The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 12, 1887, Image 1

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    M c M innville , O regon . W ednesday , J anuary
NO. 9
The Dany Reporter.
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for
Transmission Throasjh the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
---------- o---------
T hk D aily R kpobtkb is issued every day
in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered
in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­
vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobtbb .
»♦ok & Jeb Prhilif,
We beg leave to announoe to the public
that we have just added a large stock of new
novelties to our business, and make a special,
ty of Letter Meads. Bill Heads. Note Heads,
Statements, Business Cards. Ladies Calling
Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­
grammes. Fosters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
Goucher & Goucher.
M c M innville
O beoon .
Office and residence, corner of Third and
D. streets, next to the postoffioe
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­
ciality. Consultation
• firee. .Wo Cure
Wo Pay.
t<?*~ Offioe with H V. V. Johnson, M. Dn
McMinnville. Oregon.
m ’ cain .
h . hubley .
McCain & Hurley,
Lafayette. Oregon,
Especial attention paid to abstracts of title
and settlement of estâtes in probate
Office —Jail buiding. np stairs.
Mrs. M. Sliadden.
Fashionable Dressmaker,,
rr The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit-
Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store
MoMinnville. Or.
Hair Cutting, sharing and Mi am.
pnoing Parlor.
15c SHAVING 15c.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
(Soocessor to A. C. Wyndham.)
Ladies and children's work a specialty.
have just added to my parlor the
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this
eity. Try them
Fine Job Printers,
McMinnville, Ore<nn.
isst .
"I’m in'a regular fix,” said he. “You degree of resentment, she pursed her
set1, the way of it is this: Here I’ve got a pretty mouth, gave her head a contempt­
They had a love-quarrel. Ethan letter from Lucy Doane,’’ producing it uous toss, anil acted as indejiendontly
Nash and Tilly Fogg had been the from his pocket, and holding it out at as if she was to lead off in the dance
must earnest of lovers, especially Tilly. arm’s-length, "aud she says in that let­ herself that night, and knew it
Well, and what was a little strange,
Ethan did not betray half the warmth ter that she is very happy to accept my
about it that she did, because it never kind invitation to go to the sleighing too, she did lead off, standing with her
was in him; but if ever man wanted party up to (Jptield, when the fact is I tiarlner, who was a young student of
more devotion, and affection, aud all never asked her to go with me in my aw in the offioe of Squire Docket, at the
head of the figure.
that sort of thing than Tilly Fogg gener­ life.”
How elegant she looked in her taste­
ously lavished ou Ethan Nash, he must
I could not help smiling.
ful dross and with her beautiful color!
have been an unnatural and exacting
“Rather awkward.” I suggested.
What an ajr of queenly pride she
“Isn’t it? Now I wish you would tell
portrayed as she smoothed down the
For some days they had been very me what I'd better do about it.”
glossy hair on her temples and looked
careful not to speak to one another.
“Yes, what would you do? You see, I over the rustic crowd as if she knew
No two people ever tried so bard to
well enough that she was the belle of
be entirely indifferent each to the must do something.”
••Oh. certainly: that letter must be tb&evening.
Ethan stood a good way down the
At last it got to be so bad that Ethan answered somehow.”
“Then what would you say to it floor, and it was noticeable what an
had stayed away from Tilly for two or
three weeks. How he managed to do it How would you try to get out of it, everlasting chat his fair partner Lucy
Doane—kept up for him behiud her
was a mystery, ami always will be; it John”
“I'd np and thank her for accepting,” well-spread fan. Only once or twice
can be explained only on principles of
said I, “and then I’d secure a nice sleigh Ethan ■ eyes wandered up to where the
contraries, and sulks, and oddities.
It was getting to be rather unpleas­ against the time came around and carry little figure of Tilly Fogg was standing,
! but Lucy Doane watched every move­
ant. considers«! in all points of view. her.”
"You would! The Old Harrv must be ment aud brought him back to his
There was poor Tilly almost dying from
senses a^ain.
the treatment, though she never would in you!”
As for Tilly, she was perfectly wretch­
“On the contrary, 1 assure you it’s
have entered a complaint of any sort in
the ear of any living soul: her eye was just the best thing you can possibly do. ed, though she did laugh and chatter so
beginning to lose a little of its usual Just take my advice for once and see much with her partner, the young law
student. There was excess in her
brightness—1 could see it plainly enough what will come of it”
He hung down his beau, put the note actions, and that was enough to betray
—and the red roses on her cheeks were
” —
• ** **
in his pocket and suffered himself to her.
fadiDg rather fast.
Anyone with eveu half an eye could
There happened to be another young think of it.
There was no chance of escape. He see that at once. But no doubt it as­
miss in the village, who had been teach­
ing the district school during th* sum­ saw for himself, thanks to his native sisted to heighten her beauty; for but
mer. and had tinally concluded that it commou-sense, that the best way to for this unhappy pressure ou her pride
would be the pleasantest thing she silence that battery was to walk straight and her Mill-will, there would have been
i no such suffusion about her cheeks, nor
could do to stay through the winter, too, up to it
Which he did, and sent back his mes­ no such imperious expression about her
and visit around. Just at this particular
time she was staying at ¡Squire Judkin’s sage of thanks to Lucy for deigning to i beautiful eyes.
comply with his request
“I don’t st e but what we are really
house. Her name was Lucy Doane.
The afternoon of the sleigh-ride was i making out h nice time of it,” said
Lucy Doane was just the smartest
girl, in her own estimation, 1 think 1 cold and biting as you would care to Ethan to Lucy.
“This is hue very tine!” said Ed­
ever knew. Having been selected to in­ read about. Even at noon the sun had
struct the younger portion of the chil­ not set a single icicle to runniug at the ward Marks to Tilly at about the same
dren the past summer in needlework eaves, and the snow in the road-track moment.
It was something of h coincidence,
aud a-b, ab. and being considered com­ was as smooth aud polished as mar­
and deserving of a chronicler, as here
petent to keep the smallest ones from ble.
“I’ve got my sleigh,” said Ethan to 1 it finds one.
rolling off the benches, while asleep,
\\ hen we went down to supper the
upon the floor, she somehow reasoned me. in a rather confidential manner.
herself into the complacent idea 4that “It’s Ben Ball’s cutter. He didn't want confusion was excessive.
1 hey all rushed into uie supper-room
there was no lady in the place who to use it himself. Jake's going with a
could beat her in conversation, correot. two-horse establishment. But mind you in a -tat«' bordcriug ou de-pa r, acting
a- if there was but one chance in a
grammar, or, indeed, any of the accom­ — a nau to pay lor lit
When the twilight advanced—what Uiousaud ot their ever gening another
plishments that weie going.
She wore glasses with silver bows, little there was of it at that time of the mouthful to eat in the world.
1 ue tables groaned, and so did those
mitts on her hands, and always kept year -I saw Ethan Nash driving up
her work-bag on her left arm. A per­ pell-mell with 1’omNiekinson s fiery lit­ who sat down to them before tnev got
fect picture of a “school-marm” in all tle mare, the cuttei digging her heels up. 1 here was n smart buviness done
like a sledge after a reindeer. Ethan lui some time in the way of eating, and
the parson's parts and qualities.
A* tnis particular time there was a bad as much as he could do to nnnage hungry folks might have looked with a
hearty relish and envied them.
deep all of snow on the ground, and her.
Subsequent to that sligi. glimpse of
1 iie party broke up toward early
the sleighing was glorious. Beils and
belles made the old country roads mer­ Ethan, buzzing by my window as ho morning. dancers, tiddler-, and all. By
ry, far aud near. There were parties did, 1 caught no other until 1 stood in the dun light ol the stars that winked
without number to the neighboring the little ball-room, having ushered in and twinkled so steadily far oil in the
towns, making up merrv dances in (as 1 thought) a very handsome young -k>. they sallied forth from before the
every old tavern-hull, where the screech lady in a fancy dress with “fixings' door in their sleighs tor home again.
to correspond* and taken a modest, if
Ethau and Lucy Donne felt consider­
of the fiddle had eve. resounded.
Well, to make .the story a- short as uot deemedly timid survey ot the floor. ably sleepy ou their way back, and. as
There w. Ethan in full leather He a consequence, very little was said by
possible. Ethan received a very neatly
die-.-eu “with all his might,” and either during their brisk ride. As for
written note one afternoon from Lucy
Doane, written n Inn characteristic couldn’t have spared a single item of 1 illy and the young student, she was
style of precision a ml firmness. all cor­ his uventori without damaging his ef­ entirely unhappy, and be was -shall
rectly phrased aud i idled, saying that fectiveness decidedly. 1 fact, lie meant 1 confess it? a very little “mashed!”
li was easy enough for everybody to
she woutd be very nappy io accept his to be killing
Near w here he stood sat Lucy Doane,
now that Ethan Nash and Tilly
polite invitation to go to the next ball
over at Upfield, nd would nold herself ■inijienng and whimpering belli nd her loved one another, and tins show of in-
hali-spreau fan, her round face as red differemv« on their part was the greatest
in readiness accordingly.
“What's all •his!” exclaimed Ethan as a wasting winter-apple, tier eyes up­ [> r< e of mere acting heartless and hol-
when be had fairly read the not» turned to him in an exceedingly ¡an­ ow imaginable
guishinc style, and lots ol voting girls
The rest of us who knew all this and
surveying them with feelings so mixed more, too, from Uba beginning, deter­
He was puzzled and confounded.
“I never invited Lucy Doane to go to that 1 shall be excused from describing mined . to put an end to it They had
been living on “stuff” a great while
the Upheld ball in my life! Whv. what ihqpi.
By the bye in came Tilly Fogg with longer than they ought to have done.
does she mean* I’m sure I don't know
t. I ward .Marks
So the next day there was a concert­
how to propeed in such ■ case!”
Ethan did stare straight ed arrangement made among ourselves
Which was all perfectly true. Ethan
at her, and how she did stare straight to bring them all together.
Nash was in a regular quandary.
So he came right over to consult with back at him; I sat where 1 could see it | It was over at Susan Wilde’s house,
me about it Why he selected me out all; and there were others that saw it as ami the hour was just before tea.
First came in Ethan. He was going
of all the nest of his numerous acquain­ well. For a few minutea the friends
tances in the village. I never knew, and and acquaintances of each party were round to dissipate the day through, and
probably never shall, but he came and instantly engaged in regarding their we knew at about what time be would
be there. Then followed Lucy Doane,
laid the matter plainly before me, aud conduct
was ail «mitee aud ayllablee, for
says he:
the opposite wall, just as if there were she fell confident as she ever wanted to
“Now, John, I want your advice.”
“You shall have it, with all my no eucn person as Tilly Fogg in the bo that she had at last won the heart of
room. On her part, to exhibit a proper 1 Ethan. Nash.
heart” says L /