MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. cNTi mi ville M’MINNVILLE LIVERY FEED AND SALE STADLES PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE Headquarters for = Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing for yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having STAPLE AND FANCY k-r L LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, DRY ----- PROPRIETORS — O Fine Carriage*, Hack* and Waddle Horses, Low Prices to Suit And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape --------- A N 1>---------- General Merchandise At Reasonable Rates. City Stables. no Times, and where you won t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Bl’OWlie. Hole Agent for the Celebrated Broadhead # * * Dress Goods Assortment of these Popular Goods THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE ORTHERUpACIFIC 14 • »44 4 44 441144*11144 I ■ 44 I I I 11141 HENDERSON BROS ALL THE LATEST Ample room to eare for hornea. Livery teams at as reasonable rates as any where in NOVELTIES, NEW Oregon. Newstable Third St.. McMinnville AJVD DESIRA­ NT. CHARLES HOTEL, BLECOLOR­ r MVLTNDH, Prop., Corner Third and B streets. INGS, HCMINNVILLE - - OHEOOR JtJ.MT RECEIVED. Please Call and Examine. 1’1 BEST! «HOBEST! 14 144 • IW II 144'1 4) IS 4411'4 4 4M 4 4414 « QUICKEST! B ------------------ r" r 4 x* *XXX* XXXXX**XXXX**XXXX**•X**X**** XX ****X*********** IIII1III1IIIIIIITHE DININ« CAR LINE/;/MWWW?m DIRECT THE ROUTE! Lowest Hates New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed 13.” in the oountry. Rates—41 to $2 per day ac­ cording to room. Single meals 25 oenta. Lodging, 25 to 50 cents according to room. TV BE Board and Lodging, $4 to $6, per week. Twc Fine Sample Rooms for oommercial men. Give n>e a call and see for yourself. ,t ! R - TO H EAST NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! To CHICAGO and all points EAST. Ticket« sold to all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the Ea«t and Southeast. BIHAR PASSEAO ERSI CAREFUL AND DO JNOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE -------- TO TAKE THE W hat wk G uarantee FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. To be made from the very best ma­ terial, by skillful workmen, with the latent and inoet approved machinery, and to be the cheapest goods in the market when service is considered. Are ao thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather, or in a shower, without fear of being ruined bv curling or shrinking. The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ ishing in done in such a manner, that the goods can be washed if desired without the least injury to fabric. Our goods are wool dyed, nnd colors as fast as the purest dyes and greatest care and wk ill can make them. Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ tre used to increase' the weight or fin­ ish ; as is the case with a large class of goods in tl.e market, but which diaap. pears after a few days' service. As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every way reliable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign dr do­ mestic, and would respectfully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­ chants who are agents for the goods. All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of B koaphkad W orsts » M ilix , Jamestown, N. Y. SAMUIL GOFF Late of Independence, having purchased the And see that your ticket reads via Portland and TEA MN AND TRI CKS Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, offers bis servioes in that line to the public, and will Guarantee Satisfaction all who favor him with their patronage. He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of paroels, trunks witohels etc., for the aoooiuodation of the publio. Orders left st the stable will be promptly attended to at W. T. BAXTER, F ------- PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,: To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! QUICKEST TIME! ------- o------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE CO.IIPANY, No 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON. General Western Passenger Agent. F. J. MARTIN BISHOP &, KAY. New Firm, NewIGoods, New Prices A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON At the New Store of Easier & Martin Fusi tai Sn. Have a|Few ■THE CLOTHIERSa HEATING a COOK Stoves YAMHILL CO., SuooeaaorH to Al. HUSSEY, Third street, MoMinnville. Oregon A new, neat and clean stock. Every article A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pi|>es and Cigars. Freeh Fruit and Vegetables in Beason, Give me a call. Inspect tnv stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit vou. Third St., Opposite That they will shtfor cash YAMHILL CO. BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , VERY LOW. They Hlso|hAve a SMALLJLOT of| Hardware. Tinware. Etc., Etc., That will also be sold Fimfly Grocery Store. Low for CaskL Third Street. Mo Minn rille, Oregon. They|have a few J. Harv. Henderson, PLOWS. HARROWS, SEEDERS And BAIA WAfiONS That will be sold XaOW for Casil. — IM TH* LATESTJSTYLES Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents for the When yon want anything in that line you will oonsult your own interest as well aa Brownsville Wwlen Will, ours to call and eee ua. We think we can suit i tarrying a full line of ail goods made by von. Try it. A. H. & O. O. HODSON. these celebrated mills