NEW TO-DAY. In a few days F. Multner will The state pen. will fill up now. sell at public auction all the fur­ Just lots of fellows on the out­ iXcculorS Sale. niture now in use at the St. side will want to get in so as to Notice is hereby given that by virtue of D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. an order of the county court for Yamhill board with Hon. Robt. Clow, su­ oonuty Charles. . Oregon, made on It he 4th day of McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 19. 1887 18S7, orffering ;J re-sale of the A large number of bills came perintendent, ami M. J. Mc­ January, premises hereinaftlr atesefilied and of the Kinnon, warden. authority vested in IisCy tBe'wlll of the late A railroad man is always up yesterday for second reading. Henry W arren decA^R.tkPuuikraigned ex­ F. Multner will open the Cen­ ecutors It is hardly likelv that any com- of the estateohs^hnieoedeiit, will known by the wav he enters a on the 19th day of Febrairry 1» <7, at the hour tral with all new furniture and mittee reports will be seen be­ of two o'clock p. m. thereof, and at the court hotel. He never shuts the dooi bouse door, in Lafayette. Yaiuhill oounty, intends to make of it a first class fore the end of the week, so no| Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest behind him. the following described tract of lmi^ bills will pass to third reading hotel in all respects. His suc­ bidder, situate about seven miles westerly from Mc­ Selena writes good sensible cess at the St Char'es is an as­ Minnville, in the county of Yamhill, and state of Oregon. Being a part of the J. Cor­ words for our legislators to heed, unless under suspension of the surance of the future. bett homestead claim, lying in sections .’8, rules, before the coming week. and 29 in 1' l S of KF. W, Willamette meridi­ concern amendments to the J. Fred Clark, (he Portland an. county of Yamhill and state of Oregon, The senate may reach the third school law. Peruse it. There and beginning at a point 1.70 chains west of real estate dealer, has a political reading of bills by the end of the corner to sections 28, 29, 82 and >3, in said is very much truth spoken in bee in his bonnet. Like the in­ township and range, thence N 17 deg E with week. center of county road leading from Muddy those few words. to intersect a county road running from the The entrance to San Fran­ terstate commerce bill; it isn't old« hris Newby grist mill to Gopher valley Thanks to Frank C. Baker, to angle in said road, thence N 5 deg. cisco is worse ami worse. A yet sufficiently developed to say E I ohains 16.22 chains to stake on the south line of state printer, for valuable favors. just what it will amount to. W. E. Warren’s donation land claim, thenoe schooner loaded with 100,000 lbs For the first time since the for­ west 20.80 ohains; tlienoe north 20.00 chains; Lady clerks are as plentiful as of powder for Portland went on a thence west ‘20.00 ohains; thenoe south 40.00 mation of the state government ohains to quarter section corner on the line Howers in May about thecapitol; reef just outside last Thursday, between sections 29 and 32; thenoe east B.5«I at Salem, we have occasion to ohains to west boundary of the R. (’. Combs and beating upon the powder as soon as speaker Gregg an­ donation land oiaim No 40 in said township return compliments to that par­ nounced his committee .they will and range; thence N 28X deg E 8.00 ohuina exploded Saturday night tumb ­ northwest corner of said oiaim No. 40; ticular office. hover around the members like to thenoesouth 00^ deg, east 7.00ohains; thenoe ling the Cliff house into a mass A car load of ducks rewarded east 13 9