The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 21, 1887, Image 4

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    Th© Daily Reporter.
The very best mulch for ten­
Run the roller over the field der garden plants is forest leaves,
----- o------
wherever the wheat has been and quite independent of their
Subscription Kate*.
value as a winter protection, LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH,
By Carrier per week........................... 10 oeuta thrown up by the frost.
(Payable on Saturday.)
It is not too soon to make the they are worth all the cost of
Single Copy.......................................... 2 “
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
By Mail 10 oenta per Month (In Advance.) frames for the hot beds and get gathering and draw ing for their
everything ready. Save the ma­ beneficial action on the soil.
Kate* for <dverti*in*
Beef may be smoked or corned
Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. nure for that purpose, which
should he fresh and free from at this season with but little dif­ A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 21, 1887
ficulty, and the farmer w ho rais­
course litter.
Dealers In
Turkeys and guineas should es a steer for his own use an­
A Miraculous Escape.
not be allowed to roost in the nually, will be provided with a
In former days things like tree-tops, or the result will be better quality of meat than if he HARDWARE,
this, reported by the Chehalis roup, which is contagious, all depended upon the pork barrel.
Vidette, would he called miracu­
the fowl of the barn yard being The nearer the freezing point TINWARE &
lous; in these times it is simply
the cellar can be maintained
subject to it.
Providential. The Vidette says:
The fall colts may be given all without actually endangering Agricultural Implements, Pumps,
“J. West had a valuhle boat built,
the ground oats they can eat. the stored fruit, the better for
at a cost of $80. One evening
As the mares will have but little apples. Heat and light do more
Pipes, Etc.
about a month ago, Crist. Da-
labor to perform at this season damage than cold. Alternate
Alli of whiob will be sold as
mitio took the boat to cross the
there will he no necessity for freezing and thawing will soon
Wishkah liver, hut he lost his
Low for Cash.
weaning the colts before spring. destroy fruit or vegetables.
paddle, deserted his boat and
As thy times will allow.
Modern farming is more and
France insists on the light or
clung to a pile at Waldron's
pig grade. England takes her more becoming a race for the Iron and Tin Roofing,
wharf, when his lusty cries soon
pork, ham and bacon of medium survival of the fittest. The poor
brought assistance. In the dark­
Galvanized iron Cornioes and window
The good caps.
and heavy mixed, while Ger­ farmer must go.
In faot we do anything that oomee in
ness of the night the boat was
line with neatness and dispatch, and
many wants the “whole hog or farmer only will able to hold out onr
never tell you it oan’t be done. Bring on
lost. The next day an Indian
your designs and we will out your pattern,
against competition. It is a rule and
do your work,
found it on the beach and took
An excellent mode of utilizing that is applicable to all branches
it up the coast. Next day the
any spare time of winter is to of industry.
And Don’t You Forget It.
Chilian bark was driven ashore
elean up and burn all dried grass Do not feed the fattening South east oor. 2d and C streets, MoMinn-
by a storm at sea, and the In­
A. H. & O. O. HODSON.
or weeds. Trimming the trees hogs any longer than is neces­ ville, Oregon
dians, considering their canoes
sary. Slaughter them as soon
unsafe, took Mr. West’s boat and and vines may be done any time
as the temperature of the atmos­
rescued fifteen sailors from their between now and spring.
Stock, as a rule, are naturally phere is at the freezing point,
perilous position in the rigging
which is better than when the
of the vessel. Mr. West bus clean and will not lie down to
weather is very cold. It is not
just received his boat back in rest in a manure pile, if more
economical to feed hogs when
good condition, after the above cleanly and more comfortable
the weather is very cold if they
adventures.” Who can doubt quarters are provided, and we
be in a proper condition for kil­
McMinnville, Oregon.
that there is a wise and hidden all know that cleanliness is con­
power which directs the efforts ducive to health.
Monday» February 22d.
A musty cellar is death to Apple, peach, plum and cherry
of man, in view of such inci­
milk or cream, but it seems im­ trees set along the boundary Will be sold at Public Auotion to the
dents as this.
highest bidder, a fine large Kitehen Range
possible to pound it into the lines of farms interfere very almost new, suitable for a large family, a
Miss Matti«“ Mitchell, daugh­ heads of some people. More little with cultivation, and their hotel or restaurant.
Beds and Bedding.
ter of the senator from Oregon, butter is ruined by bad cellars fruit is produced almost without
OARPETS. Kitchen and Dining Room
one of tin* prettiest and most ac­ and caves than from any other cost after the trees are wrell es­ Furniture,
Lampe, Tables and Chairs, and a
other things too numerous to
complished girls in Washington, cause.
tablished, wdiile at the same thousand
and Miss Victoria West, the
This winter will be doubly se­ time they may serve a useful
British minister's eldest daugh­ vere on your young horses un­ purpose as screens to mitigate All sales under $10, Cash. All sales over
$10, eight months credit, with approved
ter, who is also much admired, less you have them in first-class the force of driving storms.
have agreed together to discour­ condition when they go into The plan of a farmer for se­ This is a positive and peremptory
age extravagance“ in their gen­ winter quarters.
Good care curing large crops is thus stated
Is the Time
tlemen friends by declining from now on will be well repaid by him: “I tell my men to har­
bouquets from those who ask before spring.
row the ground until they think
to Buy Your­
them to be their partners in a
Breeding animals should not
self a Home.
german, thinking it too great a be kept too fat; and those that it ought to be, and then I tell
tax upon the young
hile the tendencv of interest is down­
I are intended for breeding pur­ them it is not harrow'ed half
ward, the prospect for farming is better.
poses should not be fed with enough.” Thorough pulveriza­ Henoe land will go no lower.
The surnames of five of our
those being fattened for market. tion of the soil is more impor­ 140
acre farm for sale, 1 mile south of
presidents ended in son—Jeffer­
Amity; 75 acres now summer-fallowed. Will
If the females be too fat, the tant than any other w’ork be­ rent
225 more of farm land with a sale with
son, Madison, Jackson, Harrison,
privilege of summer-fallowing half each year.
young will be weak and puny. stowed upon a crop.
and Johnson. It is among the
A reasonable amount down will be aooepted;
An old strawberry patch plow­
balance in 3 or 5 equal annual payments te
possibilities that the next Presi­
suit the purchaser. For further particulars,
ed under gives excellent returns The ladies of the/UDoffee Club,” come and see, or address J. P. BEELER.
dent’s name may have the same
Amity. Or.
in succeeding crops of grain, and all ladies why Jre interested
terminating syllable—Allison or
vegetables and fruits. This is in the fire depaMnient, are re­
Farm Far Sale.
ACRES. 125 in cultivation;*
owing largely to the fact that
'miles south west of Sheridan
The resolution providing for the strawberry ground is pretty hall, Friday afternoon 2 o’clock,
Jan. 21st.
the submission of the prohibi­ well fertilized, also to the mass
N ellik B. H odson , Secretary.
rar iran»:
St. Charles :
tion question will be introduced of roots and foliage turned under
this week, and ■ its immediate to rot. Thus it has a double
There is no blockade as re­
consideration urged.
For further information addressR.() Worth­
ington, BborMan, Or., er Wright > Eltie-
Dallas, Or.