Odd Fellows Installation. Observations. A. J. Apperson returned from Salem yesterday. Things look A good stock °f RW acres, Following is a list of the offi­ louse and ban»/ey be bought for very favorable for a business cers installed by D. I). G. M; P. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, 9500; on countApply at this session. P. Gates, assisted by officers of office. McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 15, 1887 Half block of JslWl anti six room Lindsey Delashmutt has sold the grand lodge at Garrison cottage with gt Ji well of water, and Dayton is walking right a- the T. S. Patty farm of 160 acres Opera house, Thurday evening. large and small f Jit, is ottered (or on ewsy V mhus , by C. Symons. head in the march of substan­ to Mr. Green, late of Tennessee, Occidental No. 12, W. J. sale Furniture will be sold with the house for $1,500. tial improvement. Loughary NG; J. E. Brooks VG; or separate. Dr. Michaux has purchased J. L. Rogers RS; E. N. Ford I‘S: There is room on the top Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of musio the residence property of Dr. in McMinnville and at McMinnville margin of the Vidette to write a 8. A. Manning T ; W. T. Booth college. Residence corner of Second Calbreath, and will remove to RSNG; Wm. Holl LSNG; Chas. and C Streets. swamp land decree. Daniels cond; L. H. Cook war­ A meeting of the McMinnville tem­ Thanks to D. Stout for a fine Lafayette from Sheridan. The stranded vessel on Nes- club will l>e held at Grange den; W. G. Henderson RSS; Dr. perance lot of choice spare-ribs, and hall Monday Jan, 18th 1887, all mem­ tucca is about gone to pieces. A. D. Howard LSS; S. F. Hard­ bers, are requested most excellent sausages. to be present at 7 Jas. McPhillips says what ing RSVG; Lee Wright LSVG; o’clock sharp. B. F. Fuller, president. The firemens festival will be Dr. Taylors method of treating piles can’t be cured must be endured, Clark Braly IG. held at the Opera house, Tues­ is the latest and most approved by the but piles can be cured by Dr. Friendship No. 12, D. of R., profession and although not entirely day evening, February 22d. without pain there s no additional pain were next installed as follows: and Addie Braly is laid up with a Taylor, and he knows it. cure is permanent and com­ Mrs. Breon is giving good Mrs. N. L. Cook NG; Mrs. Alice plete. the Call at Dr. Johnsons office and painful cut in his foot, made by satisfaction, and is receiving a Burt VG; E. N. Ford RS; Mrs. consult him, it will cost you nothing the mislick of an axe, while unless he treats you and cures you. liberal support at her new board­ M. Daniels PS; W. T. Booth This splitting wood. is no humbug. ing house. Third and H streets. treasurer. John J. Sax has his chop mill in The Reporter was serenaded Hon. J. E. Magers has set a running order, and will chop feed for In consequence of the lateness (2 j»er ton. yesterday by hundreds of wild this does not suit the a fine example for every busi­ of the hour, and the tempting eustomer call If and r/et a special rate. canaries, while they were feeding ness house and office in the city M rs. Breon is prepared to receive a spread before the audience, upon the seeds of grasses in door few day boarders. Three gentlemen to pattern after. Put up a letter yard. . where seventy-five covers were can be furnished with rooms. Cor­ Several of the fraternity reci­ and paper box at his door. It laid for a sumptuous repast,furth­ ner of Third and H streets, last house the right before crossing railroad procated the • visit of Thursday is hard to serve a daily paper er installation was deferred, and on track. where the boxes are not in use. evening by attending the Odd the second portion of the pro­ Mrs. T. E. Fristoe, mother of Fellows ball at Lafayette last gramme was introduced, consist­ First National Bank, Mrs. C. B. Wiley, has lately re­ evening. ing of excellent music, vocal and --- OF MM1NNVILLE, OREGON.— 0. Symons is preparing to go turned to Sheridan and is visit­ instrumental, such as we always ------ OFFICERS :------ ing among her children. She into business over on Puget have when Mesdames Campbell, W ortman .................... President sound. Do you want a good has been east of the mountains Tucker, Burt, et. al., and Messrs. J D. acob P. T hompson ............ Vice-president for the last two or three years. J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier home in this city, he has it for Saunders, Ford, et. al., partici ­ A bridge near Farmington, sale. See local. a General Banking buainenn. pate. The programme was in­ Transacts in Washington county, fell while Interest allowed on tune deposits. Dr. 11. H. Taylor, of Appleton, Collections made on favorable terms, terspersed with select and spicy Exchange ami Telegraphic Transfers Mo., brother to Dr. Taylor of a Mr. Miller was crossing it on recitations by little Misses Pearl ou thght New York, San Francisco and Portland. this city, is bringing out sixteen the 13th. One horse was killed, Campbell, Ola Burt, Helen Cal­ Office hours—from Va. tn. to 4 p. in. matched roadsters for the Los the other badly injured, hack breath, Mrs. Heinman, and last FIRE INSURANCE. Angeles trade. He will return demolished and Mr. M. nearly by far no means least, Miss Rosa JOHN WORTMAN killed. It is very doubtful if he east via this city. Reureaenta the following sterling compan­ Stannus, closing with the mu ­ ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North Vicks Floral Guide for 1887 recovers. A Mercantile. Commercial Union All members are invited to sical quartet “Moonlight Dance.” f British is up to its former excellency, ire Association, German American, Fire­ ’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo and the firm is one of the first in attend the Choral Union at the Refreshments were next inorder, man llevada, State Investment. the United States for the sale of residence of Hon. Wm Camp­ and at the tables were seated the Wheat insurance a specialty. flower and vegetable seeds, bell next Tuesday evening. In officers of the Grand Lodge and $1.5O Per Yean consequence of the inclement invited guests, next members of plants, bulbs, etc. Subscribe Now. Up to the evening of the 13th weather the attendance was lim­ the local lodges. The Best Paper We noticed members of the house bill No. 80, senate bill No. ited in numbers last Tuesday iu the valley. 53 were introduced. The senate evening, and this calls for an fraternity from various lodges of Gives all the had also put in several joint re­ extra evening at Mrs. Campbell’s. sister towns, including Messrs. In answer to the question : P. P. Gates, Dr. Littlefield, Dist. best news. solutions and the house was not Does it pay to improve stock? Att’y Bradshaw, Frank O’Conner lagging behind. Send your Dr. Pettigrew, of St. Louis, C. A. Wallace calls our atten­ of Lafayette; Messrs. Brown, Al­ name tion to a circumstance calculat ­ len and others from Amity; Mo., brother to the lateThos. has And one located in this city permanently. ed to affirm the proposition Messrs. Runnels, Sappington, $1.50 He has been here about two that it does, he says Mr. Rhodes Bedwell, RH Mesner and others, B1.5O. weeks, and is so far well pleased of this city bred a cow to Solon from North Yamhill, nearly all 91.50«. Prince last spring, and when the of whom were accompanied by with this part of the world. There will be an effort to let calf was two days old it would ladies. Although the hour was both the state immigration office have taken $30 to buy it. Mr. late, and the night one of the and the state fair go' by the Wallace heard a man say he most stormy of this winter, only D.C.Irela nd&Co board, but these schemes will would give that amount for it. the appearance of happiness sur­ Publishers. ■ most likely be played one against Now what amount would be giv­ rounded the features of all up to Notice oí Co partnership. the other, and so both will carry. en for a common calf? You the time of their departure for Having entered into CoPartnership witA D. M. ( aldwell, in the The statement published a buy them eight months old for home. FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. year ago in the Reporter, that a from eight Io ten dollars apiece. Gen. Uris. Taylor of Dayton, In Hhobe’s building, opposite the Post offloo, firm will be known m COLLARD A volunteer signal station oould If one properly bred is worth has been installed G. M. of the the CALI) W ELL. not l>e established at the college thirty dollars at two days of age, Grand Council of Royal and Se­ Mr. Caldwell will allend to the want« of the publie. here, is confirmed by a letter it appears to be a pretty straight lect Master Masons for the state All Mlea will be for cash at bed rook prioen. Orders delivered to any part of the city free from Senator Dolph to Prof. argument in favor of the impor­ of Oregon. J. F. Wisecarver of of extra charge. J. J. COLLARD. D. M. CALDWELL. Crawford,en route. ted stock. So we think. this city, is treasurer. MeMinnville, Or., Dec. 27tb, 18NB. Th» Daily Repórter. íA * X I R E P O R T E U