« Th© Daily Reporter. Observations. The willows are in bloom over Services as usual at 7 o’clock at Flint Martin’s place. this evening at St .James Episco­ A meeting of the McMinnville tenv H*rance club will be held at Grange Roy Wiles goes to Salem to pal church. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, lall Monday Jan, 18th 1887, all mem- aid the Home amusement club Miss Stannus to-night at the bers, are requested to lx? present at 7 Jan. 14,1887 McMinnville, Or. in an entertainment this week. Opera house. Come one and all o’clock sharp. B. F. Fuller, president» Dr. Taylors method of treating piles A honey bee with pollen,came and enjoy a rich treat. Grissen made another fine lot is the latest anu most approved by the A scientific lecturer, Prof. P. profession and although not entirely of creams and stick candv w * ves- into our office yesterday,just to without pain there’s no additional pain remind us that they were at A. Graves, is in the county. He and terday. the cure is permanent and con»- work. took in North Yamhill the first ffete. Call at Dr. Johnsons office and Messrs. Freund aud Magers ill of the week, is now at Sheridan, consult him, it will cost you nothing Hon. J. E. Fergurson was have returned from Salem. Mr. unless he treats you and cures you. Apperson may perhaps return the city yesterday from Lafay­ and proposes to pay this city a This is no humbug. ette, and he didn’t talk politics call. He places his ability high John J. Sax has his chop npll in to-day. running order, and will chop feed for in the scale. Hon. W. D. Fenton will open a bit. He is looking remarkably $2 per ton. If this does not suit the hale. Wilson Carl lost, his barn yes­ customer call and get a special rate. a fine suite of rooms for law Frank Multner of the St. terday morning by fire, on the Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a offices in the Braly bank build­ few day boarders. Three gentlemen Charles, has leased the Central, Glenbrook road, together with can be furnished with rooms. Cor­ ing, in apartments lately vacat­ and will move in when L. H. agricultural machinery, hay, etc., ner of Third and H streets, last house ed by the Business college. on the right before crossing railroad T. R. Bewley took his fine Cook takes leave of the premises aggregating a loss of about $1- track. Holstein bull Prince, to his February 1st, to open his own 200, partly covered by insurance The best of green and roast coffee— fine new brick hotel in this city. in the Phoenix and Home, rep­ bargains—cup and saucer separate, at Sheridan ranch yesterday. Just C. Griesen’s. The council committee on resented by C. W. Talmage. before starting Prinoe was Belle Johnson, teacher of music charter are persecuted with J. M. Schrack, a new comer in Miss McMinnville and at McMinnville weighed. He is only about pressing inquiries. It may be from Iowa, has a six months old college. Residence corner of Second twenty months old, but tipped enough to say perhaps, that they babe which has been seriously and C Streets. the beam at 1090 pounds. Do not forget Miss Rosa Stan­ know what they are about and afflicted with pneumonia, inci­ First National Bank, nus at the Opera house this Fri­ propose to be about what they dent to a sudden change of cli­ know. mate, from frozen Iowa to mild day evening. This talented lady )F M’ m INNVILI.E, OREGON.— Attention is called to the ad­ Oregon, but we are pleased to comes among us highly recom­ ------ OFFICERS :------ vertisement of Otho Williams, hear that the little sufferer is mended by the press and pulpit, J acob W ortman .................... President merchant tailor, on the fourth improv iug. and she is deserving of a crowd­ P. T hompson , .......... Vice-president It is three miles thirty-seven J D. ohn page. Give him a trial order; W ortman ....................... Cashier ed house. he is a very energetic young chains and sixty-three links Transacts u Geueral Banking businesn. Marple’s mother is in jail for man, and will no doubt give you Interest allowed on time deposits. about the proposed corporate Collections made on favorable terms. secreting stolen goods, after the entire satisfaction. limits of McMinnville. The en­ Sight Exchange ami Telegraphic Transfers fact. A lot of strychnine, enough on New York, San Francisco and Portland. closed area contains about five Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Sheriff Harris called yester ­ to poison a city full of people, hundred acres, and one thous- was among the contraband goods day. He is getting ready to go three hundred as good people as FIRE INSURANCE. captured with a search warrant out upon a tax collecting tour. JOliy WORTrtAV can be found penned together at thè Marple mansion in Lafay­ He will start on the 24th ant followup to the 8th of February, in the same area on the Pacific Represents ilie following Hterling compan­ ette. ies: London it Liver|x>ol & Globo, North coast. British A Mercantile. Commercial Union A canvasser for a hotel regis­ at the following places: Eire Association, German American, Fire­ The Rev. J. C. Van Patten, of Dundee, Monday January 24th: man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo ter in this city met with poor East < ’hehalem, Newborg. Tuesday January State Investment. Dayton, Washington territory, Nevada, Wheat inHuranoe a spMialty. encouragement, because our’ad- 25th; West Chehalem, Carter’s store, Wednesday who had appointments to fill at 2t>th: vertisers know where to put their Jan. North Yamhill, Runnells, Thursday Jan. the C. P. Church this week was ads. to do them the most good, 27th: Carlton. Friday .Ian. 28th; M.5O Per Year. with a daily, weekly, and semi­ North MoM:nnville, Saturday Jan. 22th; taken very seriously ill Tues­ Subscribe Now. Sonth McMinnville. Monday Jan. 31st; day evening, since which time weekly and a monthly, printed Bellevue, Tuesday February 1st; Willamina Wedi esday Feb. 2d; he has been compelled to keep The Best Paper at home. That’s the sort of stuff I Sheridan, hursday Feb. 3d; his room at the house of Rev. T. Amity, K. L. Simpsons, Friday Feb 4th; McMinnville is made of. in the valley. Wheatland, Saturday Feb. 5th; H. Henderson. Yesterday he Dayton, Monday Feb. 7th; The confession of Marple as I Lafayette, Tuesday Feb. Sth. Gives all I he appeared to be getting along to stealing goods from a Mr. best news. The Tacoma News says of finely, under careful treatment Jones at Independence, two years ago, proves to be a fact ; gene Arams’ Dream,” one of the . of his physician. Send your A correspondent of the Ap- although Mr. Jones does not live Miss Rosa Stannus: In “ Eu- name . at Independence, nor never has. recitations rendered, her por­ . peal makes a good suggestion nd one The stolen goods were in store trayal of the guilty murderer ■ for some of our local artists : , “ The display of art about a week #1.50 there. He has been found, and was realistic and forcible with­ before Christmas, in the front visited Lafayette, where he out being shammed. Her ges­ secured most of the stolen prop­ tures, like her acting, spring window' of Fellows’ furniture from feelings within rather from establishment, by the McMinn­ erty. Occidental lodge No. 30, I. O. mechanical study, and are there­ ville artists, did them credit. But none of them were of the O. F. installed officers last night, fore natural. P. P. Gates officiating, at Garri­ The question at Lafayette is : scenery surrounding McMinn­ D.C.Ireland&Co son Opera house. The Daugh­ What did old Mrs. Marple pro­ ville, which would afford a fit Publishers. r> The ters of Rebecca also installed pose to do with so much strich- subject for any artist. officers by the same installing nine? Perhaps she wanted it Yamhill,to the west of the tow n, Notice of <’o Partnerwhip. r officer. There was a merry for to cure the fits her dutiful are very beautiful even at this Having entered into Co Partnership with D. M. Caldwell, in the crowd in attendance of Odd Fel­ son and daughter-in-law are re­ time of the year, with their high FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. lows, their wives, daughters and ported to suffer from. Some are peaks and sides covered with In Hhobe's bnilding, opposite the Poat «fflaau "»■‘■‘«»i sisters, And the evening was so uncharitable as to harbor the rugged timber, and the fields I ui . dwe SI Mr. Caldwell will attend to enjoyed in the most agreeable thought that she wanted it to above the tow n stretch away to the wanta of the public. manner, A list of the officers make good her threats concern­ the hills which are overhung by Ail sales will be for cash at bed rook prioaa. Orders delivered to any part of the oily free installed will be published to- ing “other mother’s sons” in the blue sky, making indeed, a of extra oharge. J. J. COLLARD. Lafayette. morrow. pretty picture. „ ... D. M. CALDWELL. MoMinnnlle, Or., Deo. 27th, lSxt. / ♦