The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 19, 1887, Image 2

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We hope the assembly will
places are fairly warmed. “The
miserable damned scoundrels,” give the voters of this county a
is the way an Indiana paper al- chance to settle the county seat
Nubarrlpt ion llnii'».
hides to judges on the bench who i question at the polls. Then
By Carrier per week........................... !<• cents
(Payable on Haturdav.)
last week refused to put aside which ever wav it terminates,
Single Copy.......................................... 2 “
By Mail 10 cents per Month <In Advance.) justice that miserable pertinaci­ i every body ought to be satisfied.
Examinations in the different
ty might succeed. R. P. Porter,
Hat«** for till «*rt Isinii
Will lx- iniiilt* satisfactory to all applicants. a staff correspondent of the departments of the public school
Philadelphia Press, and one of have been the order this week.
Mi Miniivilli-, Or.
the most intelligent observers of Exercises, consisting of the regu­
events in Washington, says in lar speaking and reciting requir­
The Second Sober Thought.
his dispatches last week that ed by law, were held at the
We feel under special obliga­ there was a decided change in school house on Friday after­
tion to Senator Mitchell for var­ the feeling as to the inter-state noon. A number of visitors were
ious congressional documents. commerce bill, but that “mem- present.
He may rest assured that these “bers of congress will vote for
Senator Bird came down from
are placed where they will do “the bill rather than sacrifice Salem on Saturday, and spent
the most good, and alter a time “their political futures, trusting Sunday at home, returning Mon­ Garrison Opera House,
will serve* certain purposes in “to remedy the wrongs inflicted day morning. Ilis wife, and also
vindication of not only his own “hereafter.” Waiting for the the wife of Senator Watts, will Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
February 22d, 23d and 24th,
acts Imt those of other conscien­ second sober thought in matters spend this week at the capital,
tious members of congress, to of this class is the danger of our visiting friends and occasionally
attempt vindication of whom at republic. The public presses at “looking in on” the delibera­
present, would prove futile and Washington daily turn off mat­ tions of the assembly.
Will be published, and further an­
compel us to take a stand a- ter sufficient to convince the
We notice that there is a bill
gainst our own convictions of world that there is no honesty pending far the amendment of nouncement made as soon as the
what is right just as the discuss­ whatever in the impulse which the school law, which provides committees can complete the work.
ion of the inter-state commerce prompt members to a course that all male citizens over
Doors will be open al 7 o’clock,
bill has compelled senators to lined out by Mr. Porter, we have twenty-one years of age, whether
p. m. dally, during the
vote against their convictions as them at hand from Mr. Mitchell, taxpayers or not, be allowed to
to their duty in that matter. as above stated, but like the vote on school matters except
—All are invited to Attend—
Many years since, when a pupil minister referred to by Arch­ special tax. Now, if there is any
Admission 25 Cents.
of the Hon. J. Eastman John­ Bishop Gross, who preached a- justice in such a proposition, we
son, he taught us that in the bout a hell, the congregation fail to see it. The mothers of Parade of Firemen Tuesday af­
great majority of eases “public will not listen to it; and the poor school children, although many
C ommittee .
opinion" was lmt a huge ignor­ devil of an editor in a country of them are not taxpayers, are By Order of
ant jackass. When public opin­ town who tries to be honest, ami certainly as much interested in A. A. KEKYON
ion is made to order, by design­ act consistent, has a very meag­ school affairs as the average
ing demagogues, for a special er show’ with his fellow’s who male population, many of whom CITY MARKET,
purpose, it is worse than a stand in for the spoils and will­ are impecunious boys, just old
“huge ignorant jackass." Such ingly let the country slide. We enough to vote, and who are so
we regard much of the sentiment hope there is a God in Israel proud of their prerogative that
of the present day, notably that who will yet cause a turn in the they would not fail on any ac­
(SnooesBor to W. F. Bangasser.)
which demands so much of the tide of affairs when all men may count to use it ¡though in reality
Will keep on hand at all times the very
valuable time of congress; but sustain honesty from principle. not caring who may be elected beat
quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­
tained in the market, and respectfully solio't
any attempt to stay the crushing
director, or clerk, or in fact, a share of the public patronage.
£W“Giveus a trial order and we will
effects of th<* ponderous machine
whether “school keeps” or not. guarantee satisfaction.
would be simply a waste of time,
Unless the word male is stricken regon pacific
until it turns in its own course
Hon. A. R. Burbank was quite from the bill, and even then, the O *er
upon realizing the vileness of sick for a few days last week, amendment would be unneces­ Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment
the situation. This sentiment but is better.
sary; we hope, in the name of 225 Miles Shortest
is fostered and kept alive by a The steamer Occident was up justice and common sense that
20 Hours Less Time.
mercenary press which stoops last Friday. She has been mak­ the law will remain as it is. We
unnurpasaed for comfort
to anv trick, no matter how low ing a trip about once a week. wish that the law regulating the and Aocommooationa
safety. Fares and Freights MUCH
than by any other r°ate between all
in cunning, even to the shadow­ A series of religious meetings, qualifications of voters on polit­ m Willamette
valley and San Francisco.
ing of detectives employed to conducted by Revs. Gardner, ical questions were as fair and
Only Route via Yaquina Bay
hunt down criminals; as was il­ Bittner and Connor, have been just as is the school law concern­
lustrated the other day in Kan­ going on with but little cessa­ ing the legality of voters in To San Trancisoo.
sas, when Pinkerton’s men were tion, for the past two weeks.
school districts. It would be un­
(Except Sundays.)
followed to the house when*
Mrs. Littlefield’s return from wise to pass a law giving all citi­ Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­
they were searching the robbers the east is daily expected. The zens, of both sexes, over twenty-
quina at 7: 10 a. m.
of the express, and the transoms letter stating that she was un­ one years of age, the right to Oregon and California, West side, trains
oonnect at Corvallis.
ami key holes had to be covered able to travel, was soon followed vote in school meetings; but it
The Oregon Development Company’s
against their insinuating pres­ by another containing the intel­ would be both unwise and un­
ence. Concerning matters of ligence that she was better, and just to give all male citizens that Steamship Sant® Mart®
M ails
legislation in this country, both had started for home.
right and yet not allow the
From Yaquina, | From San Francisoo,
. Jan. 9 Tuesday
..Jan. 4
state and national, there is not
The Odd Fellow’s ball, Fri­ women the same privilege.
Jan..”23 Sunday. ........... Jan 16
S ELINA. Wednesday Feb. 21 Friday . . Jan. 28
sufficient guarantee that those day evening, was largely attend­
The Company reserves the right to ohange
selected for the work shall be ed and greatly enjoyed. A social
Hon. W. D. Fenton has pur­ sailing days. Fare», between Oorvallia and
rranoisco. Rail and Cabin, |14; Rail
protected in it. They are placed dance at J. P. Johnson’s on the chased the stock of Hon. D. P. San
and Steerage, |9.88.
For information apply to
upon the test of the mercenary same evening, was also largely Thompson, in the First National
Acting Gen. F. and
ind Paas.
P bm . Acrent.
gang before the cushions in their attended.
bank of McMinnville.
Corvallis, Oregon
Th© Daily Reporter.