The Daily Reporter. I The farmers in the agricult­ ural districts both in eastern and western Oregon are improving every hour of the present favor­ able season in plowing and pre­ paring the soil for spring sowing. Wasco county farmers have com- menced plowing since the last few days. The chinook winds have taken the snow off the hills, and leaves the soil in prime con­ dition. Facts for Housewives. ObMcrvHtionii. John J. Sax has his chop mill in To brighten stove zinc, rub running order, and will chop feed for D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. I>2 |>er ton. If this does not suit th e with kerosene. Equal parts of sulphur and customer call and get a special rate. Jan. 13.1887 McMinnville, Or. Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a pitch make a good iron and few day boarders. Three gentlemen Bangassers market is closed stone cement. can I m * furnished with rooms. Cor­ ner of Thin! and H streets, last house for the present. Inside soles of heavy cloth or on the right before crossing railroad felt, worn inside the shoe, keep track. Mrs. Geo. W. Snyder leaves the feet more comfortable. The twat of green and roast coffee— for Astoria this morning. bargains —cup and saucer separate, at Powdered orris root is a cheap C. Griesen G. R. Higgins’ office is now in ’s. and good tooth powder; it also the Opera house block, up stairs. Mias Belle Johnson, teacher of muaio in McMinnville and at McMinnville purifies the breath. Col. Fulton, of Wasco, one of Residence corner of Second After the first train had cross­ Mildew may be removed by college. the early pioneers of this state, and C Streets. is visiting friends in this vicinity. ed the bridge into Albany Mr. dipping the stained parts into Dr. Taylors method of treating piles is the latest and moat approved by the Nash telegraphed the news of buttermilk and putting them Mr. Nesmith of Derry is in profession and although not entirely the city, visiting his cousin Mr. the event to Col. Hogg at New into the sun. without pain there *s no additional pain A little petroleum added to and the cure is permanent and com­ York, and in reply received a Goff. We acknowledge a pleas­ plete. at Dr. Johnsons office and telegram that the company had the water with which waxed or consult Call ant call. him, it will cost you nothing Mr. Thompson is on the purchased two fine steamers, the polished floors are washed, im­ unless, be treaty you and cures you. This is no humbug. ground prepared to open the Eastern Oregon and the Willam­ proves their looks. Occidental Ix»dge, 5o. 80, I. O. O. machinery depot of Barnekoff ette Valley, and that they would To extinguish kerosene flames, F , will have an an installation and leave New York in a few days if no cloth ia at hand, throw­ supper, at Garrison Opera house, & Co. in this city. Thursday evening, January 13th, Messrs. Campbell, Jones, and for YaqUina, where they will ar­ flour on the flames. Flour rap­ 1887. All members of the order and Narver, of the city council, are rive about the middle of March. idly absorbs the fluid and dead­ their families, arecow|ially invited, al­ so all parties receiving invitations ens the flame. engaged with J. C. Cooper, C. E, It is said that there is but one Ever ready lye is made by signed by a member 'of the order. An interesting programme will be /Ar­ in Tunning the new corporate man at Sa’em this year who is ranged. filling a barrel half full of hard litres of the city. disposed to “fight Portland,” and wood ashes and filling up with The college boys are canvass­ that he finds no partisans. This First National Bank, ing for a periodical,to be publish­ change of feeling, so important water. Handy to use when soft water is not plentiful. —OF m ’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— ed monthly in connection with and wholesome in every way is ------ OFFICERS :------ A teaspoonful of borax put in the school. This will make the du.3 largely no doubt to a better W ortman ...................... Prtwidant 6ixth publication, good, bad and understanding of mutual inter­ the last water in which the J D. acob P. T hompson , ........... Vice-president clothes are rinsed, will whiten indifferent, in Yamhill county. ests, but the part taken by the them wonderfully. Pound the J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier In the 40 page glorification Tnuinacts a General Banking busineaa. Reporter to bring it about is not Interest allowed on time deposits. edition of the Minneapolis Trib­ as fully appreciated as it should borax so that it will dissolve Collections made on favorable terms. easily. Sitlit Exchange and Telegraphic Trsnsfeis une there is one editorial utter­ be. New York, San Francisco and Portland. A good way to kill out sorrel on Office ance which makes us content hours—from V a. tu. to 4 p. tn. There are twenty-eight bridges is to salt the sheep on it. Care with slow-going Webfoot. It on the Cascade switchback, or should be taken never to allow FIRE INSURANCE. reads: “The New Year comes in JOHN WORT,WAV i trestles more properly speaking, the sorrel to seed, as it can be like a Polar bear.” Represents the following sterling ooinpan- * London & Liverpool A Globe. North The partisans, who claim to i some of which are 150 feet high. carried to other points in the iea: British A Mercantile, Commeroinl Union The timbers for them are cut at manure. Fire Association, German American, Fire­ be immaculate, are trying to man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo a mill twelve and fourteen miles or silk, To clean black cloth make the most of the situation 4 Nevada, State Investment. at Salem, notwithstanding the I east of the east end, then hauled I sponge with warm water or Wheat insurance a specialty. fact that the people have been up over the wagon road and, 'coffee and a little amonia ; iron $1.5O Per Year. ! dropped where the trestles are ! on the wrong side; if the silk is Subscribe Now. lead to suppose that this was to i to be built. thin add a little sugar to the be a session for business. TIie Best Paper It is and odd sight to see the Capt. Ericsson, the builder of water or coffee. In the valley. ORN steamers passing up the the historical Monitor that af­ The leaves make an excellent river empty and returning load­ fected so much during the war, mulch around the roots of trees. Gives all the* ed with wheat, and the CPR has invented a new marine im­ If a few corn stalks are laid up­ best news. boats going down empty and re-! plement of destruction for which on them they can be easily kept Send your turning up loaded with the same Capt. Bushnell, who secured for in place, and can be raked up in name commodity. Ericsson the contract for the spring. Miss Rosa Stannus is very first monitor during the war, Mica in stoves, when smoked, And one highly complimented by the and has been presenting the is readily cleaned by taking it $1.50 press, as we note from comments matter of the new vessel to con­ out and thoroughly washing it at hand. She will be in attend­ gress, will ask the committee to with vinegar diluted with a little S1.5O. ance at the opera house this eve­ authorize the building of ten of water. It will be necessary to $1.50. let it soak a little. ning and will recite some of her these vessels. He wants the com­ choicest selections at the Odd mittee to act at once, so that Carelessness must give way to Fellows installation. they can have the benefit of business management on the The ship Eudora is being Ericsson’s personal supervision. farm. The farmer should study D.C.I relan Uee the soot from the stove FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. navies China. When the Chinese learn foreign n . n of the , . world - pipes and chimneys. It is ex- In Hhobe’s building, opposite the Poet ofl< Capt. Bushnell says he is per- h * r a . -<»*-••*«O * to use and like flour they will fectly confident that a vessel ICellent for flowers /nd young oal S wk ÌS u ■r. Caldwell will allend ta prove good customers for our like the Destroyer could sink Mix it with water, the wanu of the publie. surplus wheat. “The Chinese the Invincible, the most formid- about a peck of soot to a barrel ■All sales will be for oaah at bed rook prisso Orders delivered to any part of the oily free must go—to eating flour for our able vessel of the British navy, of water, and apply with a wat- of extra oharge. J. J. COLLA RD. benefit.” within fifteen minutes. ering pot. m mi M CALDWELL. I R E O T Moli murili«, Or., Deo. 27th, lSstt.