Increasing Milk by Breeding. Observations. The elegant steamship Santa Maria, will leave Yaquina for A meeting of the McMinnville tem­ It is not the stock alone that perance club wiU^I»e Ueld at Grange San Francisco Friday, January is benefited by breeding, savs a D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, hall Monday Jadf 18p< 1887, all mem­ 21st. bers, are requestfciKo be present at 7 McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 18, 1887 There is genius .enough in farmer friend to the Reporter, o’clock sharp. B. F. Fuller, president. A good stock ranpeqof 160 acres, this country to invent a method commenting upon our talk about Capt. Lafollett is not able to of warming cars without burn­ the statement made by C. A. house and barn, cXii /be bought for ♦500 ; on county rAaff. Apply at thia fill his seat in the assembly. ing them up, but the railroad Wallace. It is safe to assert office. Mr. West, who has been very companies seem to be in no that the dairymen of this coun­ Half block of land and six room try annually suffer greater losses cottage with good will of water, and ill near Carlton, is recovering. haste about developing it. large and small fXiitJ is offered for City pumps were chock-a- Read the new ad of Messrs by not improving their stock sale on easy te/nu/by C. Symons. block yesterday morning with Kenyon & Ray. They are live than through any other source. Furniture will be Wd with the house or separate. ice. and practical men, and have Ten quarts of milk is accepted Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music Our friend Bell, of Happy val­ come to stay. Call at the old by a majority of them as an ex­ in McMinnville and at McMinnville ley was presented with a lovely stand lately occupied by Wm cellent yield from a cow daily, college. Residence corner of Second and C Streets. girl baby Sunday. Bangasaer to-day, for a choice even when in an average How, Dr. Taylors methpAof treating piles yet this is far below what is at­ is the latest and JOOst/approved by the Rev. G. W. Branson, of Amity, roast. andwltbough not entirely who has been very ill from lung Our worthy tried John Main­ tained in many stables. In the profession without pain then*» no additional pain fever, is recovering. land, who has long been expect­ face of such facts, which stare and the cure is permanent and com­ The ladies Guild of the Epis­ ing his parents from Scotland is them right in the face, no degree plete. Call at Dr. Johnsons office and consult him, it will cost you nothing copal church meet at Mrs. Det- in grief. His mother died soon of urging seems to prevail with unless he treats you and cures you. mering’s to-morrow p. m. after landing at New York, and them as to the importance, as a This is no humbug. John J. Sax has his chop mill in A few nights frost like what his grief stricken father, one mode of economy, of grading up running order, and will chop feed for we got Sunday night would soon brother and a sister, reached the stock. As a rule, they shrink ♦2 per ton. If this does not suit the check the growth of wild oats. here last Thursday. We extend from investing a fair price for customer call and get a special rate. is prepared to receive a a thorough-bred bull, judging few Mrs. day Breon The power of music is exem­ our sympathies. boarders. yThree gentlemen plified every evening at Hender­ Kane’s Illustrated West for him rather by his weight than can be furnished/with rooms. Cor­ ner of Third and H st/eets, last house son Bros, livery office. And it December is brimful of illustra­ by his value as a benefiter. The on the right beforrcrossing railroad tions. Its views of Portland and sum invested would be almost track. is good. In a few days F. Multner will Mt. Hood are elegant product­ insignificant when compared to sell at public auction all the fur­ ions of the lithographic art, and the advantages to be derived. First National Bank, niture now in use at the St. the portraits of Judge Deady, But we will say to our friends —OF m ’ minnville , OREGON.— Mayor Weatherford and Hon. J. who are engaged in the dairying ------ OFFICERS :------ Charles. Prof. Graves takes the place of F. Caples are the best we have business that, while they may J acob W ortman ......................President P. T hompson , ........... Vice-president a necromancer, a palmist, for­ yet seen in any western publica­ be wise in properly feeding for J D. ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier the production of milk, the aver­ tune teller and astrologer, all tion. Transact* a General Banking business. combined. Go and hear the In portions of eastern Oregon age increased amount can only Interest allowed on time deposits. the rabbits are so numerous and be attained by breeding for it. Collections made on favorable terms. next lecture. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transtos New York, San Francisco and Portland. Some one of the many appor­ rapidly increasing that fencing Just as one race of people are su­ on Office hours—from 9 a. tn. to 4 p. m. tionment bills before the assem­ sufficiently tight to exclude them perior to another in some re­ bly ought to pass. In the mat­ will be absolutely necessary next spects, just so it is the case with FIRE INSURANCE. JOHN WORTHAN ter of representation it is cer­ season. They are becoming so cows. The best cows are well destructive as to dig and destroy bred, and belong to a family Represents the following sterling compan­ tainly time for a change. ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North F. Multner will open the Cen­ acres of potatoes after they have that are noted for production. British A Mercantile, Commercial Union Fire Association, German Amerioan, Firw- tral with all new furniture and ruined the adjacent fields of Even when an occasional good man’s Fond, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Nevada, State Investment. intends to make of it a first class standing grain. cow may be discovered among Wheat insurance a specialty. hotel in all respects. His suc­ And now the man about town the common herds and shown as $1.5O Per Year, cess at the St Charles is an as­ at Albany again raises the cry, an example of what the common Subscribe Now. “On to Boise city.” 140 miles surance of the future. cow can be made to do, take our W. L. Gilson is not perhaps is assured the coming season. word for it there is good breed­ Tbe Best Paper In the valley. lost in the mountains, but since Making allowance for the usual ing somewhere in her composi­ he went away, three weeks ago, exaggeration it is safe to count tion, though her owner may not Gives all the his wheat has been sold at 75 on another 100 miles of track know it. By the use of thorough best news. cents a bushel clear, cinnabar or before 1888. When Albany be­ bred males one can look forward Seiwl your no cinnabar mine. comes the center of a traffic be­ with certainty to the realization name A mathematician estimates tween the east and the Pacific, of larger yields, and can so breed stock as to mould them to that a machine of one-horse and San Frtncisco and Portland, his And one any particular purpose desired. #1.50 power would keep 27,000,000 a distributing point, as it were, The progressive farmer does not watches running, but Holl is a you may look for good sized re­ attempt to get choice beef, large ftl.SO. yields of milk, or great weights bigger success than that. He sults. *1.50. keeps many watches in Yamhill After complimenting one part of butter from nondescripts. He county running by merely look­ of the inaugural the Astorian breeds for what he desires. With ing at them occasionally. says: “A part of the message the choice of the improved breeds, he can either increase D.C.Irela nd&Co n The old Bennett house, one of sounds as though it had been the supply of beef, or add to the Publishers. the pioneer buildings of Salem, written in 1862, the dead ghost flow of milk. And as long as went up in fire and smoke last of the supremacy of state rights the best cows only, prove profita­ Notice oi €o Partnership. Having entered into Copartnership with week one morning. The build­ being temporarily resuscitated ble, it is a loss of time to use D. M. Caldwell, in the FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. ing was occupied by Geo. Sun, on these moist Pacific shores. any other. But in order to at­ tain them they must be bred on In Hhobe’s building, opposite the Poet ofltaa as a Chinese hotel, store and In the light of recent history the farm, or the farmer must buy the firm will be known as COLLARD d laundry. Three Chinese lodgers the resuscitation can elicit no them of some one who takes ad­ i ■ a 11 fi w fr. y i Mr. Caldwell will attend ta were burned to death. Their other feeling than one of amuse­ vantage of the omission of the the wants of the publie. All aales will be for oash at bed rock prissa charred remains were taken from ment, and satisfaction that farmer to do for himself what Orders delivered to any pert of the city free the debris, presenting a ghastly that question was settled long others do, with profit to them­ of extra charge. J. J. COLLARD. D. M. CALDWELL. selves, for him. ago.” sight. McMinnville, Or., Doo. 27th, 18M The Daily Reporter. R E P O R T E