MISCELLANEOUS. The above named persons having I also urged that he ought to lay out and start a town at once, as in my by agreement met one day at my D. C. IREI.AND A CO. 1‘IBI.ISHERS. judgment it was very possible to house to locate the grounds for the Subscript leu Male*. make it the focal point of interest and o contemplated “college” and with an ax and stake in my hands, we all By Carrier per week............................ 10 oents business in the county. (Payable on Satorday.) I well remember the incredueous started out in an easterly direction, as Hingis Copy.......................................... 2 “ By Mail 10 oenta per Month (In Advance.) smile with which my suggestion was the high ground in that direction ap­ Headquarters for received, although he stated that if I peared moat desirable. But Mr. Newby Hale» tor Adverti*i Will be made aatlafaotory to all applicant)«. was disposed to start the town and en­ hung back a little and seemed quite deavor to build it up, that he woul< reluctant to proceeding in that direc­ tion and smilingly and rather blush- McMinnville, Or. • - J hii . 10, 1887 donate me with a half block of land. I immediately accepte«! his offer, ingly «aid : “Well gentleman, if you PIONEER DAY8. and began to prepare the material for all say you want it out there and a small dwelling, at my ranch on must have it out there, its al! right, Reoollactions of a Pioneer—Founding Panther creek, above and adjoining and you shall have it just where you of McMinnville. say. But if the town should ever the claim of Doc. Sutton. Ed itors lteportsr. With some assistance from Wilson amount to anything it might inter­ Home friend has kindly sent me a Carl, I completed my house and mov­ fere with the future growth of the -------- AN copy of your very excellent paper, and ed into it in the spring of 1855, if I place. And if the town never amounts I have perused it. advertisements remember correctly. to anything, the five acres out yonder, General Merchandise and all, with peculiar and deep inter­ would almost spoil my future wheat E. G. Edson was then living in the --------- o--------- est. “Millers house’’ on the mill lot. with field. Now it would suit me much As my eye fell upon many of the 1 whom I boarded, while erecting my betfer if you would locate the lot on Sole Agent for the Celebrated familiar names, connected with the',, .muse. His house was subsequently the south boundary of my claim early days of “old Yamhill,’’ and the' owned and occupied bv Win. Camp­ down towards Mr. Cozines place.” founding of McMinnville, memory bell. Fully appreciating his view of the was crowded with many fond recol­ My house was located near a large matter, and not wishing to examine a lections of the days of “ancatta” and and grand oak. and before any sur- gift horse too closely, I persuaded the of the beginning days and events of , Vey had been made, or the points of others to turn to the south and locate your young and prosperous city. compass correctly determined : so the site where it interfered the least, In reading over the ads, in the Re- that with the best “guessing” I cotlld either with the future town or Mr. Assortment of these Popular Goods porter, which indicates the business, do, the east end of my house was some Newby’s wheat field. IN ALL THE LATEST th? pros]»erity, and the interest now two or three feet south of a due east When we arrived at the place NOVELTIES, NEW centering in McMinnville and cluster-(line. It was a “one story’’ affair 16x26, which is now the north line of the old ing around it. I involuntarily fell into with a “lean-to" or shed on the back “college lot,” I stepped off’ 60 feet AND DESIRA­ the reflection mood when, like Ossian side, some eight feet in width. from a line running south on the east BLE COLOR­ In the spring of 1855, my wife made ine of my block, and drove a stake “Thought of former years, glide o’er my soul, like swift shooting meteors a visit on horseback to some one of our for the N. W. corner of the college INGS, ' o’er Ardvens gloomy vale." ¡neighbors (Mrs. Newby, perhaps') and grounds. That stake was driven with­ JUST RECEIVED. And memory is busy with the inter- her cuitan being constitutionally tired out any reference to the two or three : esting review of the kaleidoscopic she broke a good sized “gad" from a Mocks already surveyed, except for! Please Call and Examine. scenes and incidents of the long dis-j silver tree at the neighbors house in the 60 feet roadway referred to. tant past, which is variegated ' ‘ with order to stimulate the movements of The college’ building was erected W hat we G uarantee «lark and sugny spots, so common to her weary animal towards home, On that summer, by the contributions of this everchanging life. her arrival home, the “gad" was its founders which were mostly con­ THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR There are few persons living perhaps, thrown down upon the ground, but fined to the persons above named; MANUFACTURE. who are as familiar with the incidents the next day, well knowing that Ore- when I became its “president,” its •.......................... •............... connected with the founding, and i gon soil ami moisture could make corps of “professors” and “Faculty” To be made from the very best ma­ early days of your thriving town, as most any thing grow, she stuck the for about one year. The college fever terial, by skillful workmen, with the the man who strove the first stake of crooked limb down «ieep into the having measurably diet! away, I was latest and most approved machinery, the town survey, built the first house moist ground beside our front door, authorized to negotiate a transfer of and to be the cheapest goods in the on the first block surveyed, and was ami that is the origin «>f the large the grounds, building and institu­ market when service is considered. the first resident of the new town. silver tree now standing in front of’ tion to the Baptist church, upon the Are so thoroughly finished that they The race from Bakers creek to the first house built in the original condition that that body would guar­ “Cozines creek” dug by W. T. Newby town plat of your young city. antee to keep up the school with at can be worn in damp weather, or in a and E. G. Edson, an the mill, with its That same summer or fall A. S. least one competent professor, and i 1 shower, without fear of being ruined “23 foot overshot wheel” in 1851 and Watts, Esq.; was employe«! to survey with a corps of teachers, commensu- by curling or shrinking. 2, if memory serves me correctly, and off’ a few blocks, am! when he came rate with the demands of the institu- The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ while Mr. Newby lived on the eastern over with his compass and chain, Mr. tion. This, so far as I now remember,1 ishing is done in such a manner, that side of his claim near the timber, Mr. Newby informed me that I could they have faithfully done. the goods can be washed if desired Edson lived in a small white house drive a stake wherever I pleased, for How well I remember the horse back without the least injury to fabric. on the bank not far from the mill, of the N. E. corner of my block, and he ride, and the interesting incidents Our goods are wool dyed, and colors wh ieh he was the chief miller. would begin the survey from that connected with it, which I made to as fast as the purest dyes and greatest A beautiful grove of oaks just east stake. I then had an incipient pur- the Soda springs near Lebanon, on I care and skill can make them. of the mill, while a large expanse of poae of erecting a “store" at some fu­ the Santiam, where the Baptist asso­ Goods show just what they are and virgin prairie stretched away to the ture lime, on the corner of my block, ciation was being held, ami the con­ will be until worn out, as there is no east war«! and northward. ference and arrangements made with so I went out far enough for that pur­ I remember very distinctly the first pose, an«! drove the first stake exactly the staunch and representative men weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ suggestion that was made, of starting where the N. E. corner of my store of that body,through the assistance of tre used to increase the weight or fin­ a town in connection with the mill was afterwards erected. my old-time and beloved friend,Henry ish ; as is the case with a large class of goods in the market, but which disap­ upon that prairie, so “beautiful for Very soon thereafter, Dr. McBride, Warren. situation," which happened in this Win. Dawson, Mr. Newby anti myself 1 can still see in vivid memory the pears after a few days’ service. wise. ' forme«! the project of founding a “col­ bright ami rosy countenances of the As manufacturers we have taken Boon after harvest in 1854, I think, lege” in McMinnville, ami the idea be-1 many boys and girls, a* they came great pains to supply an article in I took a load of wheat to the mill, to coming contagious, it was not long from the sca^tere«! and distant cabins every way reliable, and unsurpassed exchange for Hour at the rate «if 40 lbs until every “city" of two or three near the timber, across the virgin and by similar goods, either foreign or do­ of flour for GO 11 m » of g«s>d wheat. houses in the territory, l>egan the unobstructed prairie to the new “col­ mestic, and would respectfully ask an While making the exchange 1 re­ erection of its “own college" which in lege.” Their names are still engraven examination of the various styles and marked to Mr. Newby that the vacant due course of time was to rival either on the tablets of memory. I could shades to be found on sale by mer­ give the names of those who stood chants who are agents for the goods. prairie stretching away to the east of Hailfort! or Yale. the mill, ottered many inducements Mr. Newby, with his usual public at my knee, and obtained their knowl­ All goods of our manufacture should and advantages for a new town. A i spirit, offered to donate five acres of edge of the alphabet, and who now- bear the name and trade mark of town that would be mon* central for I laml for the oobege site an«! grounds, are perhaps husbands and mothers, the oountv and easier of access than l to be selected and located wherever an«! pillars in society, and perhaps B roadhead W orsted M iles . either Dayton or l^afayette. the others desired to have it. Coutinasd on 4th page Jamestown, N. Y. The Daily Reporter, RM AND FANCY DRY Broaâhead * * * * Dress Goods 9 I