The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 22, 1887, Image 2

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At Midnight.
A few of the trees bear nuts resembling
the hazel nut or pecan.
The room is cold and dark to-night;
Let us rest awhile in this grove of
The fire is low :
tree fern. The ground is higher and Why come you, you who love the light, LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH,
Subscription Hutes.
By Carrier per week.......................... 10 cents dryer here and the shade tempers the
To mock me so?
(Payable on Saturday.)
oppressive heat. These trees are 15 to I pray you leave me now alone:
Single Copy..................................... 2 “
Office over Braly’s Bank.
By Mail 10 oenta per Month (In Advance.) 20 feet high and the long fronds at
You worked your will,
their summits wave gracefully in the And turned my heart to frozen stone; McMinnville,
Kate* for tdvertiaing
breeze. In that marsh yonder are
Why haunt me still?
Will l»e made satisfactory to all applicants.
giant rushes or Catamites, 20 feet or I got me to this empty place;
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
I shut the door;
Jan. 22,1887 more in hight and a foot in diameter.
McMinnville, Or.
How we wish we could carry back to Yet through the dark I see your face
Dealers In
civilization just a tree or two, with
Just as of yore.
which to polish tin ware! Every­ The old smile curves your lips to-night
To the Scene« of the Carboniferous where from the moist ground springs
Your deep eyes glow
a matted undergrowth of broom-like With that old gleam that made them
plants, with short stems and long,
Read by Mina Ruth Roes at a meeting of
So long ago.
leaves and ferns which remind
the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific
I listen : do I hear your tone
us of “the green hills far away" in
Cirole of Newberg.
The silence thrill?
As we have sat by a coal fire in an Oregon. But there is no grass to car­
Why come you? I would be alone ; Agricultural Implements, Pumps,
open grate, have seen its blazes shoot pet the ground ; there are no mosses
Why vex me still?
upwards, and felt its genial warmth, or lichens or trailing vines to cover
What! Would you that we re-embrace ;
Pipes, Etc.
we have often wondered what is coal? the dead, unsightly trees, or hang
We two once more?
Alli of whioh will be sold as
Of what is it made? We have visited from the boughs. Not.a bird is found
Are those your tears that wet my face
mines and have seen that it is a min­ in all this primeval forest to fly among
Just as before?
Low for Cash™
eral dug from the earth ; we have dis­ the branches, or to enliven the soli­
You left to seek some new delight,
sected blocks of it and have found tude with stirring songs. There are
As thy times will allow,
Yet your tears flow :
fragments of the trunks and branches myriads of cockroaches, scorpions,
What sorrow brings you back to-night? Iron and Tin Roofing,
of trees, of leaves and ferns, as per­ dragonflies and other net winged in­
Shall I not know?
fectly preserved as in any fossiliferous sects’; many kinds of beetles are buz­
Galvanized iron Cornices and window
I will not let you grieve alone;
caps. In fact we do anything that oomes in
rock. But how came they there? zing about but we look in vain for in­
The night is chill;
onr line with neatness and dispatch, and
When and under what circumstances sects of a higher type, such as house­
never tell you it can’t be done. Bring on
your designs and we will cut your pattern,
were they formed? As the facetious flies, beeB, wasps or butterflies. What
and do yoar work,
Joei.«h Allen’s wife would say, let us bulky animal is that which emerges
lift the “ruantilly" of the past anc from the river and ambles slowly along How silent is the empty space ;
Dreamed I once more?
And Don’t You Forget It.
make an excursion to the world dur­ through the forest? In appearance it
ing the Carboniferous age, and watch is something between a toad and a
Sooth east cor. 2d and C streets, McMinn-
I bar the door!
ville, Oregon.
A. H. & O. O. HODSON.
the development of that wonderful salamander, but its body is covered
growth which has furnished the ma­ with scales and it is large as the larg­
terial for the broad beds of coal. We est crocodile. We conclude that it
choose for the scenes of our visit the must be a Sabyrinthodont and are
C, Grissen keeps a nice lot of
Mississippi valley. We shall want a politic enough to give him the “right
new lease of life as our stay must be of way." We see many other am­ shelf paper.
Board of trade meeting at the
for an indefinite period. We shall phibious animals which now splash
need refrigerators to Cool the insuffera­ ih the waters of the rivers and marsh­ council chamber Monday even­
ble heat of the atmosphere, and some es, now wallow in the mud and now ing.
means of purifying the air, or the im­ drag their slimy bodies over the land.
The fireman’s fair this year
McMinnville, Oregon.
mense quantities of carbonic acid will In the waters are beautiful Crinoids will double-discount any previ­
soon put an end to our existence. We and Brachiopods and numberless Mol­ ous fair given in this city.
Monday, February 22d.
shall find balloons for carrying us about lusks and Radiates.
Mias Belle Johnson, teacher of music
Will be sold at Public A notion to the
quite indispensable.
We are astonished to find real fishes, in McMinnville and at McMinnville highest
bidder, a fine large Kitchen Range
We find the greater part of the Mis­ too, though they all look odd and old- college. Residence corner of Second almost new, suitable for a large family, a
hotel or restaurant.
sissippi valley and the future site of the fashioned. Huge sharks are swim­ and C Streets.
Appalachian mountains a vast ocean. ming about, greedily devouring all of A good stock range of 160 acres,
Beds and Bedding.
In its waters play the mighty animals the “small fry” that come in their house and barn, can be bought for CARPETS. Kitchen and Dining Room
$500 ; on county road, Apply at this Furniture, Lamps, Tables and Chairs, and a
of the Devonian age. Gradually the reach.
thousand other things too numerous to
shrinkage inside, and the pressure out­ Gradually, as year after year passes, office.
Half block of land and six room
side of the earth’s crust cause a por­ the leaves and decayed stems and cottage
with good well of water, and
tion of it to give way. There is a branches drop from the trees. Great large and small fruit, is offered for All sales under $10, Cash. All sales over
mighty splashing and eddying of the beds of such deposits many feet in sale on easy terms, by C. Symons. $10, eight months credit, with approved
waters as they roll off to fill the syn­ thickness are formed in the marshes Furniture will be sold with the house notes.
This is a positive and peremptory sale.
clinal thus made. Again, another and shallow lakes; the gradual de­ or separate.
prop of earth’s crust gives way ; there composition at the bottom of these
is the latest and most approved by the
is another upheaval of the crust; beds we conclude must be the first profession and although not entirely
again the waters roll and dash and step in the formation of coal.
without pain there’s no additional pain
when all is calm, the Mississippi val­
But hark! There is a terrible rum­ and the cure is permanent and com­
ÏI self a Home.
ley is one vast bog or marsh in which bling and roaring, a sudden mighty plete. Call at Dr. Johnsons office and
are frequent pools or shallow lakes of convulsion of -the earth, we feel it unless he treats you and cures you.
vVhile the tendency of interest is down­
water. Stimulated by intense heat sinking away beneath us; the waters This is no humbug.
ward, the prospect for farming is better.
and moisture, a luxuriant vegetation of the ocean are again pouring in, in
John J. Sax has his chop mill in Henoe land will go no lower.
springs up in this rich old ocean bed, mighty floods, and amid the general running order, and will chop feed for AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER.
140 acre farm for sale, 1 mile south of
and nourished by the great quantities tumult we retreat to our air-ahips and $2 per ton. If this does not suit the Amity;
75 sores now summer-fallowed. Will
rent 225 more of farm land with a sale with
of carbon in the air, grow with won­ soar back again to the terra firnia of customer call and get a special rate.
i privilege of summer-fallowing half each year.
the present age.
derful rapidity.
Bring on your job work. We are A reasonable amount down will be accepted;
now prepared to do job work in the balanoe in 3 or 5 equal annual payments to
Here is Ute Lepidodendron, or scale-
Emma Abbott will appear at latest and most approved style of the suit the pn rohaaet. For further part ion la rv
oome ana see, or address J. P. BEELER.
covered tree, more than 100 feet high,
V«w Market the 31st, for one art.
Amity. Or.
its limbs covered with tufts of stiff
Coffee Club Meeting
linear leaves. There is the still larger week.
Farm F*r
Bipillaria, Ha unbranching trunk risi-
ACRES. 12.5 in cultivation; •
United States District Attor­
^cv,miUs south west of Sheridan
whjj are
are interested
ing M to 100 feet and four or five feet ney McArthur is making some ' and all ladies s whi
thick, ornamented at the top with
in the pre department? are re­
feng rush-like leavea. We occasion­ of the land grabbers of the In- quested to m&tkt the Fireman's
Und Empire disgorge. Make! hall. Friday afternoon 2 o’clock*
ally And oonifervaa trees asseml
Th* Dfttly Reporter.
St. Charles Hotel,
IT ATTY Is the Time
NW ^u,v
■ iU
the breed feftM piaas *f Shih, but it unanimous;
no hand-wood e! any Hpfl is found. ••cape.
let no guilty man Jan. 21st.
N illik
B. H opson , Secretary.