Strikers continued to return to J. M. Kitchen has been ap­ MISCELLANEOUS, work in small parties to-dav. pointed postmaster at Irving, SEVENTH ANNUAL Chief Engineer Henderson re­ Lane county, vice S. A. Bond, D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, quests us to state that on Feb­ removed. Another republican McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 27, 1887 ruary first a firemen’s election rose nipped by the democratic Firemen’s supper for the will be held to elect a chief en­ frost. When the people of San Fran­ brave laddies, Thursday, Feb. gineer, one assistant, a secretary and treasurer. Immediately af­ cisco and the surrounding coun­ 1st. D. C. Ireland left for Portland terwards the various companies try heard that terrific explosion yesterday, via the narrow gauge will elect local officers. On the of a cargo of giant powder, they same evening a supper w ill be thought the Hill boom had route. FIREMAN'S FAIR tendered the department. struck “ the slope ” endwise. C. Grissen Coffee is high —OF THE— A reward of $5,000 is offered Boulanger, who will be the n green and still offers barga biggest French general next to by A. E. Eaton for the appre­ roasted coffee. —AT— Oscar Rennie, foreman of Napoleon if he lives to beat Ger­ hension and conviction of the murderer or murderers of Willis many, is working hard to pre ­ the West Side at Independence, pare the victory which many Skiff, on North Powder, Union Garrison Opera House, called yesterday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, “A tale of ’49,” written for the Frenchmen are prophesying. county. One thousand dollars February 22d, 23d and 24th, Reporter, will soon be run His last investment is in 200,- additional is offered by the 1887. county. 000 shells loaded with melinite, through the daily. LIST OF PRIZES. T. D. Henderson’s compli­ the new' explosive invented by Produce Price Current. tw ’ o French officers, who guard There will be prises given on the following ments were received at this of­ Wheat per rental in Portland named exhibits: sk’d .................................... »1 3d 0 1 40 the secret well. fice yesterday. Thanks. 1st and 2d prize for beet and 2d beat ex­ 76 79 Wheat per bushel in MoM . 40 aaoked ............... 16 hibit of Kensington painting. Now the United States govern­ Oats Prof. Crowhurst lectured at let and 2d prize, for beet and 2d beet ex­ ») 18 Wool per lb ............... ....... per barrel .................... 4 25 4 60 hibit of Kenaington embroidery. the Opera house last evening to ment has, by statute, virtually Flour 1st and 2d prize, for beet and 2d beet ex­ 8 7 Baoon sides................................ prohibited and put down the Hams......................................... 10 hibit of outline work by a ohild under 14 » an appreciative audience. Shoulders ................................ 6 7 years of age. let and 2d beat, for beet and 2d beet ex­ 7 The next meeting of the Cho­ manufacture of oleomargarine, Lard ......................................... 6 50 hibit of work of any kind by a boy under 14 Butter, fresh rolls 40 ral Union will be at the residence the Astorian asks: Does the Eggs per dos........................... 30 years of age. 16 1st and 2d prize, for beet and 2d beet ex­ . 50 75 Apples, green per box ... state of Oregon need the con­ Dried apples, Plummer.... of Dr. Tucker, February 8th, 11 12 hibit of crayon work. There will also be a prize given for the “ R sun ............... 7 6 Read Hodson’s new “ad.” tinuance of the present office of Plums, 8 » heaviest, lightest snd prettiest baby under 1 pitlees.......................... ;wo year of age. . 2 50 iokens per dos They are splendid mechanics dairy commissioner? We answer Ch 16 Parade of Firemen Tuesday af­ 14 Hides, dry flint........................ 6 7W “ green ........ ................. and do just what they advertise. yes; most emphatically. The Potatoes ternoon. 00 60 ............... . ........... 8 00 Snow' is fast covering up the law of congress is so utterly de­ Oeeee, tame, per dos...., . 5 8 00 4 00 Doors will bo open at T o'clock, 00 Ducks, “ “............... p. m. dally, during the hills back of town, and a cold, fective that state law is neces­ Hogs, dressed ................... Fair. drizzling rain is falling at this sary to punish violations of the — All are invited to Attend— national act. writing. Admission 25 Cents. Elsie Wright has commenced The country near Cottage By Order of C ommittsx . hauling stone for the foundation grove in Lane county, was visit­ $1.5O Per Year. of his new’ building, on the lot ed by a young cyclone Saturday Subscribe Now. First National Bank, adjoining Henderson Bros, liv­ last. Large trees were torn up — of m ’ minnvili . e , oreqon .— ery stable. by the roots, fence rails were ----- officers :----- Rev. G. J. Burchett contem­ carried 300 feet into the air, J acob W ortman ...................... Preaident F enton ................. Vice-preaidont The Best Paper J W. ohn I). W plates, at an early day, to change and general havoc prevailed ortman ......................... Cashier in the valley. his residence to Portland, as his wherever it went. This is some­ Transacts a General Banking business. Interost allowod on time deposita. future duties lay in that field. It thing new’ for the Wallamet Collections made on favorable terme. valley, and this young cyclone is not definitely settled as yet. Hight Exchange and Télégraphie Transfère on New York, Han Francisco and Portland. was probably an orphan that Gives all the Office houre—from I» a. m. to 4 p. m. The time table of the narrow' had lost its parents and wander ­ best news. gauge line w ill be found in this FIRE INSURANCE. ed away from home. issue, complete. No other paper, JOIIA WOKTUAN as yet, has published it in so con­ State News. Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: Loudon A Liverpool A Globe, North venient a form. The line is fast British A Mercantile. Commercial Union Send your Diphtheria is raging in San Fire Association, German American, Fire- becoming popular. mnn’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo name Nevada, State Investment. John Morgan while out hunt- Francisco. Wheat insurance a specialty. The steamer Topsy is engaged "hfcg for deer recently, with three Family Grocery Stör». fine hounds, came suddenly upon in rafting logs on the river near Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. And one a bear. In the conflict that en­ Independence. $1.50 On account of heavy obstruc- sued, the finest dog lost his life, J. Harv. Henderson, ! tion on the O&C road near Ash­ and the bear escaped. (HuooesHor to L. ROOT.) A fine poetical effort will be land, the California mail goes Dealer in found on the first page of this and comes by the way of the $1.5O. issue. Mr. Grissen is a graceful Short line. $1.50. All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Eicon. aal G. C. Israel, the lawyer w'ho writer and handles his subjects Glaerwsro snd Crockery, with ease and ability. His many killed Mr. Cohen at Baker city Goods delivered to pnreham ra in thesity able contributions are duly ap­ some time since, has been ac­ quitted by the circuit court of preciated by the proprietors. D C. IRELAND A C O., A committee of the Lorillard Baker county. Eugene will erect more build­ strikers last night demanded the discharge of those of their ings next summer than any number w’ho had returned to other town in Oregon outside of D.C.Ireland&Co[J work, as the price of declaring Portland. Work will commence Publishers. the strike off. This was refused. early in the spring. McMinnville, Oregon. The Daily Reporter. McMinnville Fire Department, R E P O T E Fine Job Printers, IV ■