« The Dally Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. .PUBLISHERS. Suto.criptinu Kutr». By Carrier per week............................. 10 oent« (Payable on BatardH.v.) Single Copy............................................ 2 “ By Mail tOcenU per Month (In Advance.) Hate* tor AdvertItliiK Will lw made aatrnfactory to nil appliofintn. McMinnville, Or. Jan. 11. 1887 A Business Session. MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Parke isn’t so hard on The introduction of soap, it is the northwest as the threat of said, is doing much to civilize ten days ago lead us to suppose the people of the Holy Land. he would be. He worms him­ A large soap factory has been es­ self into a hole, and then pulls tablished on the site of ancient the hole in after him, by saying Shechem, and the people are be- Headquarters for he has no peronal grudge against gining to use it on their persons i____ FANtëY Maj. Jones, but that he could instead of trying to eat it as STARLi AND not approve a plan for work they did at first. Along with from an officer whose adminis­ the introduction of soap other trative skill, capacity and ability reforms are going on. Bethle­ are not satisfactory to him. hem has been rebuilt and the Capt Powell, he says, has had streets are lighted with gas. more experience in this kind of Ceseriea is having a building work, and for this and other boom. Nazareth is becoming reasons is eminently more quali­ the headquarters of big olive oil fied than Maj. Jones for a worki speculators. Corner lots in General Merchandise. of such magnitude. He is very Joppa are going up with a rush, anxious to be understood, as be­ 1 and real estate in Mount Carmel Sole Agent for the Celebrated ing more friendly to the Pacific 1 is largely held by speculators northwest than even our own for an advance. All around delegation in congress; but the J Shechem there is a lively de­ r> absurdity of this proposition is mand for good soap fat, and the its own refutation, to say noth- sleepy inhabitants of Ramoth ingof his acts which jeopardized (Gilead think of building a glue federal appropriations, so very factory. Jerusalem is waking up Assortment of these Popular Good« much needed here. 'also. It has a street cleaning DRÏ ft is thought by al) who have a thought to bestow upon the subject, that the present session of the assembly, now convened at Salem, is to be a business ses­ sion. There is no question con­ cerning the choice of a United States senator to agitate the minds of the law-makers. For the first time in several years the legislative and executive de­ partments of the state govern­ ment are representatives of op­ posing political ideas. This fact will put the law-making power on their good behavior. Their ZJV ALL THE LATEST W. II Watkimls ha» a com-:u- big cl°cks on itS I,ublic enactments will be scanned by a NOVELTIES, NEW buildings, and its suburbs are critical eye, and fkerhaps the mission as collector of customs being built up rapidly. Even AMD DESIRA­ constitutional prerogative of the for the Osooyoos district. Now' in the vale of Gehenna the price BLE COLOR­ veto will be interposed often. if Noltner could be sent as envoy of land has gone up. . The ladies minister Jerusalem take all the Paris­ The session should be marked by extraordinary and i______ INGS, ,c ian fashion journals and know a careful review of defective en­ plenipotentiary to Kaw'shalka JUST RECEIVED. ¿all the latest style of hair dress­ actments and the incorporation it is suggested that the last of • ing __ into the body of the laws such the democratic wheel horses of I Please Call and Examine. v *» I Services every evening this amendments as observation ami note in this state would be eom- W hat we G uarantee experience show to be necessary. ortably adjusted to federal har- week at the C. P. church. i - Especial care should be taken to I,08S‘ > Sidney Field sends us greet- FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. avoid, as far as possible, the per- Wonder if it isn’t a "Jim j^g ; from our old Woverine nicious custom of special legis­ Cummings” who is writing1 home new’ Year Day. He sends lation, whether in the direction about the Mickel affair over the regards to many old Michigan To be made from the very best ma­ friends and school mates in this terial, by skillful workmen, with the of private franchises, or other­ nom de plume of Mike. His ' vicinity. latest and most approved machinery, wise. (iov. Pennoyer will want gab may lead to a thread which and to be the cheapest goods in the Bom. to make his record as much up­ may unravel the mystery of market when service is considered. on the legislation which he ap­ old man Mickel’s disappearance To the wife of W. E. Martin, Are so thoroughly finished that they proves as upon that to which he from Portland on the 4th of at the home of Uncle Richard can be worn in damp weather, or in a Cook, a daughter, weight eight shower, without fear of being ruined shall oiler the executive objec­ December. pounds. Mother and child do­ by curling or shrinking. tion. The republican legislators On joint ballot there is 17 re­ ing well. will make their record upon the publican majority in the Oregon The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ legislation projected and offered assembly. The senate stands 19 Notice ol Co-Partnership. ishing is done in such a manner, that as much as upon that which republican and 11 democratic; Having entered into Co-PartnerHhip with the goods can be washed if desired without the least injury to fabric. D. M. Caldwell, in the passes the final test of approval. the house has 34 republicans FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. Our goods are wool dyed, and colors Thus both sides will be put to and 27 democrats. In Shobe'n building, opposite the Poet office as fast as the purest dyes and greatest their best, and the prospect the firm will be known as COLuARD A Which one? The Vindicator CALDWELL. care and skill can make them. favors the people. says that W. 8. Ladd has given Tlr. Caldwell will attend to Goods show just what they are and The editor of an exchange up the bore on his well as a fail­ the wants «»f the public. will be until worn out, as there is no All aalee will be for cash at bed rk prioee. weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ says: "The longer we run a ure. Order« delivered to anv part of the city fre< tre used to increase the weight or fin­ J. .1. OOLLA RD. newspaper and write about peo­ Robert J. Marsh is now the of extra charge. D. M. CALDWELL. ish ; as is the case with a large class of ple and events, the more we re­ sole proprietor of the Dalles MoMinnville, Or., Dec. 27th, 1886. * » goods in the market, but which disap­ alize how utterly impossible it is Sun, one of our very best Inland pears after a few days’ service. to scratch every man where he Empire exchanges. As manufacturers we have taken itches the most.’’ great pains to supply an article in The Murat Halstead and Hen­ every way reliable, and unsurpassed The Statesman thinks that no ry Watterson political combina­ by similar goods, either foreign or do­ good woman, well known in Sa­ tion is emphetieally denied. mestic, and would respectfully ask an lem or elsewhere, who would examination of.the various styles and A fine string of brook trout make a good clerk, .should be shades to be found on sale by mer­ pushed out merely because were caught in the mill ereek at chants who are agents for the goods. Sheridan last Saturday. she is a woman." Of course not; All goods of our manufacture should who ever supported such a prop­ bear the name and trade mark of Dr. J. A. White has sold the HENDERSON BROS., osition? That isn’t the ques­ Oregon city Enterprise to E. M. Ample room to care for home*. Livery B roadhead W orsted M ills , iMtu.i at a« reasonable raiee «« any where in j Rands. tion liefore the house at all. Oregon. New stable Third St.. McMinnville. Jamestown, N. Y. J I . Gil ■ • < i . -------------------- O-------------------- ■ ■ ~ n . i u , Broadhead. * * * Dress. Goods * . i . ill ; ... . , .t;_________ < I I City Stables ■■■■I ——— t i