The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 12, 1887, Image 2

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    The Daily Reporter.
1, in business circles.
The state buildings commenc­
Salem Statesmen.
This is the last day of the ed, erected and completed under
Nub.rrlptiwn Aatr*.
supervision are
By Carrier per week............................. 10 oents official terms of Gov. Z. F. their united
(Payable on Saturday.)
Moody, Hon. R. P. Earhart, sec­ modles of elegance, convenience
BiiiRle Copy............................................ 2 “
By .Mail 10 oenta per Month (In Advance.)
retary of state, and Hon. Edw. and durability combined, and
Headquarters for
Half» fwr Adverllula»
Ilirsch, state treasurer, Govenor are monuments to the honor of
Will be made aatiafuotory U> all applicanta.
the administration now closing. STAPLE AND FANGT
—' - <■* ■< ■ •• 4 A—a.»—- fr*** ■ - — Moody has served the state ably
McMinnville, Or. - - .Ian. 12, 1887 and efficiently for four years Individually and
ami has been the govenor in they bear with them the grati­
Complimentary to Oregon.
every sense of the word. His tude and the best wishes of our
The Times Washington spe­ official acts have merited the citizens generally, regardless of
cial says: The families of the approbation of the public, and politics or party preferences,
United States senators from Ore­ as a public officer he has been and we but re-echo the senti­
gon fill a prominent place in courteous ami affable with all ments of the entire community
the fashionable world of the with whom he has come in con­ and the state at large when we
national capitol during the pres­ tact. His handsome residence wish them one and all health, General Merchandise.
' r.
? i
ent season. The drawing-room on Piety Hill has frequently wealth, prosperity and happiness
----- "O' ........
receptions of their ladies w#re been the scene of brilliant and in whatever stations they may
Sole Agent for the Celebrated
the events of last week and in­ most pleasant social gatherings, hereafter fill in either private or
public life.
augurated gaieties in honor of while himself and his estimable
their daughters, who are ac­ wife have extended they- hos­ Capt. N. B. Humphrey is
knowledged belles. It is no dis­ pitalities with a liberal and speaker of the third house at
paragement of many Washing­ homelike cordiality.
ton belles, who add to the at­ Him. R. P. Earhart is a gen­ T. C. Stephens of Lafayette is
tractions of the social world this tleman whom every one knows sargeant at arms of the senate
Assortment of these Popular Goods
year, to say that Miss Mattie
N. B. Davis, of Forest Grove,
Mitchell and Miss Agnes Dolph his official capacity there are
are most beautiful, accomplish­ none more accommodating and has received the appointment as
ed and popular young ladies prompt. His office during his clerk of the state board of land
who are creating such a furore administration has been con­ commissioners.
in this gay world. They have ducted on purely business princi­ Uncle Billy Adams talks
about as plain now as he once
just entered their twenties, Miss
did through his Oregon city Ar­
Mitchell being a trifle older. It
is a singular coincidence that neatness. Mr. and Mrs. Ear­ gus. He thinks it impractica­ Please Call and Examine.
the former Portland law firm of hart and daughters have added ble and impolitic for this state
W hat we G uarantee
Mitc hell A Dolph should repre­ materially to the social enjoy­ to attempt to exhume and re­
sent the senatorial firm of the ment of especially the young move the remains of Hon. A. 0. FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR
young distant state of Oregon; people of our city, while hospit­ Gibbs from London to Oregon.
that Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. ality to all is characteristic of B. F. Giltner of St. Helens,
has the portfolio of assistant sec­ To be made from the very best ma­
Dolph should be among the the family.
terial, by skillful workmen, with the
most attractive and popular la­ lion. Edw. Ilirsch is too well retary of state. Mr. Giltner has latest and most approved machinery,
dies in the senatorial circle, and known in our midst to need any been manager of Mr. McBride’s and to be the cheapest goods in the
that Miss Mattie Mitchell and introduction at our hands. As business interests at St. Helens market when service is considered.
Miss Augnes Dolph should be an officer he is the peer of the for the last ten years, and is a Are so thoroughly finished that they
among the brightest and social most efficient and obliging, and man well qualified for the duties can be worn in damp weather, or in a
as a private citizen is honored which will devolve upon him in shower, without fear of being ruined
jewels of the season.
by curling or shrinking.
and respected by all. His fami­ the future.
John Roach the ship builder,
Hon. J. C. Carson of Multno­ The manufacturing, dyeing ajid fin­
ly, too, have added life to social
died at his home on the morn-
circles and are general favorites mah was chosen president of the ishing is done in such a manner, that
ing of the 10th.
senate, E. G. Hirsch chief clerk, the goods can be washed if desired
in our midst.
It is possible that New York Collectively speaking, the ad- and C. W. Watts, son of Senator without the least injury to fabric.
will again send Hon. Roscoe minstration just closed has been Watts, assistant clerk. The Our goods are wool dyed, and colors
fast as the purest dyes and greatest
Conkling to the senate.
one of which the republican house organized by electing J. T. as
and skill can make them.
Gregg of Marion, speaker. A
Erank B. May, son of Sam
motion to take the appointment Goods show just what they are and
May, once secretary of state of proud. Its record has been one of committees out of the hands will be until worn out, as there is no
Oregon, is reported to be a de­ worthy of the utmost commenda­ of the president of the senate weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­
faulter in San Francisco to his tion and the officers have in ev­ was promptly tabled, by the fol­ tre used to increase the weight or fin­
employer to the amount of $10,- ery instance shown their friend­ lowing vote: Ayes, Simon, ish ; as is the case with a large class of
goods in the market, but which disap­
000. The father was a defaulter ship and good will toward the Watts, Bird, Steel, Barin, Gray, pears after a few days’ service.
business men of Salem. Thous­
to this state.
ands of dollars have been dis­ Williams, Shupe, Miller, Cart­ As manufacturers we have taken
Gen. Gresham, one of the tributed in financial circles by wright, Siglin, Chandler, Ham­ great pains to supply an article in
ablest republicans in the coun­ their just discrimination in fa­ ilton, Chamberlin—14. Nays, every way reliable, and unsurpassed
try, and supposed to be an aspi­ vor of Salem. They found the Dawson, Hare, Irvine, J. C. Al­ by similar goods, either foreign or do­
rant for presidential position, state eight years ago nearly one len, Cauthorn, Veatch, Looney, mestic, and would respectfully ask an
examination of the various styles and
savs that if James G. Blaine will million dollars in debt, and in Dimick, Weatherford, Wager, shades to be found on sale by mer­
accept the presidential nomina­ addition to the unusual expen­ Emuiett, Rhinehart—12.
chants who are agents for the goods.
tion in 1H8H he will receive it diture of money, in the public Mildew may be removed. by All goods of our manufacture should
and will be elected.
ie» ■■■■ ■
buildings they step down and dipping the stained parts into bear the name and trade mark of
To remove ink stains, soak in out leaving the state literally buttermilk and putting them
B roadhead W orsted M ills ,
•our milk over night.
1 free from debt, and its credit A. into the sun.
Jamestown, N. Y.
The Retiring Officers.
» .
Broadhead * *
* * Dress Goods
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