Stand by the Petition. Printer’» Ink is Kin«. ObucrvHtlon«. A good stock i of 160 acres, In a time like the present, There is a host of men who boast house and barn.Awg be bought for D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. $500; on county road. Apply at this when it is important to preserve Of powder, cotton, steam ; But every hour the mighty power office. McMinnville, Or. Jan. 17,1887 the integrity of the principles Of printer’s ink is seen. Half block of hpwk And six room you advocate, to be assured of It moves the world as easily cottage with goudTweJl of water, and large and small (iwrit, is offered for Patti is coining to Portland success, there is no other alterna­ As does some mighty thing, sale on easy terms, bv C. Symons. soon with her full support. tive than that of standing for And men proclaim in despot’s ears Furniture will be sold with the house the right. There should be no That printer’s ink is king. Costumes and all. or separate. Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music Clyde Cubine, of Centralia, doubt whatever, but that the The man of gold, of wealth untold. in McMinnville and at McMinnville grand son of S. F. Harding, is people’s representatives in the Printer’s ink may scorn, college. Residence corner of Second and C Streets. in the city on a visit. legislative assembly from this Or knit his brow, nor deign to bow To one so lowly born ; A meeting of the McMinnville tem­ The Prohi* * is going to Port­ county will do so. The only But printer’s ink has built its throne perance club will be held at Grange land, where W. D. Lyman will question involved is that of Where minds their tributes bring, hall Monday Jan, 18th 1887, all mem­ bers, are requested to be present at 7 be installed as editor. strict integrity. The people And God’s most gifted intellects o’clock sharp. B. F. Fuller, president. House bill No. 18, is the title have stated by their petitions just Shout ‘’Printer’s ink is king.’’ Dr. Taylors method of treating piles of the measure people of this what they want, in this county King of the world, of thought refined, is the latest and most approved by ths profession and although not entirely county are most interested in. seat matter, and it -is for the No abject slave it claims ; without pain there *s no additional pain A dispatch from Salem Satur­ purpose of assuring our delega­ Where superstition’s victims pine, and the cure is permanent and com­ plete. Call at Dr. Johnsons offioe and day, informed relatives of Mrs. tion that nothing else will suit It bursts their servile chains. consult him, it will cost you nothing W. T. Newby that she was very the people, that we direct their In every clime, in coming years, unless he treats you and cures you. Will men proud anthems sing, attention to the petition as the And round the world the echoes float, This is no humbug. John J. Sax has hie chop mill in One year ago last Saturday text for their action at every That printer’s ink is king. running order, and will chop feed for we had a big snow storm in this step in this important contest. $2 per ton. If this does not suit the Hon. Wm. Galloway returned customer call and get a special rate. city. Last Saturday it was very We hope that we may be incor­ Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a mild. rectly informed when we are from the capital Saturday. few day boarders. Three gentlemen Eastern Oregon begins to talk can be furnished with rooms. Cor­ The sunken steamer Beutley, told that the measure is apt to at Albany bridge, has been rais­ meet with hostility in the senate; of an ice factory, to secure its ner of Third and H streets, last house on the right before crossing railroad ed and taken to East Portland we want so believe that Messrs. next summer supply. track. The Ready liquor law was de ­ for repairs. Watts and Bird realize their When the steamedconnect at position as representatives of clared unconstitutional upon a First National Bank, Independence, you can get over the people, and understand too very thin margin for law, but —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— to Salem from here in about well the possible disasters of a Capt. Humphrey says a demo­ ------ OFFICER« :------ to over ­ court was bound cratic three hours easily. fatal step at this time. Stick J acob W ortman ...................... Pn>«ident Messrs. Little and Laughlin to the petition, gentlemen; and throw it under the national D. P. T hompson ............. Vice-president J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier came home Friday evening to all will be well. Depart from it, democratic platform against Transacts a General Hanking bus in eat. spend their Sunday vacation. and there is no telling what the “sumptuary laws.” Interest allowed on time deposit«. With the mercury at 28 deg. Collections made on favorable terms. result may be. They return to-day. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer« below zero, and the winds tear­ on New York, San Francisco and Portland. N. J. Rowldnd is acting con­ Office hours—from V a. m. to 4 p. m. Edwin Russ informed us on stable for Justice Harding’s court Saturday last that he was going ing down the streets like a mad­ dened pack of polar bears, no in south McMinnville, under an to fence building, in spite of the wonder people in Indiana, Illi­ FIRE INSURANCE. appointment of the court. JOHN WOKTMAA storm; within an hour or two it nois and thereabout, thinking Representa the following Hterling compan­ Mr. Fellows is getting the car­ London ,1 Liverpool A Globe, North stopped snowing, the sun came I of us here, are reminded to send ies: Britiah A Mercantile, Coiumeroinl Union pets ready for the new offices of out warm, and we credited Ed­ us mittens ami fur capes. But Fire Association, German American, Fire­ man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Hon. W. D. Fenton, in the Yam­ win with success at perhaps though the remembrance is Nevada, State investment. hill County Bank building. Wheat insurance a specialty. fencing old Boreas out of the duly appreciated, the articles are The Odd Fellows wound up city at least. $1.50 Per Year. vqlueless. the week by going over to Amity Subscribe Now. Answering an inquiry as to Saturday and installing officers Imported suckers, carp, were Tlie Best Paper during the day. They had a prospects of legislation on the •exposed for sale in Portland last in the valley. NPR forfeiture bills, Senator week. They are unfit for food I jolly good time. Trains on the P and WVRR Dolph states that time and again unless kept in clear running Gives all the leave Newberg for Portland at he urged the conference com- | water for at least a month before best news. 9 a. m. and 1:15 p. m., and ar-j mittee to submit to the house killing time. W. S. Failing Send your rive from Portland at 12:45 p. m.ithe disagreements of the senate ought to know that much, This name and 6:30 p. hi. jin order that he may submit carp and shad folly in Oregon And one Beef is advancing, wholesalers his report. So far the house re­ will yet work a tough hardship $1.50 now ask and receive from 3 to frain from acting. • upon the vital interests of the 3| cents. Our local markets I ... . . $1.5O. A lady friend received a beau­ j salmon trade Both are worth- have not put the price up, but $1.50. tiful gift of a pair of home made less for table use in any shape, are iconsidering the subject. and shad are mortal enemies to Miles Hendricks of Astoria, is ¡silk mittens from Chicago last salmon. paying his old home at Wheat- week, and a splendid book de­ Miss Palms met Senator Jones D.C.Irelaiui&Co land a visit. Miles looks fine, voted to art topics. These came Publiwliers., showing that it agrees with him from a dear, good girl, however; on the streets of Detroit the to live within sound of thedash- hence it cannot be charged that other day and did not faint or IVotire oi Co-Parlncrtihip. into Co-Partnerahip with the mittens are any infringe­ scream for the police. The sena­ Having entered ings of the deep sad sea. D. M Caldwell, in the FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. A postal to L. Bettman, from ment upon the patent recipe of tor’s suite is progressing favor­ In Hhobe’a baildin«, opposite the Poet offloa, the ladies ’ Guild of this city as ably. Nothing like patience his son at Leipsig, told of the the firm will be known m COL l ARD A great storm over Europe at an antidote for that passion ex­ and perserverance. The senator, CALDWELL. Mr. Caldwell will Milend to Christmas tide. Henry says he cited by excellence, beauty, or who has borne in silence the the wants of th« public. All aalaa will be for caah at bed rook prioea never saw so much snow in all all that is born of affection, com- combined taunts of the news- Ordere delivered to any part of the city free his life; two and a half feet deep monly called Love. These mit- paper press of the country, may of extra oharge. J. J. COLLARD. D. M. CALDWELL. tens are for use. yet enjoy the lady’s millions. and no mails for four days. McMinnville, Or., Dec. 27th, 18s«. I E O T E