The Daily Reporter. Legislative Notes. should be printed at home none can deny ; so if there should happen to be a little job in it profits may be distributed “at home.” Heretofore the large cent per cent, has been divided be­ tween rival book concerns out­ side the state noted for their rapacity. Michael Davitt defended Dr. McGlynn, in a very candid speech at New York Sunday night. He thinks that those who counseled Dr. McG. not to go to Rome, under the circum­ stances, gave him cowardly ad­ vice. Our neighbor of the Register says that a North Yamhill man may now go to Lafayette via O CR and Whites station, and aftei1 spending two hours at the shire town, return home the same day. Doctor Howard wants to ask: What does a man want two hours in Lafayette for? How could he put in the time? Mr. Hicks has introduced a Subscription Rate«. bill to punish tramps by im­ By Carrier per week ....................... 10 oents prisonment in the state prison. (Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy...................................... 2 “ Mr. Little has introduced a By Mail 40 oents per Month (In Advance, i bill to define the boundary line But«» I»r Advertising between Yamhill and Tillamook. Will be made aatiafaotory to all applicant«. The bill makes no radical Jan. 25,1887 changes. McMinnville, Or. — Capt. Lafollett has introduced CURRENT THOUGHT. Van Zandt and his interest­ a bill, granting a right of A bill is before the Idaho ing daughter go to Paris to re­ way to the Willamina and Netart legislature to give immediate main, until a decision is reach­ bay toll road, and the right to right and title to property to the ed in the case of Spies. collect tolls upon a printed sched­ survivor upon the death of Oregon will be entitled to ule for twenty years. either husband or wife. The $3,(MM) under the federal appro- Munger’s anti-Chinese bill effect of such a law would be to priation of $400,000 for militia will probably cause a suspen­ do away with the estate wreck­ equipments. sion of work upon the California Oregon is taking her sensa- and Oregon railway, should it ers, which in the name justice NEW TO-DAY. and equity prey upon the prop­ tion this year in swamp lands. become a law. As it forbids a erty of widows and orphans. Senator Hare has introduced a corporation from employing DOCTORS W. S. Ladd has two extensive bill which acts as a final clinch­ Chinese. farms back of east Portland, and LITTLEFIELD & GALBREATH, er. If it becomes a law some of House resolution No. 32, by has concluded to experiment the angels will weep. Capt. Lafollett, provides that Office over Braly’s Bank. The elections in the various no persons, other than officers, with fertilizers, and for this pur- Oreg««» state legislatures for United members, and clerks of com­ pose this season will use a quan­ ITIeTI inn ville, - - «States Senators, as far as results mittees, be allowed in committee tity of lime, plaster and fish have been attained, will not rooms, in absence of the chair­ guano on different patches of A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON the ground in order to ascertain V n? fC f V> materially alter the political man of the committee. complexion of the upper house House bill No. 153 is the as­ which will produce the best re­ of our. national congress. sessment bill drawn up. by the sults. His experience in the The United States Economist tax commission appointed by matter will be of advantage to HARDWARE, says the day is not far distant the last legislature; read twice the farmers of the state when their & . . a lands. » TINWARE wb?n we aliaJl raise wool as we under suspension of the rules thev - desire to mi enrich ’ V The experiments he has made do wheat, and become exporters and referred to the committee with plaster has shown it to be ®f it. We uow grow over 300,- on assessments and taxation. Implements, Pumps, 000,000 pounds, have growil It is a fiagr ant shame to claim beneficial to grass lawns. Mr. Agricultural I < 338,(MM),000 pounds, and perhapd that the insane asylum shall be Ladd has the time, land and Pipes, Etc. before the century is out we a political asylum. Dr. Josephi money for making exhaustive • • •: ». Alli of whieh will be sold as shall grow 600,000,000 pounds, is one of the most faithful experiments, and he has , the ■ ■ ' ■ WU ■ !■.. iyid before a half-century after, officers, and unless something habit of doing such things thor­ Low ** for Casb. **<» • . X’f I* l,00O,(M)0,Q00 pounds. But we more tangible than his politics oughly. As thy times will allow, The four men who escaped shall never raise carpet wools. may be touched, let him remain from Portland jail were seen Iron and Tin Roofing, Micheál Healy, an old veteran there. crossing the river in the vicinir who was sent to the poor farm •I ft *1. ' Chamberlins bill makes an Galvanized iron Cornices and window ty of the White house, and from Portland,had his case called appropriation of $20,000 for a caps. In fact we do anything that cornea in onr line with neatness and dispatch, and among the officers the impres ­ to the attention of Postmaster wagon road across the Cascades never tell yon it can’t be done. Bring on your designs and we will cut your pattern, Roby who wrote to Postmaster- through Minto pass. If it pass­ sion prevails that they are mak­ and do your work, General Yilas to see commis­ es we hope the funds may not I ing their way toward Yaquina. And Don’t You Forget It. sioner of pensions Black in ref­ be “appropriated” as were the Detective Wood, accompanied by erence to an application filed by funds provided for the Tillamook a party of volunteers, was, at South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn, A. H & O. O. HODSON. Healy some time since, promptly I road years ago. By the way; last accounts, on a hot scent, ville. Oregon. Mr. Roby received an answer those bonds must be nearly due, and it will be surprising if the furgitives are not retaken within from Gen. Vilas which stated are they not Bro. Maxwell. the next twenty-four hours. that the matter had been fullv The growth of population in Their description has been wired! investigated and a pension Oregon, as shown by figures in ¡ahead of them, and they cannot AT THE granted to Healy. TT 1 1 Tacoma persists in calling the bill prepared bv Hon. R. R. entei r a settlement without being recognize gnized by the officers of the Wu. vHaTlCS JtxOXCl. Laughlin in his apportionment, Mount Rainier “Mount Tacoma.” it _ ___ „ .... ii i 1» law. It seems to us that those All right; but call the straits of shows plainly enough that the of McMinnville, Oregon. our cotemporaries who are Fuca the straits of Bablemandeb, board of immigration have done so free in censure of Sheriff Jor- Monday, February 7th. “'rhe gate of tears.” The straits too much good work for this idan, were they put in this place, of Bablemandeb are so named state to be sat down upon in the would kick if the public expect­ Will be sold at Publio Anotion to the to keep the ' jail and its I I Bl h’ most Khe8t bidder, a fine large Kitchen Range from the number of shipwrecks manner some would have it. ed ii them • . 1 almost Tli>W new, finitahla suitable for a Inrfla large Tawmilw family, a hotel or restaurant. that take place in the vicinity We need all the immigrants we I walls in repair. Beds and Bedding. of its tempestuous waters. From can get within the next fifteen Tangent shipped wheat to CARPETS. Kitchen and Dining Room the record it would seem fitting months. Keep it alive. Portland by rail, then the QPR Furniture, Lamps, Table« and Chairs, and a thousand other things too numerous to Concerning school books, if that that terrible north coast be : Co. boats take it up to Albany mention. « as renamed. If the Ledger calls | there is uo job in the bill before or Corvallis, and transfer it to • TERMS OF SALE; Rainier “Tacoma,” it must call the assembly it is perhaps the ■San Fraucisco via Yaquina bay. All sales under |10, Cash. All sales oved flA. etgbt month« credit, with approve the Fuca straits “the gate of first notable exception, and the This is one of the curiosities of notes. This is a positive and peremptory sale. tears.” bill should pass. That the books transportation. F. MULTNEK. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. •>** -1 m J ‘1 fA,* fa , 4i ,* V . ' I •C,' ' ..«••. , > J y » V A *♦ *■; 4 a f I i ' ■ t « d