REPORTER. VOL. II. NO. li M c M innville , O regon , T uesday , J anuary 18. 1887. PRICE TWO CENTS. ... ■ Th© Daily R©p©rt©r. CURRENT THOUGHT. mediate and lower grades. The trouble is that the machinery of the “system” has outrun the original intent and subverted the policy of free schools. The Chicago News intimates that the suggestion to elect Mrs. Mary S. Logan to succeed her husband in the United States senate is being discussed with considerable seriousness down east. It is pleasant to find that so much candid opinion is being expressed on the subject. There is no doubt that Mrs. Logan would make a much more capable senator than many men now serv­ ing in the senate ; nor is there any doubt that she is the intel­ lectual superior of many men at home who have been named as possible successors to the sena­ torial office. The spectacle of a bright, good women in the sen­ ate would be an edifying one. and Mrs. Logan’s influence in the senate would be as salutary as it would be powerful; better than these things would be the en­ nobling effect which the elevation of this representative woman would have upon the social con­ dition of its worthy womenhood, and to confer a distinguishing honor upon one of the purest staunchest, and brighest of her sex. Four parties of surveyors are to be put in the field to survey a route for a railroad from Seattle ------- o------- to a junction with the Baker D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. city branch of the ORN at Umatilla. Mr. Mackey is credit­ D. C. IRELAND & Co., ed with being the promoter of PUBLISHERS. the enterprise. In order to be sure of the in­ T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day in the week exaept Sundays, and is delivered terest of a vast number of per­ in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ sons in his death, a man has but vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . to insure his life in a dozen or so benevolent organizations for A frtJMlfttlBge sums ranging from $2,000 to $6,- We beg leave to announoe to the publio 000. John Tyler, of South Nor­ that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ walk, tried it, and though the ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, method kept him pinched and Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ poverty stricken through his lat­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of ter years, he left at his death work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- papers that will tap the pockets yinoed. D. C. IRELAND & CO. of a million people for the bene­ a. w. ooocheb . e . e . goucheb . fits of his relatives. A shrewd Chinaman has hit Goucher & Goucher. upon an article of export from PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. M c M innville .... O begon . Germany, which has thus far es­ caped the money getting Teu­ Offioe and residence, oomer of Third and tons. It is neither more nor D. streets, next to the postoffioe. less than cast off horse shoes, of DR. I. * C. TAYLOR. which some Berlin firms are ——o...... about to ship some three thous­ Late of New Orleans, La., Piles and Fistula a Spe­ and to four thousand tons. The ciality. Consultation heathen Chinee has found out free. No Cure that the wrought iron, of which No Pay. horse shoes are made, owing to fST" Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., the constant and even lutynmer- MoMinnville, Oregon. Newberg Notes. ing on the pavement, together jas . m ’ oain . h . hubley . new boarding hall, belonging to with the equine animal heat, the The Friend’s Pacific academy has been McCain & Hurley, gradually assumes the hardness completed, and is now occupied by the ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW of steel, combined with great students. Board, rooms, fires, lights AND NOTARIES PUBLIO, malleability and elasticity, quali­ etc., furnished at $2.70 per week. Lafayette, Oregon, ties which fit them more especi­ The proprietors of the eight acre Especial attention paid to abstracts of title ally for the manufacture of farm north of town are having some and settlement of estates in probate. Offioe -Jail buiding, up stairs. surveying done, preparatory to com­ knives and sword blades. Action has been taken by the mencing the work of grubbing. Mr. Mrs. M. Sliadden. Cook is in charge of the business. citizens of Brooklyn to compel A well appointed gymnasium has Fashionable Dressmaker. the authorities of that city to been added to the academy. furnish school accommodations Messrs. Edwards and Hoskins have pyThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. for 20,000 children for whom just raised the frame of a building, to Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay’s store, there is no room. This is proba­ be used as a tile factory. It is on the Dayton road west of the academy. MoMinnville, Or. bly an aggravated case, but it is Vocal music is taught at the acad­ well known that a similar trouble emy without any extra expense to exists in some degree in about students. Hair Cutting, Shaving and sham­ every large city in the country. The new Evangelical church is re­ pooing Parlor. ceiving the finishing touches. It is The growth of population, and situated two blocks east of the acad­ 15c SHAVING 15c. consequently of the number of emy. C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. children of school age, seems to The Good Templar’s hall is nearly (Suooeseor to A. 0. Wyndham.) go away ahead of the compre­ completed. The lower story will be used for a drug store and doctor’s Ladies and children’s work a specialty. hension of those whose duty it office. £y*I have just added to my parlor the largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this is to provide adequate public Mr. Cottle’s building, to be used for «tv. Try them. school facilities. It is the same a hardware store is nearly completed, D C. IRELAND A CO., story every where. High salaries and presents a very attractive appear­ ance. and few pupils in the upper There are sixty-four students in at­ grades. Comparative pittances tendance at the academy. The spring and crowded rooms in the inter­ term opens Feb. 28th. McNIinnYillc, Ore*«a. Entered in the Poetoffioe at MoMinnville for Tranamiaeion Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. "Mfcille Silb.=- Fine Job Printers, ... '"J Assembly Committees. The speaker of the house an­ nounced yesterday. Following is a list of the SENATE COMMITTEES: Judiciary—Simon, Hare, Bar­ in, Weatherford and Siglin. Ways and means—Shupe, Rinehart, I^ee, Chandler and Miller. Elections—Emmett, Dimick, Irvine. Claims—Allen, Simon and Chandler. Corporations—Bird, Cauth- orne, and Emmett. Public lands—Barin, Cart­ wright and Stanley. Federal relations—Gray, Dim­ ick and Veatch. Mines—Stanley, Cartwright and Dawson. Printing—Siglin, Shupe and Williams. Railroads-Miller, Allen, Steel, Coleman and Hamilton. Public buildings—Hare, Loon­ ey and Veatch. Counties—Chamberlin, Gray, and Hamilton. Military affairs—Dimick, Wa­ ger and Chamberlin. Commerce—Barin, (fray and Rinehart. Education—Watts, Shupe and Cauthorne. Enrolled Bills—Dawson, Steel and Siglin. Engrossed bills—Bird, Wil- lims and Rinehart. Assessment.--Lee, Hare, Steel, Wuger and Coleman. Agriculture-—Allen, Looney and Irvins. J. II. Holland, of Vale, repre­ sentative in the assembly from Baker county, is merchandising fifteen miles from Ontario, on the Short Line, and is on the line of survey of the OPR, or some company represented by it, and is also on the line of a road projected by the OSR. The former compapy now have en­ gineers and graders in the Mal­ heur canyon, twenty miles above Vale, and the latter has a party locating on the line and grade of the former. Between the two companies the people feel sure of one road. Pensioners are not exempt from road taxes; only disabled and infirm persons.