MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. In her presence, however, he s»» rather quiet than otherwise. The mo* nient she came in lie «topped talking. She »aw it. and half «topped, too. Bv-and-by. who should run up to tne door. all muffled up to her pretty eye«, but Tilly Fogg! She had been sent for, for fhai wit» at die bottom of the ar­ rangement. Il could never have suc­ FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., ceeded without her. Is the best place to get jour She came clear into the room before Soort saor to W F. Btmpasser, «lie knew who was there, and the mo­ goods for the Holidays. Be­ ✓ ment the startling intelligence revealed Baugaaser’« budding, Cor B and Third Sts. fore purchasing for yourself itself through her eyes «he made a movement aa if to have retreated with or family, i* will pay you to Here is where you can get your money’s precipitation, had not Susan stood close worth in CALL AND EXAMl'NE at her buck, and crowded her along so Beef, Pork, Mutton. Sausage. Tript, my goods which are warrant- a- to shut the door. There they were, then, all together; not one of the three nd everything in the lint of meats, of tbt ed as represented. Having unhappy parties had previously thought best quality the country affords. Also the of auch a thing. Best of Bolognas. ‘•Now,’’ «aiMec Opposite the Grange Store. ••Who said anything was the mafterP” in the country Rates—fl to |2 per day ac cording to room. Single meals 25 oents blurted out Ethan, who couldn't have Lodging, 26 to 50 oenta aooordmg to room held his Longue to save his life. Board and Lodging. |4to $>. per week. Tw: THE (.HEAT “See here?'«aid I. “You, Tilly, are iiie Sample Rooms for commercial men verv unhaoDV. You needn’t tell me G ve me a call and see for yourself. you are not, for 1 know well enough you an«; I could see it last night” SAMUEL GOFF, She tried to be indignant, but made only a poor feint of it. Late of Independence, having purchased the “Now. Lucy,” 1 continued, ‘ what made you go so readily to the dance TE A JIN AM> TRI CKS Illllllllllliltlllltlllllllillll r with Ethan, if he never invited you?” Of Logan Brow A Henderson. offers his Lucy was instantly as mad as a March hare. service« in that line to the public, and will “lie did invite me, I’d have you to Guarantee *atistaction * ********* ******************************************* know!” she exclaimed, fixing her speo- tacles anew upon her nose. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITHE DINING CAK I.IWWHHHN lo all who favor him with their patronage. ••He didn’t! ’ broke in one of the girls ' le will keep a wagon specially adapted to the THE DIRECT HOETE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! who was in the secreL “We did it. We delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left i T got up that invitation ourselves!” a. ^-1-- To CHICAGO and all points EAST. t the stable will be promptly attended to at i jn^rPST, XwXuCS T,cke«* ““■d «• al1 PROMINENT points “And I----- ” she hesitated in her con­ Throughout the East and southeast. fusion. W. T. BAXTER F. J. MARTIN. “Then you didn’t----- ” chimed in the W EAST HOI AD PASSEIWERK! relieved Tilly, for the first time speak­ ing to Ethan. CT BE CAKEFUL AND DO ¡NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT RE SURE "No, never!” he answered with ready At the New Store of ------ TO TAKE THE emphasis. “Then I forgive you!” said Tilly, much lightened in her mind. And she cordially extended her hand. Ethan not only took it, but be knew Nucoesaors to Al. HUSSEY, his duty well enough to tnrow bis arms 1'bird Ht reel. McMinnville. Oregon And see that your ticket reads via Portland and about her and kiss her besides. Lucy Doane flounced out of her chair, and started for the door. “I don’t care,” said she; "I’ve been To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through engaged this ever so long to the minis­ Emigrant Sleeping Cars ...... are run on Regular Express Trains Full A ■ - ter a son over in Fifield, and now 1’11 A new, neat and clean sU-'k. Everv artiob Length of the Line. - Berths Free. A No. 1. Fruit Jan, Butter Crocks, Colored marry him!” LOWEST RATES! ------- UT QUICKEST TIME! (■¡»»aware. Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ -------- o--------- “I would,” amiably answered Ethan, bacco. Pi|«e» and Cigars. GENERAL DEIKE OF THE COMPANY, not letting Tilly quite go om of his rroah Fruit and Vegetables tn Season. arms. Give me a <*all Inejtect tnv stock, and I And the party was made smaller by A. II. ('ll Alii.TOX. General Western Passenger Agent. the sudden withdrawal of the brisk lit­ will guarantee price- to -uit von. tle “school-manu. The fc- t of u.s am down to a supper— Family Grocery|Store. a real hearty country supper- and a grand g.»od lim< we made of it. too. third Street. McMinnville, Oregon. Have ttfFew There was no more trouble for Tilly and Ethan; their differ« n vs were all healed. ---- OF---- «»I < o Partnership, CITY MARKET, MCMINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Low Prices to Suit ■ Times, and where you won t have to Pay P. F. BrowilC. TRANSCONTINENTAL X ♦ **********^^4(4<**<***^**>**.*=4Mt** N TJOUTE- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OHTHEHNriACIFICn .......... AILLO ADI I SHOREST! £ BEST! ¿i QUICKEST! , New Firm, New Goods, New Prices | Northern .. =F St. PAUL or M!NNEAPOLIS.^=— No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Bife HOP & KAY. J. Harv. Henderson, (Successor to L. HOOT.) H ayiiip entered into '• Partnership will D. M » aldwvll. in the Dealer in FEED \'1> FLOl’K lU’SiNES- In tttkobe's building, opposite the l’«>.t oftict’ the firm will i* known as col,t.\l(|> A Al’ Fresh Coeds, Orocaries. Flour. Bacon,' ano CAI.DWELL O’.Mrwarc ani Crockery. ilr. Cititi well util niirntl le» lliv MHilt» t»f*Hu* |>llbll<*. AU -ah» will l*e tor casti at lied rock prua» Order» d< livered to any part of the oily frv< of extra char ;e. .1. I COLLARD. I». M. < tl.DWELL. McMinnville Or.. Ike. ;th. Ibx . City Stables X Stoves YAM HILL CO., YAMHILL CO SELL FOR CASH Nl <‘NI imivillo VERY LOW. 4 Third St., Opposite That they will 4F”Goode delivered to pnrobaM-rs in the oitv LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES THE CLOTHIERS BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , They also have a SMALLjLOT of Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., 1’hHt will also be sold Low for Cash.. Thev|have a few LOGAN ----- BROS. I HENDERSUN « PROPRIETORS — HENDERSON BROS., Ample room to care for horwe. Invert team« at as reasonable rates aa anv where in Oregon. New stable Third St.. McMinnville I'iiir Carriage«, Hark« and watiillc Hor«e«, And evervthing in ths Livery hire, in good shave« At Kca«onable Kate«. PLOW». HARROWS, MEEDERK And RAIN WAGONS That will be sold Low for Casli. I f I f Furnishing Goods of all THE LOWEST P for the ind. and above k Also agent« When you want anything in that line yon Brownsville Woolen Mill, will consult your own interest as well aa our* to call and see ns. We think we can suit Carrying a full line of all goods made by ▼ou. Try it. A. H. A O O. HODSON. these celebrated mills 4