The D «My Reporter. School Legislation Demaimed. • * ‘ The “French debt Ik nearly we Should ’be pleased“”to have D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Hon. E. B. McElroy bas just $200 per head of her population, our city dOUncH test the matter SMbkcription Rates. completed a valuable work per­ while that of the United States by introducing it here as a By Carrier per week ............ io cent» taining to his office as Superin- is less than $20 per head. method for street improvement, ' Payable on Saturday.) “ Straws show which way the and a sanitary regulation. 2 “ ‘ • t * • • • fpndpnt nF Pnldic r »1 at ructioil. • • ’ •• eras • i x By Mail tOoeuts per Month (In Advance.) It is the bi-ennial report to the wind blows.” Arie presiuenv Hute, far Advertising legislative assembly, and our has issued a standing order that 11-i t Wilt I m » made satisfactory to all applicants. legislators will serve their con­ newspaper correspondents with their wives and families be in­ Notice For Final Proof Jan. 26, 1887 stituents ably and well if they L and O ffice at Oregon City, Oregon I McMinnville, Or. Jan. 17th, 1886. f will peruse the suggestions vited to all of the presidential Notice is hereby given that following- receptions. It may be the sec ­ The Cause of Oregon. named settler has filed notice of his inten­ offered to them in the pages of to make fiiyay proof in. support of his ond term bee but it all the same tion this document. That there is claim, and that said proof will be made be­ The Inter-State commerce bill illustrates the power of the press, fore the County Clerk of Tillamook oounty, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Tuesday, March of congress is another item to urgent need for school legisla­ and its purpose to exact all of 8th, 1887, viz: WILLIAM PATTERSON, tion in Oregon none can doubt, pre-emption D. 8. No, 4781. for the 8 U of 0>e possible detriment of the the benefits of that power. S E X and E X of 8 W X of sec. 17. T 3, N 10 W. t l . ■ i • speedy connect ion of Oregon and and Mr. McElroy is able, from “Ghoulish glee” remarks will R Ha names the following witnesses to prove his experience, to tell just what r continnops residenpe upon and cultiva­ California by rail. The Even­ soon retire into “innocuous de- his tion of, said land, viz: Solomon Lovewell, is most essential. We can see ing, Democrat says: Knight and H. H. Snyder of Nehalem, suetude.” Mrs. Cleveland, it is Neal I. T. Maulsby of Tillamook, all of Tilla­ no reason why Oregon should A distinguished Oregon demo­ said, is very cordial and free mook county, Oregon, W. T. BURNEY, Register. crat has always opposed the not be the model state in regard with the lady correspondents 46.6t to its schools. We have the completion of the OCR to a con­ and even described to one of DOCTORS nection with the COR on the benefit of all that is wholesome them a lady visitor’s dress. There score that it would divert an im- in other states, with a capable are two great modern levers of LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, portant part of the valley and and efficient superintendent to social success; money and power. l.i t j c r ».•- -Ù if. 4.m H rsl r„<,ra southern Oregon trade from formulate and mould into prop­ The press has the latter. Office over Braly’s Bank. Portland to San Francisco. Now er form the desirable act, and r In his last letter from Leip­ lUeMinnville, - - - Oregoa. that there is dot only almost a an assembly which will compare zig, Henry Bettman gives quite connection, but there is also an with the best for intelligence to an interesting accoun of the ownership of our road by the finally shape it into judicious storm, etc., we quote as follows, A.H. & 0.0. HODSON California interests, how far the law.' We really hope the pres­ by permission of his parents, Dealer« In completion of the NPR and the ent assembly will give this sub­ to whom it was addressed: ject careful attention. UPR may affect the question by “Last week I only wrote you making Portland a rival of San Wholesome Legislation Needed. a postal, and don’t know if you Francisco in the wholesale Wm. Hume, the pioneer can­ will ever get that, as we had a market is not altogether clear. blockade here for about four At any rate it behooves Portland neryman of the Columbia, puts days, which caused thousands and Oregon to stimulate immi­ the whole salmon subject into of letters to accumulate at the Agricultural Implements, Pumps, gration to the northwest so as to 6he paragraph, which we quot$ depot office in Leipzig. There ¡rush Portlaml along to a safe as follows: “There has been more Pipes, r Etc. or less said regarding the salmon were at one time 42,000 mail rivalry with San Francisco in ? nt < U packages at the post office. interests of the Columbia river. All! of whiob will be sold as low prices. The trade must be Now 1 would say: Let the old There arrived 600,00 shipping kept here even if it becomes Low for Cash. receipts without the parcels, necessary to make Portland a fish pass from Saturday morning As thy times will allow, Let the which have not arrived yet. In city of the second size m the till' Sunday night. t'i \ ivy- Germany there is no express Union. At any rate it has be­ youiig fish pass at all times. iron and Tin Roofing, i • - . „ . i'Mtbv ■ i v «•. come necessary for her to gird Kill the sea lions and seal, and companies like those in America n Galvanized iron Cornices and window but instead have the parcel post caps. In fact we the industry has the desired do anything that comes in dp her toins for a raOe, an excit­ our line with neatness and dispatch, and in connection with the other protection as far as civilization never tell yon it can’t be done. Bring on ing race, with a powerful rival. your designs and we will cut your pattern, mail, w ’ hich accounts for so will permit." In this we see and do your work, Under these conditions it be­ many packages. I am almost jdst what the assembly should comes the interqpt of all the And Don’t You Forget It. cow counties to hold up the do. Punish violations for fish­ afraid to go to Vienna on ac­ South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ hands of Portlaml; for the cause ing on Saturday and Sundays; count of the probabilities of war, ville, Oregon. A, H. A O. O. HODSON. of Portland is the cause of Ore­ confiscate all small salmon, and which I think w’ill be between offer a bounty for sealions the Austria and Russia, and per­ gon. same as von would for cavotes. haps also between Germany and 'I'he Vidette says emph at icallv 1 France. In which event there GoV. Pennoyer is right. That would be but one place for me.” our supreme courts have trans­ AT THE Henry must pardon us, but we cended their written authorities; suggest that would be, “Swreet that they have set up a standard Home.” December 16th he was of technicalities for their guid­ ance, which much too fre­ McMinnville, Oregon. visited by Father Herman. They quently clashes with justice ami ' spent a very agreeable day to­ Monday, February 7th. equity. That the right to de­ gether. and visited the opera in / clare acts of a legislature, and of Will be sold at Public Auction to the the evening. Father H. re ­ congress, unconstitutional, has highest bidder, a fine large Kitchen Range marked that it was the finest mu­ almost new, suitable for a large family, a been tacitly granted these courts, hotel or restaurant. sic he had heard for thirty years. by common consent, as it were, Beds and Bedding. is not denied; but when the He is on his way home, and may CARPOTSi KiMhen IM lining Room written authority is lacking, ami call here within sixty days. Furniture, Lamps, Tables and Chairs, and a and there is nothing but a com-[ other things tpo numerp|g^ to We were honored by a cali mon consent for guidance, there yesterday from Mr. Withycombe, TERMS OF SALE: is danger of abuse of such r.u-A maker of North Yamhill, All salad adder $10; OasRa All sales oved The national board of t-ade thoritv. Mere technicalities then *10, eight months credit, with approve most|does not favor a boat railway at arguments in relation to notes. step in ami become the i sale. powerful factor in our lav courts. The Dalles. drain a j e cannot be disputed, and This is a positive and peremptory F. SlULTNER. * • * _ • • ••' «• a •' * _ 4r -J ’ —1 • < • *’,*?**•**’ -s* ou T, ■ r. r t < i i • -- >4 X r i -LLL «• l 1 ________ St. Charles Hotel,