bake— This man who signs himself —AT— the track. A Correction. A. H. Thos. Stevens the bicyclist was Garrison Opera House, Snow all gone. made an honorary member of Owing to miss placing of the Tuesday, Wednesday . and Thursday, What is courtesy ? the Portland club and presented line “To Portland” and “F rom February 22d, 23d and 24th, Portland,” over the narrow Don’t be a clam! with a medal. 1887. guage schedule yesterday, the Posters for the Firemen’s fair The ferry boats in Portland sense of the meaning was chang­ LIST OF PRIZES. are but. are having a rough time of it ed a few. This morning it comes One or two sleighs were in with high water. All the more There will be prizes given on the following named exhibits: forth in correct form. town yesterday. I st and 2d prize for best and 2d best ex­ need of a bridge. hibit of Kensington painting. Obnervatloii'i. Hugh Collard arrived home 1st and 2d prize, for beet and 2d beat ex­ One week ago Saturday, two hibit of Kensington embroidery. on Thursday morning. 2d prize, for beet and 2d beat ex­ .students of the Indian School Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music 1st and of oatline work by a child under 14 G¿^. Smith, a farmer living at Chemawa disappeared, and in McMinnville and at McMinnville hibit of age. college. Residence corner of Second years let and 2d brat, for beat and 2d beat wk- *• near Oswego, is missing. and C Streets. started for the habitation of hibit of work of any kind by a boy under 14 Pastures green; so’s ye local, their fathers in eastern Oregon. John J. Sax has his, chop mill in years of age. 1st and 2d prize, for beat and 2d beet ex­ running order, and will chop feed for hibit as far as dews is concerned. of crayon work. They were captured at Hood $2 per ton. If this does not suit the There will also be a prize given for the Some one left a five gallon oil river. customer call and .get. a special .heaviest, lightest and prettiest baby under 1 year of age.. < . can at the Eurisko market. Parade of Firemen Tuesday al- The last will of the late Ed- Come and get it, quick. Notice ot Co partnership.. lernoon. ward Cahalin, one of the oldest , •—V- jf I Having entered into Co-Partnership with Miss Cora Wallace has ac­ Doors will be open al 7 o’clock, D?M 4. Caldwell, in the boot and shoe dealers in Port ­ cepted a position in the Tele­ p. m. dally, during the FEED AN FLOUR BUSINESS. land, who died December 16, Fair.. phone office, as a disciple to the In Shobe’s building, opposite the Post oftioe, 1886, devises to his wife all r-All niy invitpd to Attend^. . the Arm will be Kno>m as C0L1.ARD A “ messengers leaden and dumb.” 1 * ' CALDWELL. ? Admission 25 Cents. Our devil and pressman was property, real or personal, for Mr- 014 CaMwall utiend to well By Order of C ommittk ». wants wnnl, of the _ iMibllc. violently attacked with a shock her own Use during her life. At the All sales will be for cash at bed rook prioes. Orders delivered to any part of the oity fret of otia, and we had a monkey her death the estate shall go to of First National Bank, extra charge. J. J. COLLARD. D. M. CALDWELL. and a parrot time getting out the children, Edward Hugh, —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— Catherine Ellen, Gertrude Mary MoMinnville, Or., Deo. 27th, 1886. this issue. and John Francis, share and —i-oyncKRg:---- C. A. Wallace yesterday sold share alike. J acob W ortman .................... President W. 1). F enton ............... Vice-president his fine eight months-old Hol- J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier The rains of Saturday night stean calf to S. Porter of Mill Transacts a General Banking business, creek, Polk county. Considera­ and Sunday caused the river to interest allowed on time deposits. make a sudden upward bound, Collections made on favorable terms. tion $155. Sight Exchange iiud Telegraphic Transfers besides thoroughly soaking and on Now York, San Francisco and Portland. “A Tale of Forty-Nine” writ­ softening the earth everywhere. Office hours—from 9 u. in. to 4 p. m. ten by Mrs. C. M. Kirkwood, , Upon examination the morning FIRE INSURANCE. begins with this issue. It, is a of the 26th, it was discovered JO HA WORTMAN narrative of thrilling interest, Represents the following sterling comiian- I that the above causes had re- London A Liverpool A Globe, North and will amply repay perusal. ' suited in some small damage to HENDERSON BROS., ies: British A Mercantile, Commercial Union The Portland News says it’s the bulkhead at the east end of Ample room to on re for horse«. Liver) Fire Association, German American, Fire­ man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo teams at ns reasonable rates as any where iu Nevada, State investment. got the facts concerning the the big bridge across the Wil­ Oregon. New atabl« Third St., McMinnvi’fc Wheat insurance a s|M < . IRE L AM) A CO., ceived all needed repairs, and' that it has caved outward, caus­ 28(1 ACRES. 12f> in cultivation; 6 now lays at the foot of Main ing the bulkhead to bulge river­ 'miles south west of Sheridan PRICE street, says the Telegram, wait­ wards, from six to twelve inches, ing for the river to lower enough with some danger of its going to pass through the locks. The clear over into the river. To expense of repairing was about avoid such a catastrophe, the For farther information address R.G Worth­ lU SJ- « 1 .' 'T; ” ' ington, Sheridan, Or., or Wright