The Barty Reporter. Building Up a Town. Mrs. S. A. King, wife of Prof. Ten years ago the Minneapolis S. W. King, died suddenly of Review said, and the phenom­ McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 22, 1887 heart disease in Portland on enal growth of that city indi- Wednesday. She had suffered I cates a following of the Review’s Public School Notes. from this trouble considerably of advice. “More towns die for The public school of this city late years, any exertion out of the want of confidence on the calls for a hearty co-operation the ordinary producing palpita­ part of business men and lack on the part of the public in gen­ tion and difficult breathing. Her of public spirit than from the eral. It will never do to neglect last attack was about six months rivalry of neighboring towns or the boys and girls. Give them ago. Mrs. King was a native of adverse surroundings. When a good cheerful places to study in, New York, aged 52, and came to man in search of a home or and show the teachers that you this state from Michigan in 1852, business location, goes to a have their interests at heart. A being then married to George place and finds everything brim good school will make good men Olds, who died in 1862. She ful of hope and ent husiasm over and women ; but a badly provid­ wss married to Mr. King De­ the prospects of the place and ed school breeds only contempt cember 25, 1864. Seven children earnestly at work to build up and life long disgust for every­ survive her;Mrs. Helen Jolly, the town, he soon becomes im­ of this city, Mr. J. C. Olds, of bued with the spirit, and as a thing. The pupils in Mrs. Mathieux the firm of Olds & Summers, result he drives down his stake room yesterday displayed sever­ Mr. W. P. Olds, of Olds committees can complete the work. Door* will be open at 7 o’eloolt, p. in. daily, during tlie Fair. —All are invited to Attend— Admission 25 Cen|s. Parade of Firemen Tuesday af­ ternoon. By Order of C ommittkb . First National Bsujk, —OF M’MINN VILLE, ORKOON.— _____ ’ 5 ------ OFFICERS :------ J acob W ortman .................... President W. D. F enton ............... Vice-preBident J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier Transact* a General Banking business. Interest allowed on tune deposits. Collections made on favorablo terms. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfao on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from Ha. m. to 4 p. tn. FIRE INSURANCE. JOHN WORTH AW Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: London A Liverpool A Glol>e, North British & Mercantile, Commercial Union Fire Association, German American, Fire­ man’« Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. &1.SO Per Year. Subscribe Now. TIie Best Paper in the valley. Gives all the best news. Send your name R E P O