The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 22, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. II.
NO. 18
The- Daily Reporter.
An Atlantic Oasis.
----------- —
Out in the Atlantic, over twelve hun­
dred miles from Land's End and about
Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for six hundred miles due west from Lis-
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ bon, lies the beautiful island of St.
ond Class Matter.
Michael's, the largest of the nine is­
lands forming the archipelago of the
Azores. It is beautiful in its variety of
E. L. E. WHITE. j mountainrlake, and valley scenery, in
the rich verdure of its cultivated lands,
D. C. IRELAND & Co.,
it’s equable, mild climate, and in its
wonderful thermal springs. The prin­
cipal commerce of St. Michael’s is the
orange crop. The tuodeof picking and
T he D aily R epokteb is issued every day packing remains unaltered since early
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered days. The city of Ponta Delgada. the
in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail. 4" capital of the island, is set in the midst
of orange gardens, aud the air in the
oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ early mornings or late in the evenings
vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . coqies laden to you with the fragrauce
of the orange blossoms.
Either in the town or suburbs you
see the gates of many orange gardens
We beg leave to anuoanoe to the public invitingly open, and you will be polite­
that we have just added a large stock of new ly invited to walk in and help yourself
to flowers and fruit.
If you are a
novelties to our business, aud make a special­
stranger the “cabeca,” or head man of
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, ' the garden, will bring you a bunch of
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling lovely camellias and a branch on which
Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro-1 hang clusters of ripe oranges, and in­
grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of vite you to be seated on a garden bench
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ for though it is the month of February
D. C. IRELAND A CO. I vou can enjoy sitting out of doors.
There you
can watch the V juvenile toil-
• •
• •
a •
1 1_______
era sorting
and ’ ■» the dried
of the Indian corn. The picker can eat
Coucher & Coucher. as many oranges as be pleases, and
take away every evening a bag or bask­
et full of fruit that has fallen from the
M c M innville
O begon . trees, which be sells at thirty or forty
for a penny.— Leisure Hour».
Job Printing.
Office and residence, corner of Third and
D. streets, next to the postoffioe
DR. I. C.
-------- o--------
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­
ciality. Consultation
tYee. No Cure
No Pay.
l-if" Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M D.,
Mo Minn ville, Oregon.
jas . m ’ oain .
h . hubley .
McCain & Hurley,
Lafayette, Oregon,
Especial attention paid to abstracts of title
and settlement of estates in probate.
Offioe -Jail buiding, up stairs.
Mrs. M. Sliadden
f<Y“The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
ting employed.
Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store,
McMinnville. Or.
Hair Cutting, Nhavinr and Nbant.
pooing Parlor,
15c SHAVING 15c.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
Stories of Oliver Wendell Holiiu**.
Dr. Holmes does not save his bright
thoughts for print and the public, but
is often «o witty while chatting with
one or two friends as was ever the
autocrat or professor of the breakfast
table. A young physician once asked
him for a suitable motto.
favors gratefully received,” was the
witty response. He was complaining
in a comical wav to a lady of the min­
ute portion of honey that was given to
him at a hotel tea. “A mere trifle;
the work of a verv young bee in an
idle half hour.” "Did they give you no
comb, DoetorP” she laughingly in­
quired. "I’osssiblv one tootn, mad­
am!” Several of the now famous writ­
ers aud lecturers of Boston were speak­
ing of their lecture experiences, when
the subject of pav was brought up.
Each man of the company was certain
that he had received the smallest sum.
But Dr. Holmes made a climax by say­
ing: “Listen, geutlemen. 1 had en­
gaged to give a lecture for $5. After
it was over a grave-looxiug deacon
came to me and said, ‘Mr. Holmes, we
agreed to give you $5. but ydur talk
wasn’t just what we expected, and I
guess that tew-fifty will dew.”— Youth'»
Hancock Defeated.
When Hancock was stationed in
this city in 1858-61, as quartermaster
of the southern district of California, he
was an athlete of no small pretensions.
Among the animals used for transpor­
tation, and over which he had charge,
were a number of camels, some oi
which were the possessors of vicious
tempers. One, a large buck, was a
eontiuual source of trouble, and he gen­
erally made it lively for the unlucky in­
dividual who had occasion to go within
the inclosure in which he was confined.
On one occasion Hancock went into the
corral on some matter of business, but
as soon as the old camel saw him he
started on the dead run for his unlucky
victim. The man who has since be­
come famous on many a hard-fought
battle ground did not quail from the at­
tack of his formidable antagonist, and
soon a Grseco-Roman wrestling match
of the most approved style was taking
place, that would cause even the re­
doubtable Muldoon to pale with envy.
The hero of Gettysburg, with a haven’t-
got-loug-to-live expression on his face,
was first thrown into the air, his heels
pointing straight toward the heavens
and the next moment hurled with irre­
sistible force to the earth. Several
rounds were fought without Hancock
losing his grip, but the camel was just
Setting into the right trim for an all­
ay fight, and, being within a few feel
of the fence, Hancock watched his op-
Eortunity and suddenly released his
old and started for the house. How
he got over the ten-foot fence has never
been satisfactorily settled, and as Han­
cock whs always reticent on the sub­
ject, it will probably never be explain­
ed, unless, at this late day, he unbo­
soms bini«>*if.
' Ani/eles Timet
Fine Job Printers,
Headquarters for
-------- AND--------
General Merchandise
(J ■■ -,
Sole Agent for the Celebrated
Broadhead * *
Dress Goods
Garden of Eden Rocks.
Since the days of the “forty acres
o . if a month has
a mule" dodge,
passed away without some ridiculous
fraud being practiced upon the colored
people here, your correspondent fails
to remember it The latest and most
absurd was brought to light to-day,
when a colored man, with his eyes
dancing with delight, came in to show
me a treasure that he had just bought
in the shape of “a rock from the
Garden of Eden.”
It looked like a small piece of slate,
was highly perfumed with musk and
packedin a small paste-board box. He
had bought it from a white woman,
who tola him that she was from the
Garden of Eden, and was the only liv­
ing agent for the sale of the rocks. She
had thousands of them put up in simi­
lar paper boxes, and sold them through
the country at 25 cents each. She has
sold several hundred in Columbia. Ths
Time»-Star correspondent tried to buy
the colored man’s rock, but he resolutely
refused ten times its price. A big re­
vival is in progress among the colored
Methodists of this city, and the afore­
said white woman is reaping a rich
harvest in the sale of her “Garden of
Eden rocks” among the ignorant en­
thusiasts.— Columbia (S. C.) Cor. C C.„
tinnali Times-Star.
Samuel J. Tilden erected nis own
monument by his splendid benefactiona
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
It ie fortunate that he did so. as other­
have just added to my parlor the wise his grave would probably have
largest and finest stock of < igars ever in thia been left unmarked by the city for which
«ity. Try them.
he has done‘so much—at least until
sufficient contributions could have bsen
levied upon thé people of the outlying
and much-derided provinces.
Jenny Lind’s d aughter is coming to
She is spoken of an
••dear America.
having a
a marvelous
marvelous voice,
voie much reseatb-
McMiBBTille, Ore<*a.
••«e that of bar mother.
(Successor to A. O. Wyndham.)
Assortment of these Popular Goods
novelties ,
MI) 1) ES1 RA­
Please Call and Examine.
W hat we G uarantee
To be made from the very best ma­
terial, by skillful workmen, with the
| latest and most approved machinery,
and to be the cheapest goods in the
i market when service is considered.
Are so thoroughly finished that they
can be worn in damp weather, or in a
shower, without fear of being ruined
by curling or shrinking.
The manufacturing, dyeing and fin«
isliing is done in such a manner, that
► ♦
the goods can be washed if desired
A Novel Institution.
without the least, injury to fabric.
A novel and salubrious institution
Our goods are wool dyed, and colors
has been established in New York
fast as the purest, dyes and greatest
City. It is known as “The New York
Labor Exchange and Lodge.”
Its care and skill can make them.
manager is Mr. D. M. Davidson. Wo
Goods show just, what they are and
may gather its purpose from the fol­
will be until worn out, as there is no
lowing “bill of fare:"
Absolutely clean "square” meals.............. 10c. weighting, stifTuning, or artificial lus­
Clothes eleaned by fumigation.................. Ic.
Hot aoda or «ulpbur bath........................... Ac. tre used to increase the weight or fin­
Shave or hair out......................................... he. ■
Absolutely clean beds.................................. 15c. i ish ; as is the case with a large class of
Fumigation and bath eompulaory the Brat 1 goods in the market, but which disap­
night and every wash to Insure deanllnoaa.
It is intended to “assist” honest men pears after a few days’ service.
who have hard luck in finding employ-
As manufacturers we have taken
menu It is said people oomc mere in
a horrible condition of filth, but the great pains to supply an article in
compulsory bath for their persons and every way reliable, and unsurpassed
'he summer fumigation of their clotb­ by similar goods, either foreign or do­
rig is a purifying process that restores
i sense of self-respect and they start mestic, and would respectfully ask an
out in the morning is search of work examination of the various styles and
with a renewed spirit of manhood.
shades to be found on sale by mer­
Although not a self-supporting en-
•erpries yeL Mr. Davidson thinks it chants who are agents for the goods.
All goods of our manufacture should
• ooe will be, but its beneficent effects
nro such that it has the sympathy aud bear the name and trade mark of
-upport at the best people in the city.
B roadhead W omtid M ill «,
Davidson eiaiuu that It has alreaay
Jameetown, N. T.
».wed hundreds of men from rula,—