NEW TO-DAY. that its profits should be con­ — trolled bv law. Gov. Pennoyer D. C. IKELAND A CO. IM'HI.IHHEKK. A country gentleman, says a; |says about $40,000 are paid in Mu bacrlpt ion Kiilek. Boston paper, placed a son with I*4' By Carrier pet week.......................... 10 cents a merchant in----- street, ami foi l | duties on articles used in salmon (Payable on Saturday.) and makes a good point Dingle Copy ................................. 9 a season all went on well But 11 ! in the reference that the . govern- By Mail l() cents per Month (lit Advance.) at length, the young iiinn sold al ■ was i ! meat might Kill«-* tor .*<11 erlikil*K dress to a lady, and as lie 6 t with . propriety, 7 «le­ 1 vote a portion of such annual Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. folding it up, he observed a flaw! I 1 return to the establishment of a the silk, and remarked, j Jan. 20,1887 in “Madame, I deem it my duty to salmon hatchery. His excellency That’s What’s the Matter. to tell vou there is fracture in. could, however, have gone still FIREMAN'S FAIR further in his estimate. The du- the silk.” This spoiled the bar­ —OF THE— gain. But the merchant over-1 ties on articles used in salmon loan'd the remark ; and if he had! fishing during ’86 in the one reflected a moment, he might port of Astoria, aggregate $53,- —AT— have reasoned thus with him­ I 892.60, as shown by official re- , turns from the Astoria custom ents by trade unions, and the self. “Now I am safe, while i house. Garrison Opera House, ¡latent laws of congress. The my affairs are committed to the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Market Report. honest clerk.” boys of Oregon are anxious and hands of an February 22d, 23d and 24th, By a Young Lady Header. ready to work, and to learn But he was not pleased ; so he 1887. Honor—Scarce; old stock ex- trades. But when* are they to wrote immediately to the father LIST OF PRIZES. find the opportunity to do so. to come and take him home; hausted and new not of good for, said he, “ he will never make quality. We know of the son of a wealthy Honesty—None in the market. Will be published, and further an­ man in Portland, who is exclud­ a merchant!” The father, who had brought Prudence—All in the hands nouncement made as soon as the ed from work in his father’s employ by the adult element at up his son with the strictest care, of dealers and held for advance committees can complete the work. work there. Change this con­ was not a little surprised and in price. will be open at 7 o'clock, Modesty—Stock badly dam­ Doori dition of things ami the urgency grieved, and hastened to the p. m. dally, during the Fair. for a reformatory school ceases. city to ascertain wherein his son aged; none for sale to street had been deficient. Said the speculators. Neglect it for twenty years to —All are invited to Attend— anxious father, “ And why will Politeness — Prices low ’ ; hold- come as it has been neglected ers are unwilling to sell at pres­ Admission 25 Cents. for twenty years past, and the he not make a merchant ?” “Because he has no tact. ent rates. Parade of Firemen Tuesday W- nation lias a worse enemy to ternoon. civilization within its bounds Only a day or two since, he vol­ Scandal—All in the hands of By Order of C ommittee . than all the hostile Indians of untarily told a lady who was retail dealers and peddled out. buying silk, that the goods were No. 3,300. Religion—Very little of the the past century Combined. Report of the /of The damaged, and so I lost my bar­ genuine article on hand; over­ First National Conditio* Hank ojnjflcIUinia» New York is suffering for coal, gain. Purchasers must look out stock of the adulterated com­ ville, Oregon, at ItlclUliKiville, in Mtate of Oregon, aJWLe clone of incident to a strike among coal for (hemselves. If they cannot pounds; good article comes high. the buiinen, Dec. 88, 18^Z* Resources. handlers discover flaws, it will be foolish­ Marriage—Scarce; no demand Loans and discounts ........ $ 94,890 10 Over drafts 18,701 35 Hon. S. 8. Cox is reported ness in me to tell them of their and market depressed. U. S. bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00 852 03 Courtship—Good and prime Due from approved reserve agts dangerously ill, with symptoms existence.” Due from other National Banks 22,030 77 in demand and prices rule up­ Due from state banks and bank­ somewhat alarming. The na­ “And is this all the fault?” ers .................................... 921 63 “Yes ; he is very well in other wards. tion cannot afford to lose many Real estate furniture and fix­ tures..................... 2,471 75 statesmen of his mettle just at respects.” Engagements—Dull; spring Current expenses and taxes 643 25 this juncture. “Then I love my son better stock not yet ready for market; paid............................................ 7 I Premium paid............................ 1,348 50 Cheeks and other cash items. 84 03 Bumpology has filled the than ever; and 1 thank you for but few coming forward. Bills of other Banks 105 00 paper currency, nick­ Beaux—Supplies light; stock Fractional purse of a traveling “Prof.” at telling me of the matter; I els, and cents 4 00 I would not have him in your of inferior quality; in light de­ Specie 12,806 00 Oregon city, Salem, and else- Legal tender notes ................ 1,010 00 Redemption fund with U. S. where, and the heads of the store another day for the world. mand at advance figures. treasurer (5 per ct. of circula­ taffy takers with nonsense; a fair Neighbor’s Quarrels—Market tion) ..................... 562 50 Tin* Columbia river fishery in­ exchange possibly. over stocked and dealers still Total...................................... »168,030 01 terests last year called for dis­ buying at low prices. Liabilities. A. E. Eaten, of Union, offers bursements aggregating $2,210,- Capital stock paid in....................... $50,000 00 Tattling—A full asrortment. Surplus fund............................. a reward of $5,000 gold coin to 4,500 00 000, including every detail of Undivided profits............ . 241 87 anyone who will apprehend and National hank notes outstand­ New Hampshire, New Jersey the work; it is a safe estimate to ing ...................................... 11,250 00 convict the murderer or murder-, Interest and exchange. .. 2,138 33 and Indiana have legislative as ­ say that the lower Columbia sal­ Individual deposits subject to ers of Willis Skiff. Mr. Eaton cheek ............ 46,877 17 mon canneries expend annually semblies which do not reflect a Demand certificates of defaisit 53.577 07 is thoroughly convinced that 346 47 $2,500,000, the greater part of remarkable degree of credit up­ Due to State banks and bankers Skiff was murdered, ami deter­ Total...................................... «168,030 01 which goes into circulation in on their constituency, from the mined if money will cause any stand point of decency and in­ State of Oregon, 1 light to be thrown on the mat­ the immediate vicinity of Asto­ tegrity, even in politics. County of Yamhill,! ss ria, hence it is perfectly natural ter, to spend it freely. I.J ohn W' ortmin , Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the for our cotemporary of the As-1 Colonel R. G. Ingersoll has above statement is true to the best of my Poor Fannie Verona Baldwin torian to say that the following age(j with great rapidity of late, knowledge and belief. J ohn W ortmaw , Cashier. is having a hard struggle in and sworn to before me this from Gov. Pennoyer’s inaugural, His hair is as white as snow, Subscribed 20th day of Jan, 1887. life. Since her attempt to kill [ srau ] ’ J. E. M auers , was “the smartest thing in the what there h left of it, and he “Lucky” Baldwin in San Fran- message.” 1 Notary Public for Oregon. message.” Money is clothed by walks with anything but his old C orrect A ttest . ClHco by shooting him a few I MU’ with an uttrihntn whinh tin •'___ •. J acob W ortman law with an attribute which no vigorous, lightsome vigorous, ibt. lightsome gait, gait. His The Daily Reporter, Discharged For Honesty. NcJMh Fire Departmsnt, jo, she has been drifting years agi about the tin country, haunted, as it were by iriMMnity. Last week she was sent to the home for the friendless near Chicago. other species of property pos- . head rather droops . . forward I as sesses, that of being a legal ten-1 he moves along, and his old, der for debts; and being thus smile has quite favored by law, it is but just gone from his face. Directors.