The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 24, 1887, Image 2

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    | sistence had been annoying, and beg­ names in the list of candidates
ged pardon if such was the case, as it for local offices in the District of
There are many estimable people was done unwittingly, and through
Columbia. But there are fifty­
in the world who would not be guilty her love for her niece.
Subscription Hate*.
By Carrier per week.......................... 10 cents of a discourteous or impolite action
To that letter she has never had an eight applicants, personating
(Payable on .Saturday.)
or speech, who are too well bred to answer, though almost a year has twenty states, for judgeship in
Single Copy........................................ 2 “
offend even a stranger or mere ac­ passed since it was written. Being the territory. This is illustra­
By Mail U) oeuts per Month (In Advanoe.)
quaintance, and whose love and esteem sensitive, she feels it keenly, but can­
tive of “the go west” idea.
for relatives, and friends would pre not tell whether it is meant as a slight,
Kate* for Advertising
Will i>e made aatufHOtory to all applicants. vent their treating them in a slighting or is only thoughtlessness.
Two brave sons of Rt. Rev.
or indifferent manner. Yet many of
To the young people “the boys and Bishop Morris, of Oregon, nearly
McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 24, 1887 these same persons will ignore or neg­
girls” we would offer a little friendly
lect the correspondence of loved advice on this question of letter writ­ lost their lives at a lake near
The best way to induce hens friends and often near and dear rela­ ing. If you agree to correspond with Washington city recently, while
to lay at this season is to provide tives and not imagine that they are a friend or acquaintance, endeavor to rescuing another boy who had
them with warm quarters anc doing wrong. Postponing indefinitely keep your part of the agreement, and gone through the ice. The
or neglecting for month after month
feed meat three or four times a to answer a letter, is as much a breach always write promptly. Answer let-* Bishop’s sons would surely have
ters by return mail, if possible, or, if
of etiquette or politeness, as refusing you enter into a compact to write drowned had it not been for the
.Jones & Co. will furnish al to reply when spoken to. Then, too, "week about,” allow* no trivial excuse heroic action of his brother,
the fencing materials the pub­ if the correspondent on the other side to prevent your keeping your word. Willie. Thos. Farquhar, a 13
always prompt, and supposing If some unavoidable circumstance year old boy of the party, lost
lic may need, next summer, to be
there must be some good reason why
go with the fence machine sold his letter is not answered, writes again when you write, that your friend may his life.
causes a postponent, explain fully
by Burgess.
and yet again, and finally, after the
know that the delay was unintentional.
East Oregonian: Mrs. Fred- lapse of months, receive a short, un­ If away from home, have stated
satisfactory letter with little in it but
Page Tustin left Saturday even­ excuses for not writing—"so busy etc, days to write to father and mother,
ing for McMinnville, where she etc"—would it be any wonder if he
goes to assist in the final settle­ should soon get to believing that his ing to it promptly. Think of your
mother’s anxiety, if several days or a
ment of her father’s estate.
letters were no longer welcome and week elapse over the time when she
Offloe over Braly’s Bank.
---- ----------------------------
would soon decide to withhold them should have heard from you ! Her
Senator Siglin makes his own altogether ?
able defense in the senate against We will give a case in point. A
of fancies. She will be sure you are
the personal attacks of a venal friend of mine became very sincerely ill,
and need her care, and is almost A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
and mercenary press. He moved attached to a relation by marriage—a on the point of going to you when the
Dealera In
for an investigation, and a com­ niece of her husband. This niece delayed letter arrives. In it you give
made them frequent protracted visits,
mittee was appointed.
and the two ladies became very dear some frivolous excuse for your neg­
lect—you "had been to a party, or
Hon. Chas. Lafollett, in a friends, the affection between them you had company”—or something
being as deep apparently as if of near­
note to the Reporter, under date er kin. Of course when they separat­ equally unsatisfying to that dear TINWARE &
of the 19th, says that by advice ed they must correspond. This was mother who merits only your deepest
of his physicians he did not at­ kept up with tolerable regularity for consideration and love.
tend the assembly last week, but several years, the older lady being the Dear young friends, your charact­ Agricultural Implements, Pumps,
er is being formed in this, the bright
that it is now thought by both more prompt of the two, and frequent­ spring time of your life. Let habits
Pipes, Etc.
himself and physical!, that he ly chiding the younger for occasional of promptness in all things become so
neglect to write at the proper time
will be able to attend the future Time passed on and the niece married, fixed, that, as the years, one by one,
Alli of whioh will be sold as
business of legislation until the and moved with her husband to the are left behind, and you become men
Low for Cash-
end of the session.
extreme eastern portion of the state. and women, you may be such in the
full sense of the word. Have all the
As thy times will allow,
B. Clark of this place, will Being so far distant visiting was now fun and "good times” you can, with­
next to impossible. But the letters
hereafter represent the North­ came and went tolerably promptly out infringing on the right, or tramp­ Iron and Tin Roofing,
west Fire and Marine Insurance for several years, though the younger ling on the feelings of others. But Galvanized iron Gomioes and window
caps. In fact we do anything that comes in
Company of Portland, and a lady still wrote with less promptness let right and duty—which may both our line with neatness and dispatch, and
be rendered pleasant provided they never tell you it oan’t be done. Bring on
company that does not belong than the older. This carelessness are
your designs and we will cut your pattern,
executed with willingness be par­ and
do your work,
to any compact or combination gradually grew upon her, until after amount to every thing else.
awhile she would allow'several months
The Daily Reporter.
Letter Writing.
and those desiring insurance
will do well to call on him before
looking elsewhere. The appoint­
ment was made by R. R. Roper
A foolish and infatuated girl
named Van Zandt, wanted to
marry the condemned anarchist
Spies so bad that she persists,
after threats of disinheritance
from rich relatives. The sheriff
of the Chicago jail put a stop to
it by refusing to admit her to
the cell where Spies is confined.
The world is astounded at the
idea that the parents of the girl
allowed -her to visit the criminal
at all, but they are perhaps tvs
weak minded as herself. The
grandparents, who hold the
purse strings, do not see it in
that way, and discard the en­
tire family.
C ousin S alute .
at a time to elapse without replying
to her aunt's letters. The latter would
Referring to the east Portland
often write two or three times before
receiving a reply, which, when it came, discussion about the ringing of
lowever, would usually be bright, church bells in that city, the
cheerful, affectionate, and full of Astorian says: The ringing of
apologies and excuses for her neglect. a bell is like italics in a news­
This went on for some time, until paper. Both are insults to the
finally, letters from the younger lady
only came at intervals of half a year intelligence of the people. Time
or more. They would have ceased en­ was when no one but princes
tirely, had it not been for the persis­ could afford a time piece, but
tence of the older lady in keeping up now, when a clock that correctly
the corres|xmdence.
marks the hours can be had for
Gradually she came to think, how­
ever, that perhaps her perseverance^ a trifle, the average bell is only
was annoying to her niece, and, a nuisance. The bell is a relic
though she disliked to give up*the of barbarism and superstition,
correspondence, she nevertheless de- , and is out of place in these days
cided to do so if the other wished it. of popular intelligence. The
About this time she was taken ill. and
bell is of use and necessity in
her usually prompt letter was delayed
•otne weeks on account of it. But as the ease of a tire alarm, when
soon as she was able to write, she did the fire is in this world.
so, stating that, hereafter, she would
Washington territory makes
write but one letter in reply to each
one of hers—that she feared her per- but a beggarly show of three
And Don’t You Forget It.
South east cor. 3d and C streets, MoMinn-
ville, Oregon.
A. H. & O. O. HODSON.
St. Charles Hotel,
MoMinnville, Oregon.
Monday, February 7th.
Will be sold at Publio Auotion to the
highest bidder, a fine large Kitchen Range
almost new, suitable for a large family, a
hotel or restaurant.
Beds and Bedding.
CARPETS. Kitchen and Dining Room
Furniture, Lampe, Tables and Chairs, and a
thousand other things too numerous to
AU sales under $10. Cash. All sales over
$10, eight months credit, with approved
This is a positive and peremptory sale.