The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 10, 1887, Image 3

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    Th© Daily Reporter.
M. Tnderwood wants a No. 1
fresh milch cow. Jersey pre­
Hon. T. B. Henderson of
McMinnville, Or. - - Jan. 10. 1887
Amitv called vesterdav on his
way home from Lafayette.
Any person sending us four aub-
The locks and water power at
sribers for one year each,with $6.00 in Oregon city have passed into
cash, will receive an extra copy for one
year. This is a rare opportunity for the hands of a syndicate, which
getting the best weekly pa|»er west of will prove to be a boon to west­
the Rocky mountains free.
ern Oregon.
County Court Matters.
The wav to build a citv is to
build it, and not wait for the
In the matter of the estate of spirit to move us. Let us mark
Henry C. Baker, hearing of final ac­ the progress of this year with
count was set for March Sth.
something substantial in Mc­
In the matter of the estate of Minnville.
Henry Warren deceased, sale of real
Hibbs was sentenced to a
estate set aside, and re-sale ordered.
term of five years. This was a
Second semi-annual account approved.
In the matter of the finel estate of forced put nearly ; as the judge
gave the jury to understand
J. D. Fenton, final account allowed.
In the matter of the estate of Henry that a verdict of guilty must be
Simmons, final account allowed.
had. As the Telegram says :• It
In the matter of the estate of A. I*. will tend to justify the British
Wolsey deceased, March 8th fixed for
government for refusing extra­
proof of will to be heard.
dition to criminals of his class
In the matter of the petition of O. hereafter. The case will be no­
and P. Turner, et. al., J. W. Cook, table in the judicial annals of
Geo. W. Olds, and B. F. Fuller were the country as being one of
appointed viewers, to meet nt Bellevue much ado about nothing.
store. Jan. 13th, at 10 a. in.
Albany has been celebrating
S. Potter, M. Mulky and H.S. Jones for something these five years
were appointed on the petition of P.
R. Fendall, et. al., to meet at Sheridan past. Her latest was the junc­
tion of the OPR with OCR at
Jan. 14th.
that point. The approach of
Road Supervisors for 1887.
the train from Yaquina was
Following is a list oi the toad super­ ¡jfreeted by cheers, waving of
visors appointed by the county court handkerchiefs, and inspiring
for the year 1887 :
music by the band. Mayor
1. T McGrubbs 26. CVKuvkendall
Weatherford delivered an ad­
5. H C Burns
27. C W Tustin
6. J J Henderson29. W Merchant jdress of welcome, which was re-
7. J Lambright 30. Philip Mesner
i sponded to by Vice President
32. W H Miller
8. Jas. Agee
9. Geo W Olds 33. N C Morris
I W allis Nash. The draw-bridge
34. B F Huston
10. Jos Todd
¡was formally opened, and citiz­
11. Thus Arthur 35. Ed Huston
12. Jack Agee
37. P A Bates
ens invited to a free ride over
13. Frank Stout 38. W F Balston
the new road to Corvallis. Many
14. J J Johnson 39. C W Tolson
40. Geo Nutter
availed themselves of the oppor­
15. F L Little
16. T B Robertson41. W D Parker
18. E P Wallace 45. T D Henderson
19. John Highfield46. J D Mouttyou
21. W F Coulter 47. M. Lee
2Î. J W Lambert 48. Da Blood
24. Wm Spaulding49. Wm Wess
Vacancies appearing in the above
list will be filled on the 24th, to which
day the court adjourned.
C. Symons made a flying trip
to Portland on Saturday.
Senator J. II. D. Grav, of As-
toria, has more territory at his
back than any other senator in
The firemans fair will be on
the 22d. A meeting of the en­
tire department is called for to­
morrow evening.
Ed. W. Fuller and Geo. Hap-
persett have purchased the rink
in this city. They are well
stocked with skates.
Hon. Wm. Galloway bought
Gibson Bros, wheat on Saturday,
about 1,000 bushels, paying
therefor 79 cents sacked.
A Tramp's Philosophy.
Iv'e been ’round this country from , No one deserves the least sympathy
for suffering from piles when he can
Texas to Maine,
be cured by calling on l)r. Taylor at
And mostly with narv a red ;
the otfce of Dr. Johnson. Without ad­
I've walked it for miles in the wettest ! ditional pain, without the use of the
of rain,
knife or chloroform, and if the cure is
And slept on a board for a bed.
not complete and satisfactory, no
If you can't accept these
But I’ve learnt a few comforting facts
terms you ought to suffer.
by the way.
Will remain a few days. Irving
While living this queer life of mine,
White, the popular repairers will
And the principal one of the lot, let
here for a few davs only to
me say,
give those who desire to have their
Is “it’s better to whistle than whine.’’ Pianos, Organs or Sewing Machines,
I know that winter's a cornin' on fast ; tuned, cleaned or repaired by first
I'm aware that a home 1 ain't got; class workmen. These gentlemen
have had twenty years practical expe­
I see the clothes I'm wearin won’t last. rience in their business. Satisfaction
Till I reach a more torrider spot.
guaranteed. No money required until
But nobody yet has discovered in me parties have had time to test work
and are satisfied. They will do work
Anxiety’s tiniest sign ;
by the “live and let live” rule. Give
And it’s jest ’cause I learnt in my them a trial. We can vouch for them
youth don’t you see
that they are realiable and will do as
That “it’s better to whistle than they agree.
Advertisments, etc., intended for
in The Weekly Reporter
It strikes me somehow that it’s
in Tuesday morning.
mighty durn queer
deviate from this
That fellers much wiser than me
Ke4p kickin' because this terrestial
Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a
few day hoarders. Three gentlemen
Ain’t jest what they want it to be. can be furnished with nx»ms. Cor­
Their parents have filled them with ner of Third and H streets, last house
Latin and Greek,
on the right before crossing railroad
But their logic ain’t equal to mine, track.
Miss Belle Johnsdn, teacher of music
Or else they would know every day in
in McMinnville and at McMinnville
the week
That ‘‘it’s better to whistle than college. Residence corner of Second
and C Streets.
Bring on your job work. We are
—Merchant Traveler.
now prepared to do job work in the
latest and most approved style of the
The tax levy in Yamhill coun­ art.
ty for the current year has been
fixed at 13.7-20 mills, per dollar.
This is less than the levy for First National Bank,
1886; a gradual reduction.
------ OFFICERS :------
Gold is pouring in from Eu­
J acob W ortman .................... President
rope as if the yellow metal were D. P. T hompson ............ Vice-president
anxious for intimate relations J oin W ortman ....................... Cashier
a General Banking business.
with our bright and beautiful Transacts
Interest allowed on time deposits.
white dollars. “In God we trust” Collections made on favorable terms.
Sight Exchange »nd Telegraphic Trunsfeii
that this influx will not make on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
Office hours—from It a. m. to I p. in.
the monometallists weary.
The old misers of the east com­ FIRE INStiRANCE.
menced dying off last year. The
first of the crop of 1887 is report­ Represents the following sterling compan­
London A Liverpool A Globe, North
ed at Philadelphia. Jo Perry | ies:
British A Mercantile. Commercial Union
Fire Association. German American, Fire­
and Bob Price, cousins, 75 years I man's
Fund, Hartford. Commercial, Angle
Nevada, State investment.
When Gen. Manteuffel in
Wheat insurance a apeoialty.
1866 levied a contribution of
25,000,000 florins $10,000,000 on $100,600 to $250,000. Both died Watch This Art Gallery.
Frankfort Baron Rothschild was hungry. Bob didn’t leave so
indignant and demanded: “Does much as Jo.
The Grand Army of the Re­
your excellency realize the full
meaning of the word million? public has taken hold of the
Has your excellency ever seen a Mormon question vigorously.
million of money ?” The gen­ The local posts of the GAR in
eral was nonplussed, as indeed, Utah have issued appeals to the
he had never seen such a sum order throughout the country,
at once, and to get out of the setting forth that the Mormons
pickle he altogether remitted the are greater enemies of our re­
contribution. Frankfort here­ public than were even the rebels
after always considered Roth- of’61, and that they are at en­
child “a bigger man’’ than Man­ mity with American institutions,
teuffel. Once before that Gen. hostile to our flag and opposed
Falkenstein made an assessment • to our government. The recent
To Bishop & Ktiys vp go
of $2,280,000 upon the city, encampment at San Francisco
passed resolutions calling upon with a wish to get first choice
and sent two soldiers, with a congress
to pass the Edmunds- of Holiday Furnishing Goods.
wheelbarrow to fetch it. He was Tin ker bill or some other equal­ Neck ware and Suspenders,
much surprised to learn that ly strigent law to curb the rapid­ and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
that sum of money weighed ly increasing power and hostility bottom prices.
of the Mormon church.
about fifty tons.