A MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS SPLENDID CHANCE. Any person sending us four sub- •ribers for one year each,with $6.00 in cash, will receive an extra copy for one year. Thia io a rare opportunity for getting the beet weekly paper west of the Rocky mountain« free. NT«*NT in it ville M’MINNVILLE LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE Protfure Prier Current. Wheat j>er oental in Portland sk’d ................. Vi Wheat per bushed in MoM . Oats . Wool per lb Flour per barrel 4 Bacon side« 3M 1 40 75 79 4o 38 18 3o 00 4 20 8 7 Ham« y 10 Shoulder» 6 7 Lard 6 7 Butter, fresh rolls .... 40 60 20 Fggs per doz Apple«, green per box 50 30 11 Dried apples, Plutnmer.... 12 son 6 7 Plums, pities»............ 8 9 Chickens per doz , 1 50 2 50 Hide», dry flint...................... 14 161 '* green 6 7H 50 Potatoes 16 8 00 Geese, tame, per doz........ 5 00 Duck». “ 4 “ . 8 00 4 00 Hog», dressed «Jí ♦k Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing for yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. ----- PROPRIETORS — Fine Carriage*. Hacks and Saddle Horse*, Low Prices to Suit And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape At Reasonable Kates. City Stables Times, and where you won’t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. BrOWIlO. NEW TO-DA Y. THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL ■ROUTE- <1> 73 <71 J UH a W I ORTHEHHpACIFI • o HENDERSON BROS., ki Ample room to oare for homes. Livery team* at a« reasonable rate« as any where in Oregon. New «table Third St., McMinnville & CHARLES HOTEL, T. MULTNER, Prop.. nzf lo i ? Q> Q> o' Corner Third and B street«, vic viinnvii . ee . . oreuon New houae! New furniture! Unaurpaaaed in the oountry. Batea—*1 to $2 per day ao- oording to room. Single meals 25 cent* Lodging, 25 to 50 oents according to room. Board and Lodging. $4 to per week. Two Fine Sample Booms for oomrnercial men. Give me a call and see for vonraelf. N iiiMHH •■ iiiivii 1* in ■tmiai i ar Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers hie services in that line to the public, and will Guarantee Satisfaction To all who favor him with their patronage. He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of paroela, trunks satchels, etc., for the aooomodation of the public. Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended to at Ö uiuresque R ailroad, oute. angos. Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. Aoooiuniooatioiis unsurpass«»! for oomfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS rhan by anv other route lietween all in Willamette valley and Ban Francisco Only Route via Yaquina Bay To Saxx Francisoo. DAILY PAIRENUBH TRAIN*, (Except Sundays. * Leave Corvallis at 2 p. nt. Leave Ya­ quina at 7:10 a. ni. W. T. BAXTER. **!!.* From Ban Franotaoo, From Yaquina, -- - Saturday..., Nov. 27 Saturday.......... ..lise. 4 “ 16 Thurwlay Dec. 9 Thursday.... •• «, Oregon QUICKEST! g ***************************************************** mmiminuirrHE dining cab linen / mnum / l *; THE DIRECT T -_____ - NO ROUTE! DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! B.X*. To CHICAGO and all points EAST. XdO VV SSL IO X u Q i LCS EAST Ticket« «old to all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the East and Keutheast. BOUND-PASSEAGERS! rip BE CAREFUL AND DO ¡NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and —-=st PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS; To avoid changes and aenoua delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. * LOWEST RATES! ^»1------- QUICKEST TIME! ------- o------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No 2 Washington St ., Portland, Oregon. D. A. CHARLTON. General Western Passenger Agent. F. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New^Goods, New Prices A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON At tbe New Store of Easier ¡1 Martin Ita Funi tan Successors to Al. HUSSEY, Third street, McMinnville, Oregon A new. neat and clean stock. Every artiel« A No. 1. Fruit Jara, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigars. rreah Truit and Vegetable* in Season. Oregon and California. W« Development Company's FINE Al Steamship Yaqwin» City im 111 n n