M c M innville , O regon . W ednesday , J anuary NO. 9 VOL. IL The Dany Reporter. Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for Transmission Throasjh the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. ---------- o--------- D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. I*. (. IRELAND Co., PIBI.ISIIIXV T hk D aily R kpobtkb is issued every day in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobtbb . »♦ok & Jeb Prhilif, We beg leave to announoe to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special, ty of Letter Meads. Bill Heads. Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards. Ladies Calling Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes. Fosters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. G. W. COUCHES. E. E. GOUCHEB. Goucher & Goucher. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS M c M innville - - - - O beoon . Office and residence, corner of Third and D. streets, next to the postoffioe DR. I. C. TAYLOR. Late of New Orleans, La., Piles and Fistula a Spe­ ciality. Consultation • firee. .Wo Cure Wo Pay. t A* tnis particular time there was a bad as much as he could do to nnnage hungry folks might have looked with a hearty relish and envied them. deep all of snow on the ground, and her. Subsequent to that sligi. glimpse of 1 iie party broke up toward early the sleighing was glorious. Beils and belles made the old country roads mer­ Ethan, buzzing by my window as ho morning. dancers, tiddler-, and all. By ry, far aud near. There were parties did, 1 caught no other until 1 stood in the dun light ol the stars that winked without number to the neighboring the little ball-room, having ushered in and twinkled so steadily far oil in the towns, making up merrv dances in (as 1 thought) a very handsome young -k>. they sallied forth from before the every old tavern-hull, where the screech lady in a fancy dress with “fixings' door in their sleighs tor home again. to correspond* and taken a modest, if Ethau and Lucy Donne felt consider­ of the fiddle had eve. resounded. Well, to make .the story a- short as uot deemedly timid survey ot the floor. ably sleepy ou their way back, and. as There w. Ethan in full leather He a consequence, very little was said by possible. Ethan received a very neatly was die-.-eu “with all his might,” and either during their brisk ride. As for written note one afternoon from Lucy Doane, written n Inn characteristic couldn’t have spared a single item of 1 illy and the young student, she was style of precision a ml firmness. all cor­ his uventori without damaging his ef­ entirely unhappy, and be was -shall rectly phrased aud i idled, saying that fectiveness decidedly. 1 fact, lie meant 1 confess it? a very little “mashed!” li was easy enough for everybody to she woutd be very nappy io accept his to be killing Near w here he stood sat Lucy Doane, now that Ethan Nash and Tilly polite invitation to go to the next ball over at Upfield, nd would nold herself ■inijienng and whimpering belli nd her loved one another, and tins show of in- hali-spreau fan, her round face as red differemv« on their part was the greatest in readiness accordingly. “What's all •his!” exclaimed Ethan as a wasting winter-apple, tier eyes up­ [> r< e of mere acting heartless and hol- when be had fairly read the not» turned to him in an exceedingly ¡an­ ow imaginable guishinc style, and lots ol voting girls The rest of us who knew all this and through. surveying them with feelings so mixed more, too, from Uba beginning, deter­ He was puzzled and confounded. “I never invited Lucy Doane to go to that 1 shall be excused from describing mined . to put an end to it They had been living on “stuff” a great while the Upheld ball in my life! Whv. what ihqpi. By the bye in came Tilly Fogg with longer than they ought to have done. does she mean* I’m sure I don't know t. I ward .Marks So the next day there was a concert­ how to propeed in such ■ case!” How Ethan did stare straight ed arrangement made among ourselves Which was all perfectly true. Ethan at her, and how she did stare straight to bring them all together. Nash was in a regular quandary. So he came right over to consult with back at him; I sat where 1 could see it | It was over at Susan Wilde’s house, me about it Why he selected me out all; and there were others that saw it as ami the hour was just before tea. First came in Ethan. He was going of all the nest of his numerous acquain­ well. For a few minutea the friends tances in the village. I never knew, and and acquaintances of each party were round to dissipate the day through, and probably never shall, but he came and instantly engaged in regarding their we knew at about what time be would be there. Then followed Lucy Doane, laid the matter plainly before me, aud conduct Ethan instantly threw his eyes up at bhe was ail «mitee aud ayllablee, for says he: the opposite wall, just as if there were she fell confident as she ever wanted to “Now, John, I want your advice.” “You shall have it, with all my no eucn person as Tilly Fogg in the bo that she had at last won the heart of room. On her part, to exhibit a proper 1 Ethan. Nash. heart” says L / A LOVE TIFF.