The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 11, 1887, Image 3

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The Daily Reporter.
< M.
Enterprising Journalism.
W. A. Munlv has been select­
ed as Gov. Pen noy er’s private
The installation of the Occidental
Newport News.
at the Opera
D. 0. Ireland A Co., of the house, is on not Thursday,
a public affair.
We hear it reported that Miss Yamhill Reporter, issued the will be invited.
McMinnville, Or,
Jan. 11.1887
Gillie Shobe is dead, but have finest holiday edition of any of Dr. Taylors method of treating piles
is the latest and most approved by the
no particulars.
our exchanges.
profession and although not entirely
Any person sending us four aub-
Deilschneider is going out of
without pain there’s no additional pain
Eugene Register.
■ribers for one year each,with $6.00 ii)
the cure is permanent and com­
cash, will receive an extra copy for one business. His entire stock is
The proprietors of the Yam­ plete. Call at Dr. Johnsons office and
year. Thia is a rare opportunity for for sale at cost.
hill Reporter did themselves consult him, it will cost you nothing
getting the beet weekly paper west of
Minnie Techau formerly of credit in the publication of a unless he treats you and cures you.
the Rocky mountains free.
This is no humbug.
this city is now Mrs. G- E. Ell- fine New Year number.
Occidental Lodge, No. 30, I. O. O.
The firemens fair will be Feb­ ist of Portland.
F., will have an an installation and
Salem Stnteaman
supper, at Garrison Opera house,
ruary 22d.
A brother of Mr. Bergevan is
Thursday evening, January 13th,
Choral Union meet this eve- visiting from Marion county, a
1887. All members of the order and
sue New Year week. Reflects their
families, are cordially invited, al­
ing at the residence of Hon. sufferer from dropsy.
so all parties receiving invitations
Wm. Campbell.
A. J. Nelson is on a visit to ing publishers.
signed by a member of the order. An
interesting programme will be ar­
John. W. Baker is going across his daughter, Mrs. G. W. Hun­
Dalia. Itemizer.
the line for six weeks, for his saker, at Scio, Linn county.
“Yamhill county against the John J. Sax has -his chop mill in
health, into Washington terri­ That “zinc’ over at Hodsons
running order, and will chop feed for
world,” shouted our devil as he $2
per ton. If this does not suit the
is galvanized iron. But as we caught sight of the large New customer
call and get a special rate.
It tyas .6000 bushels of wheat, had limited experience in such
Year edition of the Yamhill Re­ Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a
mostly owned by Gilson Bros. matters the error was natural.
few day boarders. Three gentlemen
porter, and well he might for it can
be furnished with rooms. Cor­
Hon. Wm. Galloway took at 79 The ladies Guild of the Episco­
was a 64-column issue chock full ner of Third and H streets, last house
cents sacked.
pal Church , will meet at the of Yamhill county, and all about on the right before crossing railroad
V The finder of a red silk hand­ cheerful cottage home of Mrs. it. Shake, Brothers.
Advertisments, etc., intended for
kerchief, lost in this city yester-, Jas. Turner to-morrow’ p. m. at
in The Weekly Reporter
The job department of the must be handed
in Tuesday morning.
day, will be thankfully rewarded the usual hour.
deviate from this
on leaving it at this office.
A disastrous wreck occurred
W. F. Collard is pronounced off the coast of Virginia Sunday, fullest capacity. Our kind friends Bring on your job work. We are
by sportsmen one of the very but as there are so many disas­ throughout the county have long now prepared to do job work in the
and most approved style of the
best meohanics for handling fire trous wrecks occuring now off since recognized the superior latest
arms. His choke boring is a the coast of Oregon, we really printing emanating from the Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
Reporter office as surpassing in in McMinnville and at McMinnville
big success.
cannot devote time and space to
workmanship and neatness any­ college. Residence corner of Second
Prof. Jordan took charge of ‘ disasters so far from home.
and C Streets.
the principal room at the Public Our Literary Editor is over­ thing produced jn the northwest.
school in this citv yesterday. run with questions to be answer­ One individual order of 2,000 First National Bank,
He has the appearance and the ed. Here is one which serves letter heads and 1,000 bill heads
experience of a competent teach­ as sample: Q. Who was the was filled, and is now’ in the
------ OFFICERS :------
author of the quotation : he
J acob W ortman ......... ;....... President
Hon. W. D. Fenton and J. E. laughed so heartily that he burst hours after being received, Re- I). P. T hompson ,.*
ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
Magers joined the third house ! his jocular vein ?” A. Mrs. Part­ ceipt books, lodge books, envel­
a General Banking buaineaa.
opes, opera house coupons, and Transact*
at Salem last evening. They ington, of course.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
made on favorable terms.
were transported by rail to In­ One year ago last mouth the letter heads are constantly tak­ Collection«
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers
dependence, thence by steamer. weather was so beautiful in this ing their turn on our lightning on New York, Nan Francisco and Portland.
Dr. II. V. V. Johnson met city that a silly butterfly ventur- presses, while five employes en­ Office hours—from V a. tn. to 4 p. in.
with a painful accident Satur­ ■ ed from its chrysalis and flitted deavor to keep pace with the FIRE INSURANCE.
day by cutting his left thumb a about our office window; was it machinery. A large invoice of
following sterling compan­
deep gash with his knife while captured and sent to Vermont as printers stationary will soon be ies: Ixmdon the
A Liverpool A Globe, North
British A Mercantile. Commercial Union
taking up some plants in his a trophy. Last week a similar on hand, and as for competition, Fire
Association, German Amerioan, Firo-
’H Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
be it Tom, Dick or Harry, the man
garden. He officiated at St. incident occurred in Portland.
Nevada, Htato Investment.
James church, however, on Sun­ The Dalles Itemizer says : publishers of the Reporter defy Wheat insurance a specialty.
day, and will in a few days be Our young townsman, Otho it, and will place better work on
able to “pail the cow” as before. Williams, has bought out the the market at lower rates than Watch This Art Gallery.
The Corvallis Gazette says two tailoring establishment of A. M. any responsible printing estab­
young men by the name of Row­ Taggart, McMinnville. Mr. Wil­ lishment outside of Portland. A
land came up from McMinnville liams has been in the employ of word to the wise, etc. We are
last week for a hunting and fish­ Taggart for some time, and is not talking to hear our own mu­
ing expedition on Mary’s river. known among McMinnville peo­ sic. Drop in and see for your­
They had a complete outfit, con­ ple as a good workman. We selves, Selah!
sisting of a boat, fishing tackle, wish him every success in the
Says the Astorian: The Ida­
guns, traps and camping equip­ world.
ho came in from the North yes­
age and were prepared in every
It is reported that a 17-year- terday and fired an arrival gun
way to “make fur fly.”
old daughter of Mr. Hess, resid­ that made an unusually loud re­
C. W. Talmage has placed us ing near Newberg, Yamhill port. There is never any trouble
under obligation to him for a county, committed suicide by in learning the exact timeof the
fine mess of fresh lettuce, just drowing herself. The girl had Idaho’s arrival. Whenever there
plucked from his garden January threatened several times to take sounds a report that shakes the
10th, 1886. This is truly a land her life, but gave no reason glass in the windows and sends
To Bishop & Kay s we go
of almost perpetual spring. therefor, She was in good health the mute little fishes in deadly with a wish to ger first choice
There are yet plenty of opportu­ and had just finished a day’s fear to the bottom of the stream, of Holiday Furnishing Good«.
nities open to the home-seekers, washing before starting for the then it is a dead sure thing tlmt Neck ware and Suspenders,
and men of means, of energy river, We are without particu- the Alaska steamer is ferninst and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
the city.
and push.
bottom prices.
* ■
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