—^1^— Sunrise. C. Grissen keeps a nice lot of shelf paper. 8ilence profound ; then faintly It is said that President Cleve­ Low throbbings in the air, D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. land intends to visit Oregon i A presence holy, saintly, voices breathing prayer. McMinnville, Or. Jan. 21,1887 next summer. • • A Hushed wavering light uncertain, Miss Patience Cooper of In ­ A soft glow spreading wide. Board of trade meeting at the dependence, is on a visit to her A dusky, sombre curtain council chamber Monday even­ brother J. C. Cooper, in this Drawn silently aside. ing. Pale rays of rare completeness A baby boy made his appear­ city. We received a very agreeable Far down the sky’s dim lawn, ance in the home of Wm. Kel- Moist lips of rosy sweetness let yesterday morning, to charm call from H. Maloney, C. E.,who Upraised to kiss the dawn. is well known as one of the best A sudden burst of rapture the future lives of its parents. From bird-throats swelling long, Read the new adxto-day of St. surveyers on the west side. Which echo elves recapture, Charles furniture wile, February Thos. Kay left yesterday for And flood the earth with song, the Seat of War, the Browns­ 7 th, 1887. A richer color showing The fireman’s fair this year ville woolen mills; of which A flush across the gray, will double-discount any previ­ Bishop & Kay are local agents A deeper carmine glowing, in this city. Night shadows rolled away. ous fair given in this city. Prof. McGibeny paid that fel­ A gleam of polished silver, If you want to enjoy good low in California for the instru­ A glow of burnished gold, reading to-day peruse Hodson’s ments he bought, before process A liquid mass of splendor, new ad, and don’t you forget it. was served as stated. But the A glory manifold. A royal car suspended, A superb rainbow appeared press had to have an item. in the northwestern sky yester­ Dont thow your damaged ap­ Hung swaying in the blue, day forenoon to assuage the fears ples away. They will not fatten The grand coronation’s ended, And rose tints fade from view. of the timid who had begun to pork, but you can get from 15 Oh, human heart, grown tender fear another flood. to 20 cents a bushel for them With thoughts beyond all speech, So it seems that work is to from F. Klouchek, apple jack. This sunrise scene of splendor No human art can reach ; again proceed upon W. S. B street rivulet goes gurg­ Revive hope’s blessed story, Ladd’s artesian well. Mr. Ladd ling by with a woeful waste of Bid faith ascend on high has secured a superabundant water, since the last storms set And view eternal glory, stock of “experience” from his in. If we had a wheel now we Where rose tints never die. connection with the present con­ —Rose Hartwick Thorpe. could utilize the power to drive tractor on this big bore. our machines. My Queen. Capt. Fellows’ show windows Prof. Graves is coining mon­ have something nice and new in ey, telling people some stun­ In thought and in dream, I am with thee my Love, them almost every day. Yester­ ning facts, who attend his lect­ My allegiance alone is thee ; day it was a fine lot of new pict­ ures at Grange hall. His parlors Queen of my heart, forever and now, ure frames from a late style of at the St. Charles are thronged Thou art, and thou only shall be. . mouldings, of which he has a with visitors daily. My mind finds delight in the beauti­ ful Past, large stock on hand. Attention! Merchants, man­ In the days of our first, early love, Rhetorical exercises will be ufacturers and Professional men I When the moments were fraught held in Mrs. Mattliieu’s room at There will a meeting at the with rapturous bliss, the public school this afternoon Council Chamber, Monday Jan­ An earnest of Heaven above. at 2.30 o’clock. Rev. G. J. Bur­ uary 24th, at 7i o’clock for the E’en though merciless fate should sever our lives, chett and Rev. H. P. Satchwell purpose of organizing a Board And our dreams, dreams only may be, will address the pupils, All in- of Trade. All are invited to Yet, Queen of my heart, forever and terested in school work are cor- attend. now, dially invited. Thou art, and thou only shall he. McMinnville is soon to be­ House bill No. 18, is now in come a manufacturing center. Observations. the hands of the committee on Mr. Smith, the purchaser of the I Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music counties, Messrs. McCully, Wright blacksmith shop, oppo­ in McMinnville and at McMinnville Laughlin, Roberts, Wicox and site the Cook hotel, is a practical college. Residence corner of Second and C Streets. Osborne. They will report it to man, and has some farm imple­ A good stock range of 160 acres, the house, then it will pass the ments of his own invention house and barn, can be bought for ; on county road, Apply at this third reading and go to the sen­ which he intends to manufac­ $500 office. ate. It may not be necessary ture here, upon a basis which Half block of land and six room for reference in the senate. We will save to the farmer at least cottage with good well of water, and large and small fruit, is ottered for look for a speedy passage of the transportation and many agents’ sale on easy terms, by C. Symons. bill, as it comes from the house. commissions. Success attend you Furniture will be sold with the house or separate. The fire losses have been ad­ Mr. Smith. Dr. Taylors method of treating piles justed and promptly paid, by There must always be some­ is the latest and most approved by the the Phoenix and Home, to Wil­ thing to act as sand to throw in­ profession and although not entirely without pain there 'a no additional pain son Carl on the destruction of to the eyes of the majority when and the cure is permanent and com­ his property on the 13th. This a minority with a doubtful plete. Call at Dr. Johnsons office and him, it will cost you nothing is of course satisfactory to him, cause make an effort to win. consult unless he treats you and cures you. and an assurance that his faith The sand for this purpose is per­ This is no humbug. was properly placed when he in­ haps the “regulation of its use” John J. Sax has his chop mill in running order, and will chop feed for sured, but still he is not satisfied, more than the width of the draw |2 per ton. If this does not' suit the and will pay |500 within six in the proposed railroad bridge customer call and get a special rate. months, for evidence that will at Portland. Up town property Bring on your job work. We are prepared to do job work in the convict fhe incendiary who interests had better inquire in­ now latest and most approved style of the to this matter. caused the fire. art. MISCELLANEOUS, SEVENTH ANNUAL - * I FIREMAN'S FAIR ---- OF THE— McMinnville lin DepaM, —AT— Garrison Opera House, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 22d, 23d and 24th, 1887, LIST OF PRIZES. Will be published, and further an­ nouncement made as soon as the committees can oomplete the work. Door« will be open at 7 o’clock, p. m. dally, during the Fair. —All are invited to Attend— Admission 25 Cents. Parade of Firemen Tuesday af­ ternoon. By Order of C ommittkb . First National Bank, —OF m ’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— ----- officers - J acob W ortman ....................President W. D. F enton ............... Vice-president J ohn W ortman .......................Cashier Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Sight Exchange ami Telegraphic Transfers on New York, Ban Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from Va. m. to 4 p. in. FIRE INSURANCE. JO IB WORTMAW Represents the following sterling oompan- iea: London & Liverpool A Globe, North British A Mercantile. Commercial Union Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­ man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Auglo Nevada, State Investment. Wheal inauranoe a specialty. $1.5O Per Year. Subscribe Now. Tlie Best Paper in the valley. Gives all the best news. Send your name one R E O I E D.C.Ireland&Co