The Daily Reporter, News of the World. NEW TO-DAY Two ballots were taken for United States senator on the 26th, at Indianapolis, without A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON change. Vanderpoo, war correspondent Dealers In of the Paris Figaro, who server that paper in the Russo-Turkish HARDWARE, and other campaigns, and who is at present in Berlin, re­ TINWARE & ceived a cablegram from the Figaro to-day, saying that war is imminent and inevitable, anc Agricultural Implements, Pumps, ordering him to sail for Paris Pipes, Etc. Alli of which will be sold as not later than February 1st. Senator Dolph said in the LOW FOR CASS. senate in reply to the woman suf­ As thy times will allow, frage question : “God speed the day when, not only in all We Make a Specialty or all Kinds of Job Work Par­ the states and territories, but ticularly everywhere, women shall stand before the law freed from the Iron and Tin Roofing, shackles riveted on her by Galvanized iron Cornices and window cape. In fact we do anything that oomes in. tyranny and by ignorance, not oar line, with neatness and dis­ only in relation to suffrage, but patch and, in relation to every other right.” Senor Antanio Fortes, repeat­ Subscription Kates. edly Portugese prime minister, By Carrier per week............................. 10 cents is dead. (Payable on Saturday.) 2 “ Single Copy............................................. The senate rejected the woman By Mail 10 cents per Month (In Advance.) suffrage question, by a vote of lint«» for Artvertioing IG to 31. Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. “He died with clean hands Jan. 27,1887 and an empty purse” is the New McMinnville, Or. York Worlds announcement for Editorial Notes. Logan. A St. Petersburg dispatch Fame and fortune await the says the czar and czarina are ar­ man who will invent a success­ ranging for a tour of Europe in ful boom steerer. the spring. Christopher Buckley, the not­ The semi-panic on the stock ed democratic boss, is lying dan­ exchange, caused by the London gerously ill at his home in San Daily News article of yesterday, F rancisco. has subsided. The striking car drivers of Gen. Boulanger, minister of San Francisco have incorpora­ ted an omnibus line with a cap- war, publishes a denial of the report that he is buying horses tal of $10,000. “Is there no patriotism in our abroad for the use of the army. party?” inquires a democrat or­ The National woman’s suffrage gan. Not having a microscope association met in Washington Never Tell You it Can’t be Done. at hand we must pass the ques­ on the 25th, Susan B. Anthony delivered the opening address. Oregonian R. R. Co. limitco Line, Bring ony oar designs and we will oat yoar tion. Next? patterns, and do yoar work, and The trial of John O ’ Neill, the don’t yoa forget it. The funeral of the late Mrs. OHAS. N. SCOTT. Receiver. third of the indicted aiderman Voohees occurred this morning. Portlaid aid Wlllaiette Valley Ballway. South east oor. 3d and C streets, MoMinn- ville, Oregon. A, H. 4 0.0. HODSON. The remains were interred at of the “ boodle” board of 1881, From was begun on the 26th in New To Portland. Highland Lawn, in the Voor­ Portland. York. 'Ed hees burial plot. fi E • E « li Gladstone arrived in London ■g-g 72 «> One of the most unprovoked oe u M STATIONS. ‘G 3 murders ever committed took to-day. At the stations along A. X Sa ao*’ <3< 3s place in San Francisco on the the road from Hawarden he was LV AB reconized by the people and en ­ 10.10 Portland, PWV* 11.20 3.25 24th. The victim waB Win. Ft. Jefferson St. thusiastically cheered. Haye« and murderer his son, 4:45 11:10 Elk Rook . 10.50 3.00 At the cabinet council held at $ .25 Daniel. .29 4.51 11.15 10.45 2.55 Oswego Third St., Opposite .52 5.21 11.45 ... Tualitan.. 10.15 2.30 Windsor to-day the queen read The Indiana democrats are .75 5.55 12.10 9.40 2.05 Winters... YAMHILL CO. BANK. .88 6.11 12.25 9.21 1.46 Summit ... pushing the Hill boom with and abproved the speech to be 1.00 6.32 12.45 .... Newberg .. 9.00 1.25 W D on ’ t F orget the P lace , lusty sinews. N. B.—Indiana delivered from the throne at the 1.00 6.45 12.55 pwv Dundee jun 8.45 1.15 6.55 1.15 okv Dundee jun 8.35 12.40 is one of the two or three states opening of parliament Thursday. 1.(3 —Where yon will— 1.16 7.15 1.35 West Dayton 8.20 12.15 Three thousand miners at 1 24 7.25 1.50 8.05 12.05 Lafayette in which all the “rascals” have 7.40 2.05 Dayton Juncton 7.45 11.45 Airdeye, Scotland, have struck 1.36 1.40 7 45 2.10 McMinnville Cs 7.40 11.40 been bounced. 7.55 2.20 .Armstrong. 7.30 11.30 for advance of a shillng per day. 1.48 1.56 8.05 2.30 7.20 11.20 Whites Henry Watterson, of the The strike has occasioned ex­ 1.72 8.25 2.55 Briedwell. .. 7.03 11.C3 1.75 8.29 2.59 Harrison 6.54 10.50 Louisville Courier-Journal, is in citement among the colliers 1.84 8.40 3.11 . Broadmeads. 6.44 10.33 New York. His mission is to throughout Scotland. 1.86 8.42 3.13 Sheridan Junc’n 6.41 10.30 1.96 persuade tho democratic leaders 8.55 Ballston. 6.21 The Gazette pronounces the 2.14 9.15 .Sheridan. 6.00 here to get up a great mass declaration of the London Daily 1 IM ¿12 3.45 •- in $ thr — Perrydale. 10.00 meeting at the Academy of 2.24 4.07 Smithfield .. 9.40 News, that Germany intended to 2.37 1.27 Polk music in favor of tariff for reve- demand certain explanations 2.53 4.50 .... Dallas. 9.60 2.''5 5.10 .. Cochrane 8.40 nue only. Furnishing Goods of all kind, and a bove 5.30 .. Monmouth, from the French regarding the 2.80 8.25 2.91 5.49 Luekiamute . 8.60 all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also a cents The burning of the largest movement of troops on the front­ 3.02 6.02 7.45 for the . Simpson. 6.15 .A irlie . 7.30 Brownsville Woolen Mill, distillery in Indiana—which is ier, as a pure invention. AR LV said to be the largest in the Carrying a full line of all goods made by N. S cott , Newspapers of all parties join C has i : . eeeiver these celebrated mills ORC ( Ld Line. world—will not deprive the bel­ W illiam R eid , in accusing the English press of W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. President PAWVRCo. ligerent democrats at Indian­ inventing and circulating belli- apolis of ammunition for the coos canards. The French jour- !>!<•]> I imi.v'illo jiending war. There are about New Firm, New Goods, New Prices mils assert that the English At the New Store of LIVERY FEEO ANO SALE STABLES fifteen railroads centering at the newspaper men are engaged in I Hoosier capital. this alleged work from pecuniary! There was great jubilation at motives. Gloucester last night over the Successors to Al. HUSSEY, The ice in the creek broke 1 Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon. passage of the retaliatory fisher­ last night and gorged at Haw­ ies bill by the senate. A large lev, Pa. The lower part of the crowd assembled in the vineity village was flooded and the Erie LOGAN BROS, i HENDERSON, of the custom house and post- round house had water in it four! ----- PROPRIETORS----- A new, neat and clean stock. Every article No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Fine Carriage*, Hack* and A Glassware, oftice, blocking the street and Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ feet deep, putting out the fires Saddle Horae*, bacco. Pipes and Cigars. awakening echoes with frequent in all the engines. The gorge And everything in the Livery hire, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Senso«. cheers and other manifestations gave way at noon to-day and the in good shape Give me a cal). Inspect my stock, and I of enthusiasm. ( water rapidly receded. will guarantee prices to suit you. At Reaxonable Kate*. D. C. IRELAND <* CO. PUBLISHERS. Stoves A-. & ùfi . S £ dj M £ C3 BISHOP KAT. ■THE CLOTHIERS Í YAMHILL CO., ALWAYS FIND CLOTHINS LATEST STYLES. Fusi Fw I di