MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Nolic«* of Copartnership. City Stables. Having entered into Co Partnership with D. M. 1 aidwell, in the FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. In Nhobe’s building, opposite the Post offiot, the firm will be known as COLhARD A CALDWELL. r- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. OTHO W1IX1AMS, TAILOR. MERCHANT ---------- (O)---------- VIr. Caldwell will attend tv tlir want» of the public. FINE TAILORING A SPECIALTY. All sales will be for cash at bed rook pnoet*. Orders delivered to any part of the city frei of i-xtrn c.h.,rge. J. .I. COLLARD. D. M. CALDWELI- McMinnville, Or.. Dec. 27th, 18s»>. ---------- (O)---------- MA 4. *. KENYON FOB!' BAT. CITY MARKET, KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. (Successor to W. F. Bangasser. ) Good Fit Guaranteed Or No Sale. HENDERSON BROS., McMinnville, Oregon. Ample room to care for horses. Livery teams at as reasonable rates ns any where in Oregon. New stable Third St.. McMinnville. M’MINNVILLE NI <• NI i il n vi I lo LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Will keep on hand at all times the very best quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ tained in the market, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage ----- PROPRIETORS — THE CLOTHIERS ------- 07------- YAMHILL CO., And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape At Rea»onahie Rate». ST. Third St., Opposite YAMHILL CO. Fine Carriage», Hark» and Waddle Hornes, BANK. ____________________ D on ’ t F orget the P lace , — Where you will— ALWAYS FIND (IIARM> HOTEL F. MVLTNEB, Prop., Corner Third and B streets, HIYIINNVILLE - - ORF.OON New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed in the oountry Rates—fl to *2 per day ac­ cording to room. Single meals 25 oente Lodging, 25 to 50 cents according to room. Board and Lodging, $4 to $6, per week. Twc Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men. Give me a call and see for yourself. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay tor rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Browne. M c M innville F urniture F actory . W. H. BINGHAM, Propr. Late of Independence, having purchased the in J thb LATEST STYLES. TEAM« AM) TRUCKS Manufitcturer and Dealer In Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers his servioes in that line to the public, and will FINE FURNITURE Guarantee Satisfaction of all kinds. Furnishing Goods of all kind, and staivi Io all who favor him with their patronage. Just received an extra nne lot of Black walnut Furniture, and •II THE LOWEH'I 1’RIGES Also agents He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the designs. Cail and price my stook. delivery of paroels, trunks satchels, eto., for for the the accomodation of the public. Ordera left Hrown»ville Woolen MiH, at the stable will be promptly attended to at Carrying a full line of all goods made by W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. these celebrated mills Undertakers Goods of al acific nailroad, Route, New Firm, New Goods, New Prices P opular icturesque ange». At the New Store of Fact Tire, Sure Connection, New Equipment 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. Accoinnmcntioiis iinsur passed for comfort and safety. Fares mid Freights MII('U LESS tliiin by any other rout« I m tween nil in Willan ••tie valley and San Francisco Only Rente via Yaquina Bay Baxter i Martin Suoeeaaora to Al. HUSSEY. Third street. MoMinnville, Oregon Fin tar htiiE. A new. neat and dean stock. Every artich A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, (olored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To- »Ail.l i 'A" i \ i . ih nun«, luu-co. Pipes and Cigars. (EiiH’pt Sundays.) Ix‘«vc C »rvallis al 2 p in Leave Va­ Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Give me a cal). Inspect mv stock, and I quilla at 7 10 a. m. will guarantee prices to suit you. (Iregou sud < alifvrnis. West side, trains connect at < orvallis. The ' >regon [levelopiuent Company's FIXE Al To San Francisco. Family Grocery Store. Steamship Sant« Mani» »AILA in*. | From San Si Franciaoo, From Ysquins. J*n. 9 Tuesday . .Jan. 4 Sunday Jau. 23 Sunday Jan M Friday Wedneadav Fab. 2 Friday Jan. 28 Tba Company raaervM the right to change •ailing day». Fi '•re*, between Corvallis and Ban Franc neiaoo. low. Kail .»m and Cabin. *14; Kail and Bteaaaga. *8.88 For infon _____ ■•tior ition apply to < HAN. C HOGUE, Acting Gan. F. and Paas. AnanL Corvallia. Orason MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM*«»* -> • MMM * *.*0000000# •TllllllllllllirriiK IHM>G < IR 1.1 m :,1 th e IIIRE1T (SuooeMor to L. ROOT.) Dealer in ><> l»l'.l,AVN! I lsl ESI TRAINS! T a .- wsns 15 a A aa T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. LlUWwL JLWWUV» Tickets «.old In all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the Earnt land Southeast. IO UAMT ROIM> O- BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE TO TAKE THE------ ♦ ¿Northern Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, ROI TE! aika ad | And see that your ticket reads via Portland and Z_ _ _ St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS.^^ To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- QUICKEST TIME! o FT GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A, D. CHARLTON. Oeueral Wmlcra PmtBfer Agaat,